AN: Listen y'all, this is pretty much the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written. It's all smutty, kinky sex and very little plot. Like, negative plot even, lol. If some of the kinks are too much for you, I get that, and it's fine because you don't have to read those parts or really, any of the story.

As for grammar; I don't have a beta reader, and like I said this fic is pretty much completely self-indulgent. When I notice specific mistakes, or have them pointed out to me, I do my best to fix them. But honestly, I'm not the best at grammar and it's not a super huge priority for me in this realm. Not to the point where I'm going to obsess over it. If I did that, I'd never put anything out, lol. If that detracts from your enjoyment of the story, I'm sorry. You can always volunteer to proof/beta read for me if you'd like.

Spit Take

"Kitten," came a soft rumble near her ear. "Kitten, wake up."

Hermione only shifted, nuzzling her face sleepily into Sirius' thigh, the worn, soft, denim fabric soothing against her cheek.

The voice came again, this time managing to penetrate the sleep fog that hovered persistently over Hermione's mind just a little more deeply.

"You need to wake up, sleepy girl," the voice urged her gently. Hermione mewled softly, the sound muffled a bit by the knickers that still occupied her mouth, and raised her head, reluctantly cracking open a set of sleep blurred eyes. She was met with the site of a benevolently smiling Sirius peering down at her.

"Are you still sleepy, Kitten?" he asked, softly massaging her thigh. "Do you need me to help you wake up?"

Hermione smiled gratefully, nodding around a yawn. Sirius was so attentive to her. Still being mostly unawake, the usually observant witch had completely failed to notice the devious look her master exchanged with her former Professor when he asked her that question. She was still so sleepy, in fact, that she had yet to even become fully cognizant of the fact that the other men were still there. She was completely attuned to Sirius, content to let his gently commanding voice guide her from slumber.

"Climb up over my lap then," he said, taking the initiative to shift her there himself before she could move. Hermione sighed happily, settling over her master's lap and pillowing her chin gently in her hands as she let her eyes slowly drift shut again. They barely even fluttered when Sirius flipped up the skirt of her baby-doll, prompting a gentle, artificial breeze to skirt across her backside. Sirius, not to mention the other three men, were now being treated to the site of an oblivious Hermione's exposed, smooth bottom, white plug nestled firmly within it. Merlin, she was beautiful, Sirius reflected as he stared down at the delicious vision perched over his lap. He especially loved the site of his kitten's cute little arse stuffed with his plug. He couldn't wait to see his cock in it. For now though, he would have to settle for making that plug stuffed bottom of hers flush ever so prettily as he spanked his adorably sleepy slave awake.

Hermione had almost managed to fall completely back asleep when she was startled awake by a sharp, shocking slap to her bum that seemed to come out of nowhere. With a startled yelp her eyes flew open. She could hear Sirius chuckling from above her before he slapped her once again, this time on the other side of her bottom, giving her a matching set of blushing pink arse cheeks.

"Such a lovely rose color," Remus remarked, drawing Hermione's eyes to him. She hadn't even really realized the other men were still there to witness this! Darting frantic eyes around the room she quickly ascertained that all three other men were still there, watching avidly as she received her spanking from Sirius.

Hermione squirmed atop Sirius' lap as he continued to spank her, whining through her gag, despite her master's admonishments to be still and quiet. She knew she was being dreadfully naughty, but she simply couldn't endure such a humiliating act quietly, especially with the other men watching. Remus had seen her disciplined before, but the plug in her arse and the additional audience added a delicious new element of humiliation to it that had Hermione unable to keep still or hold in her moans, muffled as they were by her still present gag. She wanted so badly to be good for Sirius, she really did, but how could she be when it made her so hot to be spanked by him and called a naughty girl? She was a naughty girl. With one last decisive slap, directly on her plug, causing Hermione to cry out and spasm violently on his lap, Sirius withdrew his hand.

"Are you awake now, Kitten?" Sirius wondered, leaning down to breathe the question directly into his Kitten's ear. Hermione moaned and nodded. She was most definitely awake now.

"Good," Sirius said, patting her soundly on her sensitive rump. "Now that your arse is such a sweet, rosy red color we can see how well my plug has been working on it."

