A Review I received today:

"This was an amazing story! I'm so glad you wrote another epilouge, I was so dissapointed with the other one! Not because it wasn't good, because let me tell you something it was better than purple socks on a rooster! But I'm just not a Snape person...never have been. But what this review is about specifically is...I would really appreciate if you could post something about why Hermione never wore shoes! I just want to know, It's been bothering me ever since you posted the first chapter about her not wearing shoes! So please, from a desperate reviewer and big fan...could you PLEASE post something about her and her shoes. Whether it be on your profile or another chapter but please just SOMETHING, ANYTHING!



Dear NoShoesPlease,

I read your review today and I have to admit, it made me smile a lot, mostly because I've been asked why Hermione didn't wear shoes many times.

And I am very sad to say that I simply cannot say. Not because I do not know (because I do) but because I feel like it was such a near-and-dear characteristic of Hermione's near-insanity that she just would not appreciate it if I shared such an intimate thing with readers.

She and I already have had uncountable debates on adding it to the story in a "deleted scene" that involved a conversation with she and Snape at the very end, but alas, she is determined not to let anyone but she, her husband, and me know. Even Silas has been dying to know forever and she just won't budge. She never even truly revealed the reason to Bill (who is still in possession of all her shoes, as a side note. She refuses to take them back.)

I know this isn't what you had in mind and I'm sorry if I've disappointed you again. Maybe one day I'll get her to agree and I'll add that chapter, but I don't believe that will happen soon.

For now I will leave it to your imagination!

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish,

Resa Aureu