AN/Warning: Kinks that'll be in this: extreme degradation/humiliation and objectification (including in public), public sex, spanking, gagging, blindfolds, crawling and kneeling, cum play, anal play and eventual anal sex, collars and leashes, feeding, heavy suggestions of pet play if not outright pet play, somnophilia, bathing, boot worship, public discipline, suspension, plugs. And other things I've probably forgotten, but you guys have been warned xD
Prologue: The Proposal
Hermione gnawed anxiously at her lower lip, squinting across the dim light of the muggle restaurant in order to hawkishly watch the entrance. A heady mix of nerves and anticipation swirled around in her stomach. The twenty-four year old witch wasn't sure if she was dreading Sirius' arrival, or eagerly anticipating it. Nervously, Hermione clutched at the document that she had spent so long agonizing and deliberating over. To the eyes of the muggles surrounding her, what she was holding would appear to be simply a job application form. To her fellow wizards, should she happen to run across one, it would have looked like a long, convoluted treatise on House Elf rights, something which no one would have been surprised to find in her possession. Hermione had prepared for this meeting in the same manner with which she prepared for most things; with utmost thoroughness.
But despite outward appearances, the document Hermione was clutching so tightly was nothing so mundane as a muggle job application or treatise on Elf rights. As for what she was actually holding? Well, Hermione would have been absolutely mortified should anyone capable of breaking through her enchantments and reading the true contents of the document get a hold of it. The young witch could only shudder at the thought of what Rita Skeeter, that utter parasite, would do with this sort of information.
A throat cleared and Hermione jumped.
Apparently while she had been contemplating the horror of having her personal preferences broadcast throughout the wizarding world, Sirius had arrived. The dark haired, older man raised an aristocratic eyebrow at her before sliding into the seat across from her. Hermione reddened in embarrassment and irritation; she usually wasn't so inattentive. For a girl who had spent her teenage years fighting Death Eaters, it was unsettling that Sirius had been able to sneak up on her so easily.
"Is something wrong, Hermione?" Sirius asked cautiously, looking somewhat concerned. "You seem very…distracted."
Hermione shot him a tentative smile and fiddled with her document, twisting it between her hands. "Nervous, actually," she explained, rather breathlessly.
Sirius frowned at her in puzzlement. "Are you sure you're okay? Your note was rather cryptic."
Hermione nodded, sucking in a deep, fortifying breath of air. Her heart was beating hard enough she thought she could feel it in her throat, and despite the airiness of her lilac, silk blouse she felt ridiculously warm. Attempting to muster her confidence, Hermione peered up at Sirius and forced herself to meet his gray eyes.
"I have something to propose," Hermione announced primly, trying to stay calm in the face of Sirius' utterly perplexed visage. "A proposition, if you will," she continued with a confidence she didn't completely feel. "And before I say anything, it's perfectly alright if you say no, Sirius, it really is. I won't be offended or anything," Hermione assured him. She might just crawl into a hole and die though…"I just ask that you not tell anyone," she finished softly.
Sirius nodded slowly, though he appeared very confused and somewhat concerned, if she were being truthful.
"Of course, Hermione. Whatever you want."
Inhaling sharply at the dark haired wizard's unintentionally poignant sentence, Hermione decided to act before she could lose her nerve, sliding her highly guarded document across the table and into the hands of the only other person who would be able to read what it really said.
"Here, this will explain," she said, practically shoving the document into Sirius hands.
Sirius took up the paper and began to read. Hermione watched him avidly, holding her breath in nerves and anticipation. As the animagus' eyes traveled down the page they widened to almost unheard of proportions, and the bubble of nerves in Hermione's stomach expanded to the point where she was squirming in her seat in a rather undignified fashion. After an agonizing and seemingly endless period of five minutes or so, Sirius set down the paper and looked up to meet Hermione's face, which had gone pale with nerves. Sirius stared at her in stunned silence, shock and disbelief written clearly on his face. Hermione studied the table.
"Hermione, is - is this," he stopped and took a breath, before seeming to change course. "Hermione, I think the Weasley Twins must have played a trick on you and switched your parchment out, because this…I mean, you can't want-"
Hermione tore her eyes from her lap and stared defiantly up at Sirius. "Don't presume to tell me what I do and do not want, Sirius Black!" she said fiercely.
"You mean this is real?" Sirius asked incredulously, staring at Hermione in wonder, as if he had never seen her before.
"Yes," she stated simply, folding her arms over her chest defensively. "It's real."
"Holy fuck, Hermione," he breathed out.
She wrinkled her nose cutely. "There's no need to be crude, Sirius."
He gaped at her in astonishment. "No need to be - Hermione! You just volunteered, for all intents and purposes, to be my personal sex slave for a week and now you're telling me not to be crude! Do you know how ridiculous that is?"
Hermione huffed, some of her color coming back. Arguing with Sirius; now that was an arena she was comfortable in. "Would you lower your voice please?" She requested tersely.