Hermione tensed, unsure what he meant by this. She barely had time to wonder before she felt Sirius spreading her cheeks and gently easing the plug from her arse, setting it off to the side on the end table. Hermione mewled. Her tender hole felt strangely bereft in the absence of the plug. She had gotten used to the sensation of fullness, and now her arse felt achingly exposed and empty without her master's plug to fill it up. She didn't have long to contemplate the sensation though, for Sirius had only just removed the plug when he was once again filling up her newly empty space, this time with his thumb. Hermione whimpered; face rapidly turning scarlet with embarrassment. To have Sirius' warm, rough thumb in her arse was somehow much more humiliating than to be filled by the smooth, cool plastic of the inanimate plug.

Sirius wiggled and jerked his digit within his Kitten's back hole, circling it around in order to assess how effective a job the plug had done at opening her up. Hermione moaned and bucked on his lap as he continued to move his thumb within her crevice, and Sirius smiled at her reaction, torturing her more.

"Yes," said Sirius, continuing to work his thumb inside Hermione's body while his friends looked on. "She's much more stretched out then the last time I was in here like this, aren't you, Kitten?" Hermione let out an unintelligible whimper. "I think she'll need some more lubrication if I want to fit more than just my thumb in her though," Sirius said musingly.

Hermione could feel him remove his thumb from her cavity, though he still kept her widely spread with the fingers of one hand. She felt even more exposed with the absence of his thumb to fill her up. He and the other men were now free to peer inside her most restricted place unobstructed. Sirius bent down over her, the tips of his soft hair brushing tantalizingly over her still sensitive, blushing backside, causing Hermione to gasp into her gag. Slowly and methodically Sirius worked his mouth, gathering as much liquid there as he could before drawing back and letting loose a giant glob of spit into his Kitten's open arsehole. The sound was shockingly loud in the still air, and it was with avid intensity that Remus, Cullen and Quinn watched as Sirius Black spit into Hermione Granger's arse.

Hermione let loose a helpless sob of frustrated desire and humiliation. She could see the shock on the men's faces at what they had just witnessed Sirius do to her, and her own visage was burning hotly with mortification. She could feel Sirius' wet, slippery saliva sliding in and around her arse hole, pooling there. It was disgusting. She should have been disgusted. Sirius had just spit on her, in her even, for Merlin's sake! He was treating her like the lowest, most debase animal, and yet she remained helplessly aroused by his treatment of her. Although she was completely humiliated, Hermione liked that Sirius had just spit on her. Loved it even. Why oh why did behavior turn her on so much?

Sirius didn't give her much time to contemplate her own desires though. Before she had even had time to get over her shock at what he had just done to her, Sirius had coated the finger of his hand with his saliva and was dipping it into her now slippery, open arse.

With the added lubrication of his spit, Sirius was able to move his fingers more freely within Hermione, stretching her further.

"Does my slutty Kitten like it when spit in her arse and then finger fuck it?" Sirius asked, continuing to move his digits within her cavity. Hermione blushed hotly, humiliated that she was so turned on by what Sirius had just done to her. Reaching down and under her with his other hand, Sirius cupped Hermione's slick, leaking pussy. She whimpered at his touch.

"Oh, she does," Sirius crowed gleefully. "You do like it, don't you, Kitten? You're absolutely dripping for me," he declared, spreading and petting her wet lower lips.

Hermione could only whine pitifully in the midst of her overwhelming desire. Sirius continued to work her relentlessly, twisting his thumb in her arse with one hand, making her squirm, while simultaneously slowly and tortuously pumping in and out of her aching pussy with the digits of his other hand. Her master was pushing Hermione relentlessly toward orgasm with his wicked ministrations, and she began to whine and buck pitifully on his lap as she drew closer and closer to the edge. Finally, with one last vicious pump of his fingers, Sirius sent her hurtling into orgasm. Hermione cried out wildly as she came, arching up so that Sirius' thumb was embedded even further in her little puckered arsehole.

Her body delighted in the strange, new sensation of being doubly filled, and the inner walls of her pussy contracted around Sirius' fingers eagerly in response. When she finally emerged from the depths of her explosive orgasm Hermione could only collapse in a limp heap on Sirius' lap, her body completely wrung out. Sirius, however, was not content to let her be.

"What a nasty, slut you are, Kitten, to come like an animal on my lap after I've spit in you and fucked you in your two, dirty, little holes," Sirius declared. When Hermione, still in her post-orgasmic haze, only seemed to take in his words distantly he delivered a sharp slap to her arse. With a gasp, Hermione was yanked back to the present and her ever demanding master.

