However, the more I thought about it, the less I wanted to write ten chapters of deconstruction of the Beren and Luthien story; a story that I don't actually like in any way. And the more it became obvious that Oak and Willow - the story of Celeborn and Galadriel, how they met and fell in love, despite cultural clashes and racial distrust - had actually come to a natural close when they became betrothed.
Therefore what I decided to do was to end OW with Celeborn proposing and being accepted, and to start a new story later to cover the exciting events of the end of the First Age - Carcharoth, the great wolf in Doriath, the Silmaril, the Dwarves, the attack of the Sons of Feanor, the War of Wrath, and Celeborn and Galadriel finally getting around to getting married.
That way I can cover all the parts of the Age which I find interesting, while neatly getting rid of what was going to be ten chapters of ghastliness in the middle of the story.
I will post the missing chapter under the title 'Those who Loved Luthien', so you can see what it was like. And I will start the follow on story with the (to my mind much more interesting) topic of Celeborn versus Carcharoth ;)
I apologise for being so confusing. Thank you to everyone who's enjoyed this story so much, and prodded me so often for more. I'm sorry that I cannot face the prospect of more. But at least now I can perhaps start thinking about a sequel.