half-bad prince

arrested development, pg.

Disclaimer: Not my characters, I didn't create them, Mitchell Hurwitz did.


Buster read it first. Bought it first. Loved it. Giggled at it.

Forgot it in Michael's bedroom, found by George Michael, wondering why his dad read Harry Potter, shrugging, taking the book to his room, out of curiosity.

He didn't do much homework that night.

Maeby read it next, hated Hermione, ranted about it, wrote a script based on it, never got it sold because Rowling had already sold the rights. This did not improve Maeby's spirits toward a certain young, British actress.

"Yeah, okay, whatever. Emma Watson thinks she'll have a career in Hollywood? Not in my studio!"

Gob found it in the trash, figured it was some sort of guidebook to brilliant magic tricks illusions. He got bored half-way through, tried to keep reading but got mortally frightened when he thought he had killed a rabbit with Avada Kedavra. Truth was, the rabbit was 12 year olds and had a weak heart. And suffered from wandphobia.

Tobias found his inspiration in the book a few weeks later, finding it outside the model home after Gob has unsuccessfully tried to demolish the wretched book. Deeply moved by the story, quoting passages from it off the top of his head for the next two weeks.

"You do possess certain qualities that WOULD make me me, the almighty Sorting Hat, sort you into Slytherin, missy!" he was found saying to his wife one morning.

Annoyed, frustrated, ready to burst from anger, Lindsay sat down to read the book and destroy it immediately after.

After her reading experience she found that she actually quite liked those Slytherins. They had an attitude.

Michael was the next to pick it up, simply because he wanted to know what everyone in the house was talking about. He wouldn't have there be any secrets within the family he didn't know about.

He found nothing revolutional in the novel. He pictured himself as a Harry Potter looking after a family of Weasleys but it never really fit properly, so he left the book at the kitchen counter, hoping someone would throw it into the trash on their way out.

Lucille was indeed about to throw it in the trash but was distracted by the brand new cocktail glasses bought into the model home and decided to test them all. She dropped it into a box of old magazines that was later hauled by George Michael up to the attic.

George Sr. was bored. He picked up whatever novel he could find from the boxes in the attic and this afternoon, began reading one about a wizard boy and his friends. He had initially liked the author's name.

"Hmm, Jewish," he'd thought to himself.

Half-way through the book, after around a quarter of the cast had been killed off, he raised his eye brows in surprise as some half-giant character got killed when a flying Hippo landed on him.

"This book's not half-bad," he noted to himself out loud and turned the page.