"Get up, little slut," Sirius instructed firmly, slapping his Kitten's arse once more for good measure. Hermione yelped and quickly scrambled off her master's lap to kneel before him on the floor. "That's better," Sirius said, his voice marginally less strident than it had been. "I can't have you slacking off, Kitten," he informed her. "I'm nowhere near finished with you yet."

A frission of excitement skirted through Hermione's stomach at this declaration, and she peered eagerly up at Sirius, noticing the distinct bulge of his hard cock pressing urgently against his denims. Unconsciously, she licked her lips, a move that did not go unnoticed by either Sirius or the other men.

Sirius smirked. "Do you want my cock, Kitten?" he asked, reaching out to stroke a hand through Hermione's thick hair, using it to pull her slightly toward him.

His Kitten nodded, her brown eyes wide and focused on the outline of his cock.

Sirius reached down and roughly yanked the gag from Hermione's mouth. "Then beg me for it."

Hermione's mouth opened automatically and the words began to flow. "Please, Sir, please, may I suck on your cock," she begged, peering up at Sirius with pleading eyes.

"Why do you want it?" Sirius asked shrewdly.

"Because I'm a slut," Hermione replied immediately. "Please, Sir, I need to suck on your cock. I love the feeling of it thick in my mouth, and in the back of my throat gagging me. Please, Sir, please fuck my mouth. I need your balls up against my face so bad, I need you to make it slippery with your cum," Hermione begged ceaselessly and without pride, much to the shock of the other men.

She could feel them staring down on her in astonishment, but she couldn't stop the words from coming out of her mouth. Sirius had bid her to beg for the cock she wanted so badly, and with the truth spell attached to her collar she was especially loquacious in her desires.

"Shameless little slut," Sirius declared, staring down at Hermione with a smug yet fond smile. "You love my cum, don't you? You're my little cumslut."

"Yes, Sir, I'm your cumslut," Hermione effused with a blush, knowing it was all true. "I love the feeling when you explode inside my mouth and then allow me to swallow down your cum. Please, Sir, let me suck your cock and drink your cum," Hermione pleaded. "Please, I'll do anything," she begged, bending down and kissing the toe of Sirius' black, leather shoe earnestly.

Sirius peered down at the sight of Hermione bent in supplication over his expensive, Italian dragon hide loafers, and an idea came to him, one that would, he suspected, serve to strip Hermione completely of her pride and dignity.

"Anything?" Sirius whispered, a wicked glint appearing in his fathomless gray eyes.

"Yes, Sir. Anything," Hermione replied, utterly at her master's mercy. She would do anything he asked, if only it meant he would let her suck and lick that wondrous cock of his and swallow down his cum.

Sirius smirked. "I don't think you quite deserve my cock yet, Kitten," he declared. Hermione whined pitifully in disappointment, lowering her eyes. "I think you'll have to work your way up to that, little slut. First you may clean my shoes."

Hermione simply stared up at her master for a few scant moments, bewildered, before Sirius chucked her lightly under the chin with the toe of his boot, breaking her from her confused reverie. "Go on, Kitten," he prompted her. "My boots are dull. Shine them up , put that sweet tongue of yours to use."

When they realized what Sirius would have to her do, Remus, followed quickly the other men, began to chuckle. Their merry sounds of amusement only added to Hermione's dawning feeling of deep mortification when faced with the task her master wanted her to perform. Sirius wanted her to lick his boots? Literally? Hermione grimaced. As Sirius peered down at her with that unbearably smug and expectant look on his face Hermione's stomach began to squirm in humiliation. She felt herself begin to get wet all over again.

"Now, slut," Sirius demanded, chucking her under the chin once more with the toe of his boot again.

"Yes, Sir," Hermione whispered, completely mortified and yet absolutely turned on. She lowered her head, and dampened her lips, hesitantly sneaking out her pink tongue to swipe across Sirius' left shoe. This prompted crows of laughter and delight from Remus, Quinn and Collin and a softly murmured, "There's a good slut," from Sirius.

The leather of her master's shoes tasted vaguely unpleasant, but was smooth against her tongue in a way that wasn't off-putting. Despite herself, Hermione found herself becoming more and more wet and aroused as she performed her humiliating task. She cleaned the leather surface of Sirius' loafers meticulously with her tongue, devoting about five minutes to each shoe. She could feel Sirius' gaze burning into her the whole time, and it only added to the heat in her pussy. When she had been working steadily on the second shoe for a good four minutes, there was an interruption.

