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![]() Author has written 20 stories for Harry Potter, Twilight, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Misc. Books, and Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club. VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL OF MY READERS! My bag was stolen on Monday 9th of January 2017, in a city in center France. Inside it was, among other things, my USB key with the ENTIRETY OF MY WRITTEN AND ARTISTIC WORKS, both posted and not. If ANYBODY sees one of my fanfics, or original works, posted on any other site than AO3, FanFiction.net, or FictionPress, or under any other name than KuraraOkumura or ChrisMuser394, PLEASE, I BEG YOU TO NOTIFY ME AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. I've got 6 years' worth of writing and original ideas on that key, which I also have on my computer. I can prove that these are mine if necessary. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. I'll be turning 20 on the 26th of June 2017. I'm Irish, I live in France, and I'm gender-blind and gender-fluid. I'm in college in France as of September 2014, Language and Literature course, and I'm learning Japanese, Italian and Russian. My passions are writing, reading, and music. I'm Shinto. My favourite music: Muse, Radiohead, Marilyn Manson, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, AC/DC, Keny Arkana, Macklemore, Machine Head, System of a Down. But Muse are my #1. I'm a rock n' roller first and foremost. Muse define what I am today. Favourite actors: Johnny Depp. Alan Rickman (RIP). Helena Bonham Carter. Daniel Radcliffe. Morgan Freeman. TV Shows: Sherlock, Anime. Tim Burton movies. Steven Moffat, for reasons. Game of Thrones. Jessica Jones. Also, if you like my work, please like my fan page KuraraOkumura's Disciples on facebook! :D FANFICTION- UNITED NATIONS!! Has anyone else noticed how a lot of us get along and make friends on here and we can be from completely different countries? WTF!? We're here making world peace on the INTERNET and we have all those ambassadors and senators and whatever struggling with it!! If you realize this (or read this and agreed) copy and paste this and add your name and country (country is optional) to the list. SPREAD THE PEACE!!: Naruto-fan-Okami-chan (USA), NaraTemari011 (Puerto Rico), Lala girl in Lalaland (USA), Kakashi Forever (England), ChiyoChiyamamoto (USA), Crazy-Monkey13 (USA), Hullop (USA), Mayonaka Naze (Dominican Republic), RUHLSAR000 (USA) PotterAnimeJackson(Canada), Mermaid-Luchia(Australia), Jostanos (USA), TheBlackSeaReaper (Bermuda), Raiton Dragon (Pakistan), AndThenBurnTheAshes (USA), KuraraOkumura (France and Ireland) OTPs: Harry Potter: 1) Snarry for life, thanks to Josephine Darcy and her 'The Marriage Stone', my first ever read fanfic, the best I've ever read, and also the fanfic that inspired to write HP fanfics myself. 2) Wolfstar, thanks to fanfiction author remuslives23 :D 3) Lumione. People call me perverts. Maybe they're right. ;P Shingeki no Kyojin: 1) Eren/Levi. ...I adore Levi. He is literally a work of perfection as far as I'm concerned. And Eren just...fits him, somehow. Great Riren authors: Luna Trancy, snakepit, DevilGhostFlower. 2) Eren/Jean. There are seriously not enough of those two out there. 3) Jean/Marco. Do I really need to explain? Fairy Tail: 1) Gajeel/Laxus/Lucy, in any order and mix! : D Thanks to: Sparks Are Gonna Fly, Star Light, Star Bright, Dirty Little Secret, The Incredibly Unpredictable Springs of Fate, and many others! 2) Gray/Natsu, thanks to Wild Rhov! Game of Thrones 1) Jaime/Brienne. So cute. Hawaii 5-0: 1) Steve/Danny. Having seen Danny ogle a half-naked Steve one too many times, I've made up my mind. :3 Twilight: 1) Jake/Bella, I always felt these two should have been together from the very start even after Stephenie Meyer paired Jacob with Renesmee and Bella was quite obviously going to end up with Edward since it was their story... 2) Sam/Emily, these two sooo belong together it's actually freaky!! 3) Carlisle/Bella LotR: 1) Legolas/Haldir, they're really my only obvious LotR pairing, I think they really belong together as well!! One Piece: 1) Zoro/Sanji, just wow, I can't ever imagine these two without each other, wowowow, and all thanks to Wild Rhov's oneshot 'The Cook's Poison', and to StarkBlack's extended fanfic 'Memories'! Doctor Who 1) 10th/ME...or Rose 2) 9th/Rose 3) 11th/Amy The Mortal Instruments 1) Malec. Obviously. 2) Jace x Sebastian... Please don't judge me. . My Ongoing Stories Solus Incomitatus, a Harry Potter, Severus x Harry fanfic. 2 Chapters posted. Plot-heavy, complex, Dark. Begun October 2014, updated December 2014. Stars and Dragons, a Fairy Tail, Gajeel x Lucy x Laxus fanfic. Plot heavy. 10 Chapters posted. Begun in July 2014, updated July 2016. Burning, a Shingeki no Kyojin, Eren x Harem fanfic I began, to try and relax myself after my exams. Smut, Quick-paced, there kind of is a plot? XD 7 Chapters posted. Begun in June 2014, updated June 2014. Wrath of Shame (Haji no Doki), a Naruto New Generation fanfic. Plot-heavy. Not canon-compliant (parents of the new gen aren't paired the same as in the canonverse). 3 Chapters posted (but the Chapters are ass-long!). Begun in December 2013, updated July 2014. Second Life, a Harry Potter, Time-turner fanfic with Hermione and the Marauders. 10 Chapters posted. Plot-heavy. Begun June 2013, updated June 2016. Carefully Beautiful, a Shingeki no Kyojin three-or-four-shot fanfic, Levi x Eren. Feels. Modern uni AU. 2 chapters posted. Begun May 2015, updated September 2016. Completed One-Shots Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan Sept Mots, a French Translation of my SnK English one-shot Seven Words. Ereri. Dark, Major Character Death. A Taste for the Illegal, EreJean, smut, Modern AU. Secret, Not So Secret, EreJean, smut, Modern AU. Sweet Dreams, EreJean, smut, canon-compliant. Petra, Levi x Petra, canon-compliant, Levi deals with Petra's death. Harry Potter Always, Grindeldore, canon-compliant. Dumbledore reflects on his past with Gellert Grindelwald. Razor Sharp, Bellamort, canon-compliant. Bellatrix's musings. Dark. Grieve, Nuna, post-epilogue, not canon-compliant. Following Luna's death, Neville reflects back on their life together, and on the things he didn't say. The Unfinished Veritaserum, Hermione x the Weasley twins. Smut. Post-epilogue. Not canon-compliant (Snape is alive, and so is Fred). Basically PWP. Un-betaed. My first ever fanfic. I'm not exactly proud of it but...whatever. xD Twilight Is This Even Possible, Rose x Paul. Not canon-compliant. Dialogue-only one-shot. Fairy Tail Shut Up!, Gray x Loke. Canon...kinda? Angst, smut. Two-shot. Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club I Want You to Bite Me, Rei x Rin, smut. Canon-compliant. Oscar Wilde To OW, short poem addressed to Alfred Douglas. De Profundis. |