Author has written 4 stories for X-Men: Evolution. Ok, the bit about me. Ive been writing since i can remember and my main obssesion is x-men; movies, poetry, stories, cartoons... I've also been bitten by the Harry Potter bug, lol, and have a new profile on here under TheLionsPaleProtector so I'm going to try and shift some of my work there. I haven't been in much of a mood to write x-men fanfiction (or fanfics in general) since the destruction of New Orleans, a town that for many reasons I loved to peices, because mostly it was Rogue/Gambit dreams and with his tie to there... lol. But I might pick it up again someday. My favorite characters in X-men/Evolution are Rogue and Gambit. And Wolverine has always been a huge fascination too, of course- something about that rugged, rough n' tumble attitude and endearing though less seen soft side... It's so hard to choose between him and Gambit. Then there's Pyro... Dreamy accent, fire... even his insanity can be charming lol. Scott is okay every now and then but i hate Jean for no reason at all, except maybe in femslash, so sorry if you like her. My favorite pairings: 1. Rogue/Remy 5. Amara/Pyro My least favorite pairings: 1. Jean/Scott ('meant to be' blah blah blah, but awful & boring) 2. Anything where Remy is seriously paired with someone besides Rogue. |