Author has written 7 stories for Inuyasha, X-Men: The Movie, Dragon Age, and Harry Potter.
I've been on FF since 2005, and had many stories on here. They're all gone, and they shall stay that way. I worked under a different pen-name too, which was SessObsessed... as you can guess, all of my stories were Inuyasha. Just recently... I changed my name from Vanna Tove to what it is now, Zinala. I've always been unsure of whether I liked my pseudonym here or not, but hopefully this one will stick.
I currently have no active stories.
Favorite FF Authors? If you're on this list, consider yourself lucky. This means I've read a number of your works and find your writing and plots to be very enjoyable. It's not very easy to impress me in that regard, as it seems most people forfeit any semblance of a good story simply because it's fan fiction. But I digress.
Favorite FF Stories? These are simply stories I enjoyed, or that for some reason or another, wish to remember, so I put them on this list. This doesn't necessary that the writing is grand, but I can find joy in even some mindless stories. No need to get so serious.
Favorite Pairings? In the last year, my fandom has widened vastly. I used to only read from Inuyasha, then X-Men and then Teen Titans. And that was all for a while. Not the case anymore...
Teen Titans: Beast Boy/Raven. I'm open to Raven paired with some of the random guys that have been throughout the show, but generally, this is the only real pairing I read in this fandom.
X-Men: Rogue/Gambit! By far my favorite, but I also enjoy Rogue/Wolverine fics and sometimes Rogue/Pyro.
Sky High: Warren/Layla ...it's my guilty pleasure! And also the only stories I'll read for Sky High
Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru/Rin. I only read stories centered around this pairing.
Avatar: the Last Airbender: Zuko/Toph is by far my favorite (when she's older, of course) and I generally only read fics centering around them, but I have been known to read some for the other main pairings. And Zuko/Katara, but there has to be a good reason for her separation from Aang (like death or something)
Dragon Age: I like a wide array of stories in this. I'll probably read anything in it, but I really like Zevran, so Zevran/F!Warden, Leliana/F!Warden...but I really read just about every pairing possible. And as for DA2 I love me some Fenris/F!Hawke and Merrill/F!Hawke...and Anders too x] Haha...
Mass Effect: Mostly Garrus/FemShep, but I read a few others too. Such as : Jack/Shepard, Miranda/Shepard, Liara/FemShep, Thane/FemShep, Tali/Sheploo (Male Shepard). So most of the companions I dig ;]
Harry Potter: Ron/Hermione, Scorpius/Rose, Bellatrix/Sirius (it's fiction people, get over it) Luna/Neville and Luna/Draco are my favorites, but I also read some George/Luna (mainly because I love Luna!) and maybe a few random pairings if the story seems really good. Know that Luna is my ship bicycle more or less, I'll read almost any pairing if Luna is one half of it.
I'll read just about any pairing in any of my fandoms if the summary draws me in. The writing, more so than the characters, are what make for great stories. So I try not to dismiss something just because I don't particularly fancy the couple.
Title: Under the Moonlight
Fandom: Inuyasha; Rin/Sesshoumaru
Rating: K; G
Status: One-Shot; Complete
Summary: Rin and Sesshoumaru under the nights sky. Written as a reply to a challenge on a different site.
Comments: Yes, yes, I know there could have been more. But guess what... there isn't. I wanted it simple and short. Though it probably is too simple and too short. Whatever.
Title: Set the Night on Fire
Fandom: X-Men; Rogue/Pyro
Rating: M; R
Status: One-Shot; Complete
Summary: 'Momma always told me not to play with fire.' Rogue, now fully in control of her mutation, sees an old buddy at a bar. She can't help but to act on her old desires for him, and indulge in a little walk on the wild side.
Comments: Yea, Ryro. Uhh, never written a story of this nature and actually have the balls to post it. Oh, and I will post a second chapter in Pyro's POV sometime soon, but still it's listed as complete.
Title: Only a Moment
Fandom: Dragon Age 2; F!Hawke/Fenris
Rating: T; PG-13
Status: One-Shot; Complete
Summary: The pathetic slouch to her form was disconcerting; they had always thought Hawke to be hard as stone, unmovable. But even she breaks at the realization of being alone. Fenris/F!Hawke. Spoilers for a few key parts, so read at your own risk.
Comments: It seems kinda choppy to me, but there was one part that I just wrote in my head and I couldn’t seem to get it perfect. I know Hawke seems to be blabbering and not really making sense in terms of going off on some issues past. But this is what happens when someone is under emotional distress…I just hope my readers get that like I do.
Title: Becoming a Weasley
Fandom: Harry Potter; Hermione/Ron
Rating: K; G
Status: One-Shot; Complete
Summary: Hermione's musings when she receives her very first Weasley jumper.
Comments: It's a very short drabble and I fear it may be a little out of character, but I'm not really sure. This just came of my desire to see a story in which she gets a Weasley jumper of her own.
Title: By Her Side
Fandom: Harry Potter; Luna/Draco
Rating: K+; PG
Status: One-Shot; Complete
Summary: Draco is feeling out of place, until Luna comes along and gives him somewhere to be. By her side.
Comments: It may be a bit OOC towards the end, but I always fear I do that. It's meant to be implied that the two will later have a romantic relationship, but that is still wholly up to the reader.
Title: A Little Bit Loony
Fandom: Harry Potter; Luna/Draco
Rating: T; PG-13
Status: Chaptered; In Progress
Summary: She had a way of doing this to him. Making him feel a little bit loony.
Comments: This is a companion/continuation to my one-shot, By Her Side. It's my first chaptered work in quite some time, so be easy on me. I only expect it will be a few chapters, but we never know where things will go.
Title: Must be the Wrackspurts
Fandom: Harry Potter; Luna/Neville
Rating: PG; K+
Status: One-Shot; Complete
Summary: Right after the battle, Luna and Neville have a moment together. Luna must have a bad case of wrackspurts.
Comments: A short little one-shot. One chapter is Luna's point of view, and the other is from Neville's.
NOTE: I deleted Dreamworld and Silver Lining as I have no time for updating them lately. I do intend to return to them, though and post them when I have more done and more time. Sorry for those who read it.
If you really want to talk to me and get to know me, I'm not adverse to that. I'm just trying my hand at anonymity a bit as I usually am all out there with who I am. Haha