![]() Author has written 21 stories for Inuyasha, Death Note, Twilight, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Loveless, Labyrinth, Gravitation, Misc. Anime/Manga, Naruto, and Okane ga Nai. "There is a time and a place for everything, and I believe it's called 'fanfiction'." Joss Whedon Hello! I am Witch Baby! I like ice cream, anime, and sometimes I write things that people like. Please take your shoes off at the door and take a look around. Maybe even read some things and talk to me about them! :D ABOUT WITCH BABY Name: Uh...duh...Witch Baby... Age: Old enough to know better but to young to care! Birthday: November 23 chicklets! WoOt! Send me a birthday greeting and I'll love you forever! Sex: *looks down pants* Yep! No penis! Orientation: Pansexual. Favorites in General: Yaoi, anything to do with purple, pandas, ninjas, yaoi twincest, reading, writing, paranormal romance novels, learning something new, making new friends, yaoi shota, talking to random people, dark chocolate, pirates, emos, texting, listening to music, sleeping, being on the computer, and anything yaoi related pretty much... Hates: Stupid people, stereotypical people, judgmental people, racist/sexist people, anyone who hates on anyone else just because they're from different cultures/ backgrounds/ religion/ lifestyles Do in spare time: uh...write fanfiction! And daydream...and play on the computer...and pretty much goof off! Future Goals: To rule the world and spend my days reading yaoi and manga …..or becoming a famous writer and spend my days reading yaoi and manga... Quote: "I became insane due to long intervals of horrible sanity..." Edgar Allen Poe Blogger: http :// thewitchbaby. blogspot. com/ (just remove the spaces!) Facebook: facebook. com/ thewonderfulworldofwitchbaby FAVORITE MANGAS Yaoi Mangas: (way to many to list but I'll do my best) Okane Ga Nai, Silver Seed, Love Neko, Junjou Romantica, Gravitation, Sensitive Pornography, Sex Therapy, Crimson Spell, You're My Love Prize in Veiwfinder, Mimi Paradise, Private Prince, Our Kingdom, The Pretty Wolf and the Seven Goaty, FAKE, Tenshi no Tame no Shohousen, Lost Boys, Yell!, Love Machine ETOWA, Bokudake no Peach Sapuri, Madien Rose,...and the greatest yaoi manga ever is...Little Butterfly! Non-Yaoi Mangas: (once again, way to many...) Inu-Yasha, Naruto (should be a yaoi in my opinion), Trigun, Wallflower, Ceres: Clestial Legend, MegaTokyo, DNAngel, Nana, Tsubasa, Sailor Moon, Chobits, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (another should be yaoi), Bleach, Seimaiden, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note, Shugo Chara, Negima!, Fruits Basket, Sand Chronicles (MY ADDICTION!! :D I LOVE FUJI!), Vampire Knight, Punch! ...and the greatest manga ever is...Mars! UPDATING NEWS As of August 2013 - Slowly but surely, stories are coming along. Main priority is No Money, No Love. -FINISHED STORIES- - 'By The Light Of The Moon' JacobxEdward... smut... giftfic for The Lady Insists for being the 200th reviewer of 'No Money, No Love'. Nothing but pure Twilight smut. - 'Chased Into Darkness' a smutty Okane Ga Nai one-shot I wrote to tide fans over while I worked on other projects. I like the idea of a darker side to Ayase. Something a little OCC but it's one of my favorite one-shots. -'Bloodlust' EdwardxJacob... smut...yay! I am thinking of adding to this story, but just as another smutty random Twilight fanfic, not having anything to do with the current first chapter. We shall see what I have time for. - 'iPod Challenge' I just needed to get the creative juices flowing... -'Confessions of the Heart' SoubixRitsuka cuteness valentines day fanfic. Happiness! Gotta love those devious Zeros... -'A Chance Encounter' SesshomaruxAdult Rin. Don't bother reading. I wrote this when I was 13 (and I'm over 18 now), so to me it sucks. I only keep it on because it seems that a few like it. Check it out if you want but I don't claim it. Its my disowned child... -'Beautiful Nightmare' 6927 Reborn one-shot. I'm thinking of adding more though because its such a good plot... -'Lucky Nya' Christmas fic for the fans. May be added to later. -'A Moment, Suspended in Time' one-shot for the movie Labyrinth. Enjoy. - 'A Little Pink' Gravitation songfic