
                        Disclaimer - I don't own X-Men: Evolution.

                        It has been four years since Rogue met Remy. And it has been three years since she left the institute, which had been after she graduated from high school. That year had been a rough year for both of them. Rogue was still as untouchable as can be and the Professor had yet to help her control her powers. Remy had it with Magneto. The summer Rogue graduated they took off together. Rogue had told everyone and said a few short good byes. She told them she'd be back. Of course she didn't realize she would be coming back four years later.

                        In the present day, Remy drove half asleep along the dirt roads. 'Dis ain't a short cut. He said after realization hit in. 'Dis is a long cut.

                        Rogue sat across from him leaning against the door. Her hair had grown longer. Her dark auburn hair reached below her shoulders and her white bangs were still framed around her face. The twenty-two year old wore black baggy pants and a black tank top.

                        "Ah told ya to take a right." She stated matter-of-factly. A smirk was planted on her face. He slowly turned his head and gave her a look through his long copper colored bangs then looked back at the road. She switched positions so that she was now leaning against him. "An' ya know what ya have ta say now?"

                        "What's 'dat?" He asked just to amuse her. Instead of answering her questioning, she got on her knees and kissed his cheek.

                        "That Rogue was right and Ah was not."

                        He felt like laughing out loud. "Remy don' t'ink y' were wrong." Her lower lip moved out more creating an irresistible pout. To Remy, that is. "Fine. Roguey was right and Remy was wrong." She smiled in defeat.

                        During the three long years they had spent together on the road, their relationship increased from just an ordinary friendship. He had helped her control her powers. She could touch someone, but not for long, and it would tire her out easily even if she just touched for a second. There was a lot of concentration involved, which caused headaches, but to her, it was worth it.

                        "Ah should sa'prise da prof." A small evil smile suppressed on her lips. Remy wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

                        "He will be 'surprised' by otha stuff, chére."


                        "Jamie, get out of the way!" Unexpecting seventeen-year-old Jamie Madrox walked around the corner in the hallway and suddenly was knocked back hard. He fell on his bottom then there were three other Jamie's sitting around him. Eighteen-year-old Bobby Drake had run him over with a ribbon of nice. How nice.

                        "Are you okay, Jamie?" Amara asked stepping over the ice chunks lying scattered around on the floor. Jamie just laughed and put himself 'together.'

                        "I'm sorry, man. You came out of nowhere." Bobby scratched the back of his head then looked accusingly at Amara. "I told you it wasn't a good idea. I said someone could get hurt.."

                        "Save it, Drake." She said coldly then helped Jamie to his feet. "I'm really sorry. I told him it wasn't a good idea to go 'ice surfing' in the house."

                        "And it isn't." Jean walked down the hallway with her head in a book. She didn't bother to look up or watch where she was going. The pieces of ice moved out of her way as she walked. Having telekinesis had its advantages. And so did telepathy. You guys better clean this mess up before the Professor find out, Or Logan. And defrost the pictures hanging on the wall. She disappeared into her bedroom.

                        "Can't you melt it, Amara?" Bobby asked clueless. He surely didn't know how to clean any of this up. The Professor did say need to start acting like an adult.. I hope this isn't one of those cases.

                        "Well.. yeah.. if you want a soaking wet rug." She laughed, crossing her arms. Bobby just sighed then grinned. She hated his ideas even through she always went along with him.

                        "With the help of a few Jamie's and ourselves we can carry the ice to the bathtub and then have you melt it." He still grinned like it was the greatest idea ever. Jamie raises a brow. When was he brought into this? Before he had a chance to respond, the doorbell rang.

                        "Uh, sure thing, Bobby. You can get a head start on it and we'll go answer the door." She grabbed Jamie's arm and they dashed down the hallway and down the stairs. Kitty phased through the wall and the ice.

