Reviews for Star Light, Star Bright
Dawn126 chapter 16 . 5/7
I cant seem to find Sif shadowhearts page on fanfiction. Is this the user this story is under?
FAIRY4LIFE chapter 16 . 4/12
I can’t find anything pertaining to this story on Sif’s page... I really love this story and wish to see it continued!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/24
When the next chapter
Svetocha chapter 11 . 11/23/2019
you wouldn't happen to be a Charmed fan, would ya?
Svetocha chapter 8 . 11/22/2019
I really don't get why there would be fallout from talk to their kids about the relationship. I mean the kids will all grow up in the relationship, knowing Daddy Laxus and Daddy Gajeel, knowing about Dragon Slayers. This should never be an actual problem. Although I can kind of see Lucy, down the line, talking to her 10 yr old Dragon Slayer daughter like, "sometimes more than one Dragon Slayer will want the same relax, I get it, daddies both love you and you love them. besides, it's a Dragon Slayer thing" and Lucy's just left a little shocked.
Svetocha chapter 7 . 11/22/2019
1) I don't like Natsu, not sorry, so I couldn't enjoy this chapter. plus it doesn't really make sense.
2) Never trust a man, or woman, in Shining Armor.
Svetocha chapter 7 . 11/22/2019
Natsu/Lucy pairings ruin a story, for me. Laxus/Lucy/Gajeel pairings make me happy. drop Natsu, keep Laxus and Gajeel and we can be the very best friends anyone's ever seen
nightfall252524 chapter 15 . 4/5/2019
Please please update
ScarletEyezInfinit chapter 16 . 3/4/2019
I checked Sif Shadowheart but I don't see this story at all... is this story going to be finished? if so is there a link?
WhiteDemonShiro chapter 16 . 12/14/2018
Man, I was really getting into this story too!

Went to check on that person who adopted it and nothing is there. Except a notice about pulling their stories from here and onto FB.
cespericueta35 chapter 16 . 11/28/2018
Curious-Brunette13 chapter 16 . 3/24/2018
Does that include this story? Or are you gonna be working on it yourself?
I hope I’ll get to see more either way, I love what I’ve been reading so far (all 4 times) and I’d hate to see it end here!
TheRedSeaWitch88 chapter 16 . 3/20/2018
Maybe you should check with Sif Shadowheart on whether they are going to continue your stories since it's been over a year and nothing's been posted or done on their end?

Cause I really do love this story and would like it continued just to see what happens next with those three.
CoSmO333 chapter 16 . 1/8/2018
I really don't think sif is going to finish this storh
CoSmO333 chapter 15 . 1/8/2018
I love this story so much and all the added spirits she has along with new powers I wish you would come back and finish this amazing story
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