Author has written 234 stories for Dark Angel, Alias, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Wire in the Blood, O.C., X-Men: The Movie, Smallville, Firefly, Harry Potter, Misc. Books, ER, Sky High, Jake 2.0, Misc. Tv Shows, Mummy, Penelope, Heroes, Push, Misc. Movies, Veronica Mars, Dawson's Creek, Mansfield Park, Step Up, Downton Abbey, Men In Black, Revenge, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Web Shows, Lord of the Rings, Swallows and Amazons series, Lawless, Musketeers, Thor, Mentalist, Into the Woods, Gotham, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nashville, Mythology, Avengers, Person of Interest, Spy, Scorpion, NCIS: Los Angeles, Sue Thomas: FB Eye, Sherlock, Little Women, Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Poldark, Incredibles, Monarch of the Glen, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, Mary Poppins, Pitch Perfect, Hobbit, Enchanted, Tangled, StarTrek: Enterprise, Sanditon, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Fairy Tales, Friends, and Batman. Some of my fanfic is not available here (nothing to do with the ratings, it's issues of form - dialogue only/script-style fics, second person POV pieces, snippets of fics, fairy tales and RPF) but can be found elsewhere - I'm profshallowness at Livejournal and shallowness at Dreamwidth and Archive of our Own). I'm into a lot of fandoms and pairings, as you can see from the fics I've written and that I've recced. As a writer, I welcome any kind of feedback, including constructive criticism. As a reader, I warmly welcome correct punctuation, spelling and grammar. Please think of it as a kindness to me and other potential readers to spell check your fic and find a beta reader to look it over. Also, unless if you see a second chapter posted (and then I will note when a piece is completed) my stories are standalones. I'm a firm believer that a story is as long as it needs to be. By 'drabble', I mean a piece of 100 words and by 'double drabble', I mean a piece of 200 words, though I tend to depend on Microsoft Word to count on my behalf. |