Author has written 48 stories for Smallville, General Hospital, X-Men: The Movie, Fast and the Furious, 90210, One Tree Hill, Degrassi, Sky High, How I Met Your Mother, Harry Potter, That '70s Show, and One Life To Live.
This is the place where I, and so many other people in this world, can go to escape their own reality and come up with a story to fit a movie, TV show, Book, whatever, that is just the way they want it and no other way. This website is here for our own creating and for others to say that you have made your prompt wrong is something that is NOT acceptable. This is MY way of seeing things and if you are going to tell me that I made my stories wrong then DON'T read it! Get off my page and find someone else to bother, just make sure that it is not me. I know I am not the worlds best writer, but I try and put forth the effort and NO ONE has that right to say that what I have created is wrong. THEY are wrong! This is my IMAGINATION nobody elses.
Sometimes I can honestly say that I hate people. SO WHAT if I make a mistake in my writing. SO WHAT if I accidentally choose French instead of English. Get over it!
For all you lovely writer's out there that feel the same way, know that you've got my support and that no one can tell you that you have a 'bad', 'horrible', 'ooc' story. THIS IS YOUR STORY!! NO ONE ELSES!
Smallville (Now Over) Oliver:(Chloe's walking down the street) Hey! ( Oliver catches up to her and she turns towards him) Where you running off to so quick?
Chloe: What are you doing? I thought we were rendezvous-ing at your place later.
Oliver: You're leaving again, right? ( He touches her jacket and looks into her eyes)
Chloe: (She hesitates, the looks down) Oliver, I...
Oliver: Its okay, I can read between the lines. (He looks away then back at her) Chloe I never expected you to sit up in that ivory watchtower for the rest of your life. I know better than that. (He reaches into his pocket) I have something uhh... (He hands her a folded piece of paper. She opens it and sees the second part of a marriage certificate with Oliver's signature on it. Her mouth drops open and she looks at Oliver with tears in her eyes; his mouth quirks as he watches her. She pulls out her half and connects them together. She smiles and shakers her head.) I don't know what you're thinking but, I hope its not that your gonna run off without your husband. ( She looks up with a smile, he shrugs) You didn't take the job in my home town for nothing. (They laugh and kiss). Lets get out of here. (They walk away, arms wrapped around each other).
General Hospital (Used to watch every week day) Jason: I'll love Robin forever, she taught me how to love. Everything good I ever felt was because of her.
Gossip Girl (Is over, sadly) Blair: Last fall you said we couldn't be together, and I believed you. But every time I try to move on, you're right there, acting like-
Chuck: Acting like what?
Blair: Like...maybe you want me to be as unhappy as you are.
Chuck: I would never wish that on anyone. I want you to be happy.
Blair: Then look down deep, into the soul I know you have, and tell me if what you feel for me is real, or if it's just a game. If it's real, we'll figure it out...all of us. But if it's not, then please Chuck, just let me go.
Chuck: It's just a game. I hate to lose. You're free to go.
Blair: Thank you.
Serena: Chuck, why did you just do that?
Chuck: Because I love her and I can't make her happy.
Beverly Hills, 90210 (Wish it was still on.) Dylan: [to Brenda] I loved you more than I ever thought I could love anybody. Maybe that was the problem.