Sirius dragged a hand through his shaggy black hair and fell back against the seat of the booth, as though too stunned to be able to hold himself up. "Sorry," he whispered, still rather loudly in Hermione's opinion. "I'm just a bit gobsmacked, to be honest."
Hermione cringed, averting her eyes to the left of Sirius' face so she wasn't looking at him directly anymore. "Oh," she said tightly.
"Not like that!" Sirius hastened to reassure her, reaching across the table and placing a hand over hers. "I'm not judging you Hermione, all I meant is that I'm feeling out of my depth."
Hermione raised a neatly plucked eyebrow. "I would've thought you'd be used to women sexually propositioning you," she said.
Sirius chuckled, beginning to come out of his shock a bit. "Yeah, but not you. Are you sure you really want this, Kitten?"
Hermione's blushed at the endearment. Something about Sirius calling her Kitten, something he'd done affectionately for years now, had always held a undercurrent of sexuality to her. Steeling her courage, she nodded. "I do. Want this."
Sirius' mouth quirked wryly, seemingly against his will. "You know, I always figured you as more of the strictly missionary type."
"Yes, so did Ron," Hermione said vaguely, a sad distant look coming over her face. "We only ever did it with the lights out, he never even saw me naked properly," she finished, feeling somewhat ashamed by her admission, although rationally she knew that was a ridiculous reaction.
"And he's the only one you ever…" Sirius gestured with his hand in a way that Hermione presumed he meant to signify sex. She held back an eyeroll.
"Merlin's balls, you're practically a virgin!" Sirius said, and Hermione grimaced at the way his voice projected through the restaurant.
"Thank you, Sirius, for announcing the alleged state of my virginity for the whole restaurant to hear. Besides, virginity is a social construct."
"You're about as good as! He never even saw you naked!" Sirius barreled over her, seemingly stunned by her admission.
Hermione's face was now flaming from embarrassment and anger."I'm aware of that," she said tightly. "As is now most of the restaurant."
Sirius had the grace to lower his voice. "And you've never done anything like this," he gestured to the document, "before?"
"Where is this coming from, Hermione?"
"About a year ago, as an experiment, I tried one of Fred and George's patented Day Dream charms and uncovered some…surprising unconscious desires. It took me a while to get used to the idea that things that are generally considered depraved, things that should have infuriated me, actually turned me on more than anything. But now I am. Used to it. And I want to explore it."
"With me?" Sirius said, seemingly floored.
"Yes." Hermione said candidly, though with a prominent blush.
"Well, at first I simply used the charms as an outlet of release, but inevitably I soon began to long for the real thing. And I thought of you."
"Because naturally, when you're thinking of committing depraved sexual acts, and having them committed on your person in return, you think of me."
Hermione laughed softly and shrugged. "You're attractive," Sirius smirked, "you have a strong personality, lots of sexual experience, and you're creative. Plus, I figured you'd be up for it." She paused. "So are you? Up for it?"
"That depends," Sirius mused, drumming his fingers on the table as he contemplated Hermione's proposition. "What exactly would this…arrangement entail?"
"Well, as I've explained I've developed a spell which I've placed upon a sort of necklace." Here she stopped and spent a few minutes rummaging around in her beaded bag before withdrawing what, to Sirius, looked more like a collar than a necklace. A thick, silver chain attached to either side of a flat, silver bar, before coming together. Sirius reached curiously for the item, and Hermione surrendered it to him before continuing her explanation.
"If you put this necklace on me, I'd be forced to obey your every order for a week, at which time the spell would release me. For my safety, the necklace is charmed to buzz and flash red if I ever don't want to do something or become unwilling in anyway. In that case, the spell would also be released. It's rather more convenient than a safe word, since you would be able to gag me or place a silencing spell on me without putting me in danger. Because I want to push my boundaries, the spell will only release me and warn you if I truly don't want to do something. If I want something, even on a subconscious level, I will be forced to do it. Embarrassment, discomfort and even humiliation are things that excite me. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be able to back out of something I would've found enjoyable, just because I'd lost my nerve. However, if I am really feeling unsure about something, it will buzz yellow, and ideally we could stop and talk about why I was feeling that way," Hermione related all of this in a matter of fact tone. "Oh, and it also has truth charm on it! Like Veritserum, except in charm form, obviously, and it wouldn't put me into a stupor. I'd be fully aware of what I was telling you."
Finally finished with her explanation, Hermione took in a deep gulp of much needed air and peered nervously at Sirius, waiting for a reaction.
The usually sharp animagus appeared rather dazed as he sat back, trying to take it all in.
"Are you sure you want to dive right in like this?" he asked after a long while.
Hermione folded her hands gracefully on the table. "I've been planning this for a year Sirius. I've thought about it a lot. I want this," she assured him.
He blew out a deep breath of his own and nodded. "Alright. When would we do this?"
Hermione could barely contain her excitement. "I've taken next week off," she offered hopefully.
Sirius nodded. "Okay. Show up at my place at nine am on Monday. Don't be late," and with that he slipped Hermione's specially made collar into his back pocket and strode from the restaurant. He had a weekend of planning to get on with.