Disclaimer: I don't own any of the X-Men characters.
A/N: This is my first X-Men Evolution fic! So please go easy on me! This is a Rogue/??? fic. Enjoy and don't forget to review!
An Angel's Touch Chapter 1
Rogue was sitting in her room with her melancholic thoughts accompanying her as usual. This was something she just had to do sometimes. No one ever knew that Rogue was unhappy, as she never let anyone get close to her and get to know her. The thought of that even happening was horrifying to Rogue. She knew she could never get anyone close to her; therefore, explaining the fact that she hardly had any friends at school. Kitty had Lance and many other friends at school to talk to. Kurt had a girlfriend and Evan have a lot of friends to hang out with at school as well. Scott had Taryn and Jean just had everything she can ever want. She knew she didn't hate Jean but everything about her just intimidated her so much. Her good looks, her popularity, her soccer talents among other sports, a jock boyfriend, and she could just go on with the list. What did she have? Nothing except this curse that was making her more and more miserable day by day. She did have Ritzy but she knew that wouldn't last anyway just like with other people she tried to be friends with. She did a pretty good job hiding all her feelings from everyone else, especially Scott since she didn't want him to know how she felt about him. Everyone thought her to be satisfied with her powers but what they didn't know was her other life in which she was lonely, desperate, and miserable. She put on a happy face in front of others, while in the inside she was just as miserable and sad as ever.
'Ah better gat goin now or they gonna think somethang's wrong with me,' thought Rogue as she stepped out of the room.
"Hello Rogue you're late for dinner," said Professor.
"I'm sarry Professor, I jus had stuff to taake care of," said Rogue trying not to think of her real thoughts because she knew Jean and Professor could read minds.
Kitty gave Rogue a worried look since she knew something was going on with her but wouldn't let her know about it. She was concerned for her roommate and wanted to comfort her somehow.
As everyone finished their dinner, they went on their rooms to get some sleep. Kitty and Rogue went to their room, which they shared.
"Rogue, I'm worried about you, you just seem really like… I don't know, like sad or something. Is something wrong? You can you can always count on me so…." said the concerned Kitty.
"Umm, it's raally nathing Kitty, Ah'll be fine eventuaelly. But thanks for asking. Just gat same sleep," said Rogue shutting Kitty out of her life once again.
"Ok Rogue, good night."
"Good night Kitty."
Again, Rogue was having a haunting nightmare about her past. She once again saw the guy she was dancing with at a school dance. And then when she touched him when everything went haywire… She still felt responsible for that guy who ended up at the hospital. Then the image of Corey came to mind-he was the first and the only boyfriend she ever had. They had been childhood friends and they started to go out after realizing the feelings they had for each other. Then one day as they were sitting on a hill for their picnic, Corey decided to give her first kiss. And then it happened. His face turned a different color as he screamed from the pain in his body. Rogue had unintentionally absorbed his memories and abilities. That was the worst day of her life. She never saw Corey again except for once at the hospital when she said her good-byes. She had lost the person she cared about and perhaps even loved…
"Noooo!!!! Corey!!!! Ah am so sarry! Forgive me!!" yelled Rogue waking up from her nightmare.
"Oh no not again," said Kitty waking up and feeling scared for Rogue.
"Are you ok Rogue? Answer me!" said Kitty trying to get a response from her.
Rogue was lying on her bed with her face buried in her arms and sobbing uncontrollably. Then everyone came bursting in from hearing a terrifying scream.
"What's going on, are you ok Rogue?" asked Scott as he approached her.
"Was it another nightmare? What happened Rogue?" asked the concerned Professor.
"It waas so horrible Professor. Ah had the same dream again except this time Ah saw Corey dyin in front of me and me not able to do anything about it!" said the mournful Rogue.
Everyone felt sorry for her and tried to comfort her but Rogue said she wanted to be left alone for now. So everyone left her room except for the professor.
"Uh Rogue, may I? Asked Professor obviously trying to search her mind and see if he could help her somehow.
"I don't know Professor ah mean ah I don't know if ya actually want those thoughts in your head."
"It's ok Rogue, just let me try," said the persistent Professor.
He took his hands and put them on Rogue's forehead and closed his eyes. He got the most disturbing images of her childhood and of her past life. He saw Mystique trying to persuade her to join her with false promises. He saw what had happened with Corey. He saw everything.
"I'm so sorry you have to have these disturbing thoughts in your head, but I'll do my best to let you get on with your life." said the Professor.
"Wutahever, I have to go," said Rogue on her way to the bathroom to get ready.
Professor met Jean on his way downstairs. "I don't know how can I help Rogue, Jean. Those images that I saw were so terryfying and disturbing. I know she's not alright in the inside even though she may look different on the outside." Said the very concerned Professor.
"I know Professor, I can't even imagine what she has to go through everyday. But something will come up hopefully. Everything will be alright. " said Jean trying to make him feel better.
"Hey what do think is going on with Rogue guys?" asked Kurt to the guys on the table.
"I don't know but we should try to be as nice to her as possible. We don't have to go through what she has to go through everyday in her life. I only wish there was something we could do though." Said Scott.
"Yeah.." said Evan.
Then all the sudden the professor came storming in with Logan and Storm.
"Celebro has detected another mutant everyone! We must get to him before Magneto or Mystique does! Kitty go get Rogue and everyone else get ready now!" said the Professor to everyone at the table.
"Yes Professor, we will get the X-Jet ready now, let's go everyone!" said Scott.
"What's his name Professor?" asked Jean.
"I believe Celebro said his name was Gambit!" said the Professor.
A/N: Ok guys, so how is it so far?? I'll die if no one tells me!!! PLEASE REVIEW!!! PLEASE!!! I'LL CONTINUE THIS STORY IF I HAVE GOOD REVIEWS SO PLEASE REVIEW!!!! By the way, I promise there will be lots of romance and jealousy in the next chapter. So stay tuned!!!