Author has written 28 stories for Twilight, Seinfeld, Psych, 30 Rock, Castle, Bones, Inception, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Gossip Girl. Wow, you are now viewing the profile of brokenheartedshipper! This is a truly commendable achievement! Congratulations! In all actuality, I'm just surprised and honored that you're taking the time to read this. So kudos to you, really. Thank you. *sniffles overemotionally* I am Dori, like the fish from "Finding Nemo" I'm a teenager living a for-the-most-part uneventful life in a very small town outside of Portland, OR, where I go to school. Fanfiction is sort of like my guilty pleasure, only it's not guilty anymore so much as just pleasure. I'm a oneshot-er. That's how I roll. Sorry to disappoint, but I don't really write a ton of multi-chapter fics. I, like my fish friend, simply do not have the attention span. I ship (warning: ship list about which you probably do not give a shit!) (bolded are the ships I've written/am writing for) Ron/Hermione I have written a series of Amy/Eleven humor fics, which occur in the following order: My Tumblr My FictionPress My Livejournal Formerly janeausten4ever, then brokenheartedshipper on this site |
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