Author has written 9 stories for X-Men: Evolution. My status as at 28th June 2011: I know I should be—no already posted a new chapter of either Gambitophobia or the Devil fic, but I kind of got distracted by……Charmed. Yes witches…magic o.0 I blame Marvel for canceling the new X-men show which led me astray. But with X-men First Class movie being a hit, I’m pretty sure I’ll be motivated enough to finally update :-) I love cats, reading and writing fics, especially X-men Evolution ones. It’s an addiction which I’m struggling to get rid of(not the cat one). My favorite character, which is easily predictable by my nick, is Rogue. Oh and ofcourse, I can’t forget Remy LeBeau, so basically that makes me another Romy fan among the millions, lol. But I hate to admit it; sometimes even I get tired of this on-and-off couple. And that’s the time when I either turn to Jott or Justice League’s infamous couples, Batman/Wonder-Woman and Green Lantern/Hawk-Girl. Apart from the animated superheroes’, Charmed, Buffy, Angel, Smallville, Heroes and Lost are also some of my favorite shows. I'm also an artist or more of a cartoonist as I love drawing! But mind you, it's just a hobby. Too late to take it as a profession now. Editing pictures for the sake of fun is also a pastime. Here's a manipulation I made of Rogue and Remy: http:///deviation/45725492/ Alright now about my fic 'Ah'm good but I'm Evil' which was the first fic I ever wrote. yeah my first fanfic! Seems so kiddish when I went through it again. Ok so I know you guys are gonna kill me when I say that(gulps) I can't continue it! (runs for cover) I'm all out of ideas! Plus angsty ficsare just not made for me. Really! (Sigh) Sorry...please forgive me? Pretty please? (makes puppy dog eyes) And now for the Disclaimer...sadly...I don't own anything except these characters: The cheerleaders, especially Courtney Corell in R for Revenge & Gift of Love NOTE : All cheerleaders excluding Carol Danvers ! I do NOT own her! She is the property of Marvel! Caroline --The magic shop owner in The Gift of Love Devon--coughTheDevilcough Rogue agrees to give her soul to in exchange for seven 'wonderful' wishes ;) in When You Wish Upon a Devil Riley & Andy --The two eight-year old kids who torture Rogue & Kitty in The Horrors of Babysitting Tueur--Belladonna's pet snake(or anaconda to be exact) in R for Revenge. Oh note that R for Revenge is the sequel to The Gift of Love Check here time to time if you find me missing. Feel free to e-mail me but do include the subject or else I'll think it's junk and delete it. Well...all I can say is enjoy my fics and PLEASE don't forget to REVIEW! And that goes for people who don’t forget, but don’t REVIEW! Remember, REVIEWS keep stories alive. Hehe…and I’m addicted to REVIEWS! |
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