![]() Author has written 16 stories for Hunger Games, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Fault in Our Stars, Code Geass, Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare, Doctor Who, and Pride and Prejudice. Hi! Thanks for clicking on my profile, it's nice to know that someone is taking the time out of their day to do so! I'm a huge fan various stories, including (but not limited to) books, shows, movies, anime, and webseries. I know that I have a ton of fics on my favorite list, but here are a few of my personal favorite fics. Also, you should check out everything that ExceedinglyPeculiarChick, and MostDefinitelyFlorentine have written. Other than those fabulous writers, here are a few of my favorite fics, sorted by fandom. Percy Jackson: Ad Initium by greenconverses is probably my favorite PJO AU fic that I've ever read. It's just a one-shot, but boy is there emotion packed in! Blink by livingondaydreams: a post-SoN fic that really examines Percy's character and life, while providing a compelling story. Hunting Stories by HecateA is unfortunately not completed, but since each chapter is basically independent, it's alright. Each story is unique except for one minor detail which connects them all. A must-read. Not a Second Time by heart-of-caramel. I'm not sure how to adequately describe how wonderful this fic is. It is nothing like you'd expect from your average post-Heroes fic. Three by icy roses. Yes it was written pre-Heroes, but any Percabeth shipper will not regret reading this. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll be close to wanting to slam your laptop shut in anger. Don't. You'll regret it. with nothing but a voice within by aesthetic promises. Read this if you're a Reyna fan. Read this if you're not a Reyna fan. Just read it. Harry Potter: A Call to Arms by My Dear Professor McGonagall. A look at Dumbledore's Army while the Trio was on the run. Absolutely beautiful. A Serpent to Sting You by Mad Maudlin. If you read only one fic about McGonagall, let this be it. Although I probably should mention that it was written pre-DH. All Made Up of Darkness and Light by Realmer06 is a Neville/Hannah fic full of, well, darkness and light. It's a quick read, but worth it. Fifty Paper Hearts by cupid-painted-blind. If you only read one Harry Potter fic, this should be it. Yet again, it was written pre-DH, but don't let that stop you. Kane Chronicles: Off Limits by Nilly's Issue is probably the only fic I can 100% recommend for this series. Please read it. Doctor Who: Common Ground by Maelynn Meep. It doesn't matter which Doctor is your favorite, you're sure to find something you love in this one-shot. Wendy Darling by MuslimBarbie. Alright, so it's an Amy-centric fic written pre-tATM, but it's brilliant and full of emotion. Please give it a shot. Remnants by ArtsyChick. I think I've re-read this fic five times. It gets better each time I read it. Avatar: The Last Airbender: Runaways by DJNS is an interesting take on the time in between A:TLA and LoK. Sleeping Close by Swiss Army Knife is an adorable example of the friendships in this show in action. Legend of Korra: Condolences by slacktension is a look at what our favorite second generation metal-bender and Mako have in common. Link by slacktension is a simply stunning look at what different generations have in common. String by slacktension. There's nothing I like more than a good friendship fic, and here's one for the Krew! sweater song by sarsaparillia. Although the premise is a little different from every other Korra fic on this list, it's really a must-read. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Dailies by Strix 4 offers a look into Mustang's close-knit team, and what goes on when they're not saving the world. Geist by Kenkaya. Bring the tissues, you're going to need them for this fantastically written fic. Halfway Home by Invaderk is probably the most realistic Ed/Winry fic that I have ever read. Infernal Devices: Crossing The River by the ticking clock. A sweet Jem/Will friendship fic. I encourage you to read this immediately after you finish Clockwork Princess. The Time We Have Left by the ticking clock is a fic you can probably read as soon as you finish Clockwork Angel. It's heartbreakingly gorgeous. Where None Can Follow by DealingDearie is another one that you'll want to read after you finish Clockwork Princess. It's one take as to what life was like for Tessa before the epilogue. Book Thief: goodbyes on a southwest wind by escapedreality. Just one of several flawless Book Thief fics I'm about to recommend. Simply stunning. skyscraper by marblesharp. I love Lisel. And although I wanted to know more about her after finishing Book Thief, this fic satisfies my thirst for information. Then Time Melts by aestheticisms is one of the best things I've ever read on this website ever. Code Geass: The Prince and The Knight by Happiness's Deceit is just as tragically poetic as the show itself. We Who Are by Maidenstear is another look at life post-R2. Any Code Geass fan should check it out. If you're a Falling Skies fan, please read The Things We Do series written by my good friend MostDefinitelyFlorentine. It is truly fabulous! Thank you so much for checking out my little stories, and please let me know if you have any feedback to give me! Reviews are greatly appreciated. Happy reading! Disclaimer: This goes for all of my stories. I do not own the characters, or the worlds that they take place in. My avatar art was made by kiwipuffs, and all credit goes to them! |