set to songs by the artis P!nk! :) Cute and romantic, with some deeper musings on Yuki's part about what Shu-chan means to him. Nothing to terribly angsty. In fact...for all the thinking, nothing really gets solved. Thats why I love that pairing. They aren't normal... - 'Cemetery' Okan Ga Nai one-shot. Kanou's musings on his precious Angel. - 'Burn' Naruto on-shot. I really don't know why I wrote this. I was bored, and listing to music. Read it if you want but I think it FAILS. - 'As Long As There Is Love' Short lil' one-shot for the Okane Ga Nai universe. Implied NonCon and ANGST!!! - 'Lick My Lollipop' SasuNaru random little one-shot. Just written for the lulz. - 'Long Distance Calling' Giftfic for the 100th reviewer of 'No Money, No love', Onige-a! PHONE SMEX! - 'Umbrella Memories' My take on Kanou's and Ayase's first meeting. :) IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE! - 'Philia, Eros, Agape' SasuNaru spin on the three levels of love. - 'Reflection' angsty Okane Ga Nai one-shot. Mostly I just wanted to show some of the inner dark thoughts I would think Ayase would have. I mean, the boy has got to have some fucked up feelings, right? GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! ANYTHING QUOTED OR OTHERWISE BY ME SHOULD BE CITED! RANDOM STUFF How to Tell if You're a Writer (Sad part is...everything on this list is true for me ... -_-) -If you talk to yourself. -And finally, the number one way to tell if you’re a good writer: If you failed English 101 How You Know You’re Addicted to Yaoi/Slash (another one that rings true for me!) 1. You start mentally pairing up random guys on the street. 2. You wish you had gay friends just so you could perv on them kissing their boyfriends. (Actually I do have gay friends...and perv on them...-_-) 3. You don’t remember the last time you read a heterosexual fanfiction. (nope...) 4. You have developed a sexual fetish for handcuffs, leather and BDSM. 5. If you are a heterosexual girl, you keep trying to seme your boyfriend, despite the fact that you don’t have the necessary parts. (...heheheheh...) 6. You suddenly become interested in gay rights, thinking this will increase your opportunities for voyeuristic activities .(I've always supported gay rights! The other stuff is just a perk!) 7. You try to get your friends into it, simply so you can talk to them about it without them getting that bored look on their face. 8. You keep lying about the number of hours you spend each day on the computer reading slash fanfiction, watching yaoi anime etc. 9. The most exiting moment of your life so far was when you discovered hentai manga. (OMG! When I walked into Borders and saw it! It was like finding the holy grail!) 10. You celebrate turning 18 not because you can watch R movies, but because you’re old enough to watch movies with explicit gay sex scenes. (Actually, I celebrate because now I can do it LEGALLY) 11. It’s the only aphrodisiac you need. 12. When your boyfriend tells you he’s gay and has been dating another man, you immediately ask if you can join in. 13. Your gay son wishes he had a normal, homophobic mother who didn’t ask him questions about his latest sexual exploits. (actually its my cousin...but he's used to it by now...) If you’re reading this and nodding to yourself, post it on your profile page. PROUD EMO SUPPORTER :D ..•.(•. .•).•.. Favorite Quotes From various animes, mangas, books, and movies! "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue." from Airplane! "Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb." Dark Helmet from Space Balls Maybe there won't be marriage, maybe there won't be sex, but by God there'll be dancing!"-Rupert Everett from My Best Friend's Wedding "Two thousand dollars for ice? I can get an Eskimo for two hundred dollars and make my own ice." - Groucho Marx from Horse Feathers "I know they were just kids...but man we beat the fuck out of them!" from Dogma "Name's Barf. I'm a Mog, half man half dog. I'm my own best friend." Barf from Spaceballs "Jack Sparrow: Did no one come to save me just because they missed me? (Everyone looks around, finally some of the crew and Jack the monkey raises his hand) Jack Sparrow: I'm standing over there with them!" Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End "Panties, Panties, Panties" - Chi from Choits "Just lookin' at you is makin' me sober."- Reno of the Turks from Final Fantasy VII "A red face and a fast heart beat don't need money or sex! ...Well, maybe I still need a little sex..." Shuichi from Gravitation "To everything that comes near you, I am jealous!" - Usami "Usagi" Akihiko from Junjo Romantica "As much as I can't stand the humans, I think I loathe tourists even more." -Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho "Yesterday Kyou-kun picked up Tohru-kun! Kyou-kun is a sex fiend!!" - Shigure from Fruits Basket "How did I pass? She beat me like I owed her money. " - Ichigo from Bleach "Love and Peace!" - Vash from Trigun "I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it."- Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII "I can't believe I did that. I just came out of the closet for real, didn't I? And I did it with a smile. 'Hello, Japan. I'm gay!'" Eiri Yuki from Gravitation . "Thou Shalt not Kill! What the hell kind of a churchman are you!?" - Vash talking to Wolfwood from Trigun "Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won't leave a single man alive. La dee da dee dide, genocide. La dee da dee dud, an ocean of blood. Let's begin the killing time." - Vash from Trigun "(Growls at painting, clutching it tightly) Damn you! Let me inside of you!! LET ME INSIDE OF YOU!" - Dark from D.N. Angel (I lol every time) "Ooh, Dark, that sounds so dirty! Talking to a woman that way! Unless...you're talking to me!! I don't mind at all!! Please, have your way with me! Come on, I'm ready and waiting!" - Toto from D.N. Angel (another one that makes me giggle) "Your voice is sore? Maybe it was from all the times you cried out my name in pleasure!" Joshua from Sex Pistols "Behind this mask is...Another mask! Pretty cool, huh?" Kakashi form Naruto "When I'm Führer, there will be changes! That day... all female officers will be required to wear - TINY MINISKIRTS!"-Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist "Norio: So...hows it done? Teru: ….with a cabbage..." Norio and Teru from Sex Pistols, discussing how mpreg works (Teru is lieing!) "Misa: I don't want to live in a world without Light! "I'm not just a pervert... I'm a SUPER-PERVERT!" Jiriyai from Naruto "Not to mention, during this conversation, I could have grouped you at least five times... Ok, so let's say maybe four times." Vash from Trigun and now some from my friends! :D (and any that say Witch Baby are me...duh...) “They are either so confident in their straight male status...or they're all secretly gay!!” Me talking about the guys at my new high school "Cosplayers are like the miracles of Gods. They are living breathing humans but, they look like the bishies we know and love. Its like... the angles of a fangirl heaven..." Me talking about yaoi-con and cosplayers “Well of course they had sex. They where chained together for like, a month. And young men have needs...lots and lots of them...hell they showered together! I'm sure of it!” (Yessie on Light and L being a yaoi couple) Mizuki: You corrupted me! Witch Baby: You call it 'corruption', I call it 'enlightenment' (Me and my friend Mizuki on how I turned her into a yaoi fangirl) "Hehehehehe, I'm like an evil energizer bunny!" Mizuki (I can't remember how this one came about...) GENERAL REMINDERS Witch Baby on 'reviewing': Reviews are love!! So review!! You see, reviews are like crack. The more we get, the more we want, and the harder we work to get some... I hope I don't get in trouble for the drug reference...DON'T DO DRUGS! READ FANFICTION INSTEAD!! ;D Witch Baby on 'disclaimers': Do you really think I'd be wasting my time on here if I owned them?! Hellz no! My stories would be the actual story and I'd be living the high life in Japan! So no, I don't own these characters. I just use them for my own twisted fan girly amusement. Witch Baby on 'flames': Look here, if you don't like it, don't read. Its as simple as that. No one is putting a gun to your head screaming 'READ OR DIE!' (and if they are...I'm sorry...call the police then...). Anyway, all who flame me will be hunted down and flamed back... WITH MY FLAME THROWER!! :D So, no flames please. |