                        "I hope that's for me!" She explained out loud to herself. She turned and looked at him while she was still running. "I'd get rid of that before the Professor or Logan sees it." And then she was gone.

                        "Oh man."


                        "Ah think Ah remembah the code." Rogue hesitated as she pressed the numbers on the pad. Within a minute the gates opened. "That was prettay good fo' a guess."

                        "Y' guessed?" Remy asked, raising a brow. They walked up the pathway and up the stairs then rung the bell. "Remy hopes someone is home."

                        She gave him a surprised look. Apparently she had missed the sarcasm in his voice. Soon enough the door opened and there stood a surprised Amara and Jamie. They looked older and mature from the last time she had seen them. Kitty then phased right through them.

                        "Rogue!" She hugged her 'long lost' friend tightly. "It's, like, so great to see you!" She looked at Remy and grinned. "Hey Gambit.. It's great to see you here with Rogue.. Totally great indeed." Kitty was a good year younger than Rogue and looked (and not to mention sounded) like she hadn't changed.

                        "Move, Kit." Amara said shoving Kitty to the side as she broke the embrace (and winked 'knowingly' at Rogue). "We've missed you. I'd hug you but.." She gestured their exposed arms. Rogue just smiled and hugged her anyway. She made sure it was a quick hug. Amara looked surprised. "Am I unconscious?"

                        Remy laughed. "Non. Y' are still 'dere fille."

                        "You lost your power?" Jamie asked confused. Rogue just rolled her eyes and hugged  him. She was thankful he was wearing a sweatshirt.

                        "Ah'll explain lat-" She was cut off by a familiar voice.

                        "Kitty, Amara, Jamie, Aren't you going to let them in?" It was the Professor. Rogue felt butterflies shooting each other with optic blasts in her stomach. The other butterflies phased through the blasts then multiplied into new ones.

                        Here goes nothin.'


                        "Long time no see, Rogue." Ororo said hugging her. "You look great." Rogue felt great. She didn't wear as much make up as before so now her face actually got to breathe.

                        "I'm surprised the Cajun is still here." Logan grunted as Rogue took a seat next to 'the Cajun.' "Look you a few years to find your way back, huh, Stripes?"

                        "Ah think it was worth it." Rogue stood up and walked towards him. Logan had been somewhat surprised that Rogue seemed happier. "Ya want ta know why, Wolvie?" He didn't say anything. "Because now Ah can do this." With her fingertips she touched his side burns then his cheekbones. His eyes went wide.

                        "It's good to see you can control your powers." Xavier said wheeling into the room. Beast was walking besides him. As the Professor wheeled on, the beast opened the door and said something to someone standing outside.

                        "Not fo' long." She said feeling weak and dizzy. Remy quickly noticed and helped her back to the couch. "Thanks sugah."

                        "Anythin' fo' y', chére." Everyone but Logan smiled at the young lovers. Logan just looked annoyed at it all. He still didn't like the fact Gambit had worked for Magneto and worked besides Sabretooth.

                        "It's good ta see y'all an' Ah do have some news." They stared at her with quizzical looks upon their faces. How am Ah gonnah explain this? She looked over at Remy. He gave her an encouraging smile and squeezed her hand. She took a deep breath. "Ah'm pregnant."


                        "Stop talking, I can't hear." Amara snapped at Bobby. She placed her ear on the door but heard only the mumble of voices from inside.

                        "Can't you phase through?" Jamie whispered to Kitty who sat up against the wall with an annoyed look on her face. She gave him a pathetic look.

                        "I think they would, like, you know, notice my head sticking through the door." Kurt walked down the hallway. His halo inducer watch wasn't on his wrist so he was in his 'blue fuzzy' form.

                        "Can't you teleport in there?" Bobby asked him. Before Kurt could say anything, the door opened and the Beast's head popped out.

                        "I think we would the blue fuzzy thing standing in front of us." His head went back in and the door shut closed.

                        "Oh man."


                        To be continued.. :)