My mouth drops open in shock and I turn to walk out the door. When I get to the door I open it and then slam it shut and turn back towards Mark. " You have some fucking nerve." Mark goes to open his mouth but I put my hand up to silence him. "No, you had your say and now it's my turn. First off when I woke up this morning you were gone from my room so I didn't run out on you, you ran out on me. Secondly I called your room to talk to you and Tiffany answered the phone so yeah I guess you could say I was a little pissed off by now. I packed up my shit and I left. I ran into Glenn at the gym and he explained everything to me so I had every intent on apologizing to you for making you worry for nothing. But after what you just said to me I think you owe me an apology too."
When I feel the tears come this time I let them fall. " I slept with you because I like you Mark Callaway not the American Bad Ass, Phenom, or the god damn Undertaker. And if you couldn't realize that last night then you never will. It wasn't just sex last night and you admitted that yourself so you must have a very low opinion of me if you think I just whore myself out to any big superstar because honey if I did there are a lot more younger and hotter guys here then you." I feel bad when I see Mark cringe at my last comment. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. It was uncalled for. I really don't feel like that. I'm just hurt and tired." I feel all of the anger wash out of me and now I just feel emotionally exhausted. " I have to go see Vince about your schedule so I will leave now. If you want to forget everything from last night then that's fine."
Mark puts his hands on his hips and just glares at me. "Ok I am only going to say this one last thing since it looks like you aren't going to say anything. I admit I had a crush on the Undertaker but when I went to bed last night I went to bed with Mark. You might know him, annoying pain in the ass that likes to yell a lot?" I see Mark's lips start to tilt into a smile. He motions with his hand for me to keep going. " Believe it or not I am not like all of the other women that have been in your life. I know the difference between your character and you, yet I have to admit sometimes the lines get a little blurry but in the end I always choose Mark. I'm sorry if you were hurt this morning but I was hurt too."
Mark starts to walk towards me and leans down and kisses me. " Is this your way of saying all is forgiven?" He smiles at me and nods. I lean up and put my arms around his neck and pull his face down to mine. "Well I know a way this can be prevented in the future."
"And what little crazy idea is floating around in that head of yours now?" I poke him in the stomach. "I will let that comment slide for now. Anyway to prevent this from happening again next time just don't leave my bed in the morning." Mark throws his head back and laughs. He picks me up and walks over to the couch with me in his lap. " For once I agree with you. And now that we've made up its time to move on to my favorite part of the process." He lays me down on the couch and settles above me. " And what part is that?" He leans down and kisses me on my lips. " The make-up sex." I start to laugh and before we can do anything else Glenn comes walking into the room.
"Don't you know how to knock anymore?" Glenn puts his hands up in front of him. "Hey I was just being a concerned friend. When I walked passed the door I didn't hear any yelling so I was coming in to help bury the dead body." Mark gets up off of me and hauls me up into a sitting position. " I could have gotten rid of her body without your help Glenn but I appreciate it." Glenn winks at me. "Actually I meant I was coming to help Erica. I think it would be a little hard for her to drag your big ass out of the building." I start laughing and when Mark gets up to go after Glenn I jump between the two of them. "Now boys, stop fighting. I do admit I've had fantasies about the two of your fighting over me but now is not the time."
Glenn starts to scratch his chin. "Now that you mention it you never did tell me what I did when I appeared in your dreams." Him and Mark both cross their arms and stare at me. I start laughing. What in the hell am I ever going to do with these two?