" Too Bright."
" Too lame."
"O puleeze! that's like, too much!" Kitty said looking at the Barbie doll the salesman showed her. "My friend's not a 5 year old kid."
"How about this," holding up a teddy bear. "Everybody loves these."
"Yeah, but like, she doesn't" Kitty said turning around and started walking towards the exit.
"Wait! Why don't you try the watches section? Plenty of great watches to choose from," he said.
"No thanks I'll just find something else," Kitty said as she pushed the glass doors open and came out of the gift shop. She was passing by the different shops when she heard Rahne call her.
"Kitty! Wait up!" Rahne shouted running towards her. "Look at this," she said holding up a 13cm statue of a wolf sitting on a rock howling. "Do you think Rogue will like it?" she asked.
"Probably…" Kitty replied in a dreamy state looking around for some other gift store.
"You still couldn't find anything?" she asked surprised.
"No, but I will soon," she said.
"Well, make it sooner we're about to leave," she said and left.
Kitty looked at the time and sighed. Three hours have flown by and she still was looking for a gift for Rogue. 'This is stupid,' she thought. Why was she searching for something extraordinary anyway? 'Maybe I'll just give her a watch or a decoration piece or—' she stopped when her eyes met a strange looking store. 'Weird…. like I never saw that before.'
There was no sign to indicate the purpose of the store. 'Might as well check it out,' she decided and went in. The store was dimly lit with more candles than bulbs. There were books everywhere plus jars on the shelves with weird things in it. Kitty went to get a better look when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Startled, she shrieked and whirled around to see a woman.
"I'm sorry if I scared you dear," she apologized.
"Um….that's ok," Kitty said blushing.
"Now, how may I help you?" she asked politely.
"I was like, looking for a gift for my friend…but I guess I'm at the wrong place," Kitty said and was about to leave.
"Oh no, you just happen to be at the right place," she said.
"I'm not looking for books, I just—"
"Your friend, she's special just like you isn't she Kitty?" she asked.
Kitty's jaw dropped open. "H-How did you know my name?"
"Lets just say I'm a psychic," she said smiling. "And I may be able to solve your problem and your friend's too," she said walking towards the bookshelf and taking out a large brown covered book.
"What do you mean?" Kitty asked confused.
"Rogue and her powers. She would get a chance to be relieved of her powers for a time span of three days or more, starting from tomorrow, her birthday," she said as she flipped through the pages. "Here," she said handing her the book. "Recite these words tomorrow night before midnight and also….." she went to the counter and took out a pouch. "After you read these words, blow this dust on her. This would make the spell complete."
"Like, who are you?" Kitty finally asked.
"My name is Caroline, Caroline Thompson and this is my magic shop. I just moved in yesterday and you're my first customer," she explained as she put the book and the pouch in the shopping bag. "I'm sure this will make a perfect gift for Rogue," she said handing her the bag. "I have marked the pages you are to recite. And make sure you pay full concentration while reading, one wrong mistake can be disastrous."
"She won't turn into a toad or something?" Kitty asked worried.
"Oh no nothing like that!" Caroline laughed. "I have marked the pages, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about."
"How do I know like, your not putting me on?"
"If I would, I wouldn't offer you these things free." The woman said.
"Like ok, but I would have to see this to believe it," Kitty said.
"And so you shall…." The woman said.
'Kitty! Kitty!' Jean's voice shouted inside Kitty's head.
"Like not so loud, you're giving me a headache."
'Where are you?! Come on we're leaving!'
"You should go now, your friends are waiting," the woman said.
"Like, I know," she said and started to head for the exit. "Bye"
"Goodbye. Visit again sometime!" she called as Kitty went out of the shop.
Kitty stopped and looked at the bag she was holding. 'I must be insane,' she thought and ran out of the mall where the X-jeep was waiting for her.
"Finally!" Amara said as Kitty hopped in. "Where were you? And what's this you got?" she asked trying to peak inside the bag.
"It's a book. I like, couldn't make up my mind so I brought a book," Kitty lied, afraid they'll think she was nuts if she told the truth. 'Iso hate lying.'
"You forgot one thing," Jubilee said.
"Like what?" Kitty asked.
"Have it gift wrapped," she replied.
"Oops, like I kind of forgot," Kitty again lied. 'I really 'really' hate lying.'
A/N: To continue or not to continue?