"She's wet you know, Padfoot," Remus remarked mildly, a hint of professorial fascination barely discernible in his tone. "Dripping. This is seriously turning her on."

Sirius grabbed a hunk of Hermione's hair and gently tugged her upward, forcibly detaching his Kitten's lips from his shoe.

"Is it now?" Sirius murmured darkly, gazing down at her through assessing eyes. "If you like licking my shoes so much Kitten, perhaps I should give you greater opportunity to exercise your tongue."

And with that, he stood up, Hermione having to scoot backwards in order to get out of his way. Hermione looked up at him with a mixture of, trepidation, curiosity, and arousal. What would Sirius make her do next?

"Stay," he ordered sternly before turning about and heading for the kitchen. Hermione craned her neck, peering after her master apprehensively. Remus, Cullen and Quinn also seemed quite curious. Sirius was putting on good show for them with her. T

he dark haired gray eyed man emerged from the kitchen a few moments later holding what looked to Hermione like a thin, black leather leash. Hermione's cheeks darkened as she stared at the implement, memories swirling of the last time she had been detained in such a way. Sirius approached and methodically attached the leash to her collar via a clip. "There," he said, patting her on the rump and then straightening once more.

"Now, would anyone else like their shoes cleaned? My Kitten has a very talented mouth," Sirius offered.

Remus's shoes weren't bad. The leather was calf, not dragon hide, and more worn than that of Sirius shoes, making the texture a little more uncomfortable for her tongue.

Nonetheless, Remus, predictably, kept his shoes in neat order, so they were relatively clean. Sirius had her go at them for only about eight minutes before he deemed her work satisfactory and, with a tug of her leash, led her over to attend to Collin's shoes. It was humiliating to have to trail after Sirius like a dog, not to mention a bit ironic given his animagus form and the fact that he had taken to calling her Kitten. Hermione couldn't deny though, that it made her feel possessed and owned in a way quite unlike anything else she had experienced this week.

Sirius, for his part, wasn't sure if he had put Hermione on the leash simply because he thought she would like it (he clearly wasn't wrong) or because he had darker ulterior motives. Alright yes, he had darker ulterior motives. He knew it was only shoe licking (never thought he'd say that) but if he was going to 'loan Hermione out' as it were, he'd rather she be attached to him and marked as his possession in a very clear way. On the leash, she was his Kitten and he could control her utterly with the simple tug of his hand. Even though he was letting her lick the others' shoes, she still belonged to him.

When Hermione got to Quinn's shoes, she physically blanched. The man was wearing trainers, and, by the look of them, he had been playing football in them quite recently in some muddy, grassy field. Hermione, ever the one to make the best of a situation, lifted her hand and went to brush some of the excess grass and dirt from one of the trainers. Sirius gave a sharp, tug on her leash, jerking her back.

"Ah, ah ah, Kitten," Sirius admonished. "No hands. Only your mouth." Hermione struggled to contain her grimace of absolute disgust.

"Oh, Sirius you are evil," Crowed Collin.

Sirius smirked. "Unrepentantly."

When Hermione still hadn't moved forward to start work on Quinn's filthy shoes, Sirius delivered a firm slap to her arse for what felt like the fiftieth time that afternoon. Merlin, that stung. Nevertheless, Hermione bent her head and began the supremely unpleasant task of cleaning Quinn's trainers. She developed a strategy which involved using the muscle of her tongue to ride the shoes of their largest, most clinging debris and then frantically scraping her tongue against her arm in an attempt to remove clumps of grass and remnants of dirt from her mouth, much in the manner of a real Kitten, something Sirius secretly found quite endearing.

The unpleasant expressions Hermione was making were really just too adorable. Hermione was extremely glad when she finally finished and Sirius tugged her head up. He performed a quick, modified scrougifying charm on her mouth, much to Hermione's clear happiness and relief, and then led her back over to the couch by her leash before unclipping it and tossing it off to the side. Hermione resumed her position of supplication kneeling before Sirius, her forehead touching the floor by his feet. Sirius had other ideas those, guiding her chin up from the floor and beckoning his Kitten onto his lap, exactly where he liked her best.

Sirius spent the rest of the duration of his mates' visit rather distracted from the lads and the telly, cuddling Hermione self-indulgently on his lap until his Kitten fell into an exhausted sleep once again.