Hey guys! This chapter takes place after episode 7! I'm starting to work on the next chapter and I should have it finished sometime tomorrow. Hopefully, then, I'll be all caught up in preparation for Monday's episode.

Thank you to everyone who have followed, reviewed, and favorited! Ya'll seriously bring a smile to my face every time.

Let me know what you think!

There were a few things in life Alex Knightley was sure of. One of them being, he is the most loyal and supportive friend in the world…until his integrity is questioned.

Emma and Mr. Woodhouse have been his friends for a very long time and there's nothing he wouldn't do for them.

When Mr. Woodhouse needed someone to take care of the draft in his house, Alex took care of it (he's secretly very handy).

When Emma wanted to start up her own company, Alex was there to not only support her, but to help her make the business grow and thrive as her partner.

When Mr. Woodhouse needs input on difficult and important papers, Alex gladly looks them over.

When Emma needs someone to bring her home after a night on the town, Alex goes and picks her up and gets her home safe.

He would drop everything, and do anything, for the two most important people in his life.

But not this.

When Emma asked if she could meet with him and that it had to do with a favor, he immediately agreed; He likes it when people need him. And maybe he likes it a little bit more when it's Emma that needs him.

"I need you to call my dad."

Well, he wasn't expecting that one. His thoughts jumped to too many parking tickets and a declined credit card. It's safe to say he was a bit confused and when Alex Knightley gets confused (or any emotion really) he gets snarky.

"Your…dad. Did you get suspended from school?"

It wouldn't be the first time, actually, and he likes to bring it up as much as he can and this seemed like a perfect opportunity. That wasn't the problem though because Alex was just being a snarky prick and Emma hasn't been in school for years now. No, her favor from him is to be the mediator so she could get the real favor from her father.

Maybe it was money trouble. Usually Emma does a pretty good job managing her own finances (no matter how boring she claims it to be), but she does love to redecorate her apartment every few months, and maybe this time she went a little overboard.

But that wasn't it.

All she needed was him to give Mr. Woodhouse…an earnings report.

Which confused Alex even more. This wasn't exactly an odd request…it was pretty normal actually. And he told her so.

"But I need you to falsify the report."

Ah. There it is.

And as she rambles on about how easy it would be, 85%, no big deal, his jaw tightens and his head begins to throb.

Because there is no way, no way, Emma is seriously asking him to do this. It's wrong, so wrong, and Alex has never been so disappointed in her.

As he tries to explain to her how this would affect people's lives in such a drastic, horrible, way, she lets slip what this is really about.

Frank Churchill.

A man he's slowly (but surely) starting to loathe.

And Alex just gets angrier.

This whole business with Frank Churchill is a frustrating mess and this man, who Emma hasn't even had a conversation with yet, is turning her into someone she's not. Because this is not the Emma he knows. The Emma he knows is so much better than this.

And then for Emma to question his support for her…? He loses it, absolutely loses it. How could she ever doubt his loyalty? And to use it against him for this asinine idea?

So he makes himself perfectly clear to her. "Either cancel the wedding," he angrily replies, "or find another way!"

He can tell she's stunned and a little hurt, but he really doesn't care at this point. Emma needs to realize what she's asking of him is wrong. And she also needs to realize that she still has some growing up to do.

AN: So I realized I repeated a few words for emphasis a few times...and it made me laugh really hard because it reminded me of that show Drake & Josh. "I say things twice for emphasis. EMPHASIS!"

Anyway, would it be weird to follow each other on twitter...? I feel like ya'll would be a lot more interesting than all the drama that's constantly on my news feed. Let me know! :)