![]() Author has written 19 stories for Bleach, Twilight, Fever Series, Star Wars, Prince of Tennis, Super Sentai, Beka Cooper series, Hakuōki/薄桜鬼, Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, and Sengoku Basara/戦国BASARA. HI. I'm SighingWinter. I am a writer who is not as good at updating as I'd like to be. I promise I will work on that!!! I love all readers- but I especially love those who read and review. I REALLY REALLY LOVE REVIEWS AND COMMENTS. To people who aren't members of fanfiction- you can leave reviews too yah know!!! Anyhow I hope you enjoy! P.S I have an AO3 account, where I swear to you there are more fics- if you're interested. STATUS OF WRITTEN WORKS Laiste is an elf who has no memory of who she was, while everyone else in the elf world seems to know everything about her. As darkness returns to Middle Earth will she be able to regain that which has been lost without sacrificing a love that has waited for more than an Age? A story the stretches across First-Third Ages !Not tenth walker! On Hiatus Same story as the one under the LOTR strain. Laiste is an elf who has no memory of who she was, while everyone else in the elf world seems to know everything about her. As darkness returns to Middle Earth will she be able to regain that which has been lost without sacrificing a love that has waited for more than an Age? 1st-3rd Ages. On Hiatus The Second Age of Arda is war torn and constantly, those of the light and those of the darkness are at war to defend Middle Earth and rid the world of Sauron forever.When a strange figure lends her aide to the cause and helps that final battle the elves sing her praises even as they mourn her she has returned and complete her missions and regain a lost love. OC/Thranduil. Reviews will determine status Same story as the one under the LOTR strain. Laiste is an elf who has no memory of who she was, while everyone else in the elf world seems to know everything about her. As darkness returns to Middle Earth will she be able to regain that which has been lost without sacrificing a love that has waited for more than an Age? 1st-3rd Ages. On Hiatus A Love Lost to the Screams of Time reviews He was dying, slowly changeing into something he had no desire to be. Something he hated and there was not one soul who could save him. She had been through hell and had become a survivior the hard way.She had never needed saving, at least not before. Completed Chizuru gets shot and the after effects are...interesting. This is a group of multiple oneshots- one for each of Chizuru's possible suitors. The suitors are- Okita, Hijikata, Saitou, Heisuke, Harada, Shinpachi, and Kazama. Please read and review! In Progress When young healer, Ami is ordered to live in Squand 11 captained by the fierce Zaraki Kenpachi she is absolutely terified. What will she do when she finds that healing the body can become something far more? And what will 11th squad do when things change?. On Hiatus, Up for rewrite Beka Cooper has had the Burning Man Dream for months and it has only gotten worse. Then one night everything changes and the dream is gone. Rated for mentions of death.Completed The Gokaigers have some fun on the GokaiGalleon, food fight style! Joe x Ahim Marvelous x Luka. Completed Yoshimizu Kanna just knew someday was going to happen after what she'd seen this morning, but she certainly hadn't expected it to this degree! Warning: Character injury, nothing too serious. In Progress. Updated 6/21/2013 Jerricho dies in front of Mac again and when he comes back to BB&B he's a little shocked about what he finds. Rated T for safety. Song Fic. Completed Across Space: Knight of the Old Republic Era Shaila,a noble of Naboo has tired of words and diplomacy,especially since the Jedi Rebellion has started. In A world where Sith and Jedi are warring and good and evil are seperated by a thin line, how far will Shaila go to find herself? Rating may change. On Hiatus Just a quick oneshot flick about something Ryo told Mac in the series.This explains the comment and goes a bit deeper. Note: Spoilers and time skips! Completed Til the world ends *brief idea I got listening to- Til the world ends by Briteny Spears. Summary: Mariann is still a bit shy with the Pack,her new school,and getting adjusted to La 's homecoming and she goes. GiselleXJake,PaulXOC. Completed When an old friends of Bella's returns from Italy, it will change the live of all those who linger between the two world- supernatural and not. A choice, a love, and a string of adventures will lead to an ultimate choice that could change everything. On Hiatus That's what I've always hated about you When Mastumoto Rangiku drinks, perhapse she's not always able to get drunk.What does she think of when she's the only one still awake after a lot of sake? Rated K due to an insane amount of alcohol. Completed A LIST OF ORIGINAL CHARACTERS FOR MY WRITTEN WORKS. Original Characters for LORD OF THE RINGS Secret Soulsand Secret Fëar, Secret Souls Laiste:A elf returned to her former body after dying in the defense of Gondolin. She has lost all memories of who and what she was, and upon returning to the shores of Middle Earth beings a long search for her identity. Allong the way she grows to understand the meaning behind true love and struggles to understand the depths of time and pain. Cries of Namárië Anarriel: A former fae thrust to Arda, Anarriel knew little more than battle and war. After being reborn and placed under the care of Elrond, she grows to understand that there is more to the world than battle and more to her former self than she first realized. Original Characters for BLEACH Healer Eleven Ami: A young female shinigami with a slim build, but shorter than average. She has born curly hair that is generally kept in a long braid that reachesheart shaped face with lightly tanned skin. She is a healer who was transfered to Eleventh Division. Zanpakto-Kuroryu Tanaka: A slightly older man, with dark hair and brown eyes. He's generally considered handsome and graduated near the top of his class in the Soul Academy. He's a bit taller than normal. Well muscled but with a build that is lithe but well defined. He has a great passion for combat but equally as great of an enjoyment for healing other. He was transfered to Eleventh Division at the same time as Ami. Zanpakto-Namida just below her shoulder blades. She had shocking blue-grey eyes, that are neither round nor almond shaped, but somewhere in between that rest on a Original Characters For THE FEVER SERIES Ryodan's Ward Adriane McCallenghen: A young woman with very few misconceptions about the world, due to having seen the Fae since she was a child. A fighter from the day she first entered pre-school when she punched a boy who had pulled her hair, she's passionate about what she believes in, especially when it comes to protecting those who cannot percieve their danger. She has emerald eyes with dark brown hair that has glimmers of red. She's stands at five foot six with a slim but toned build. A Love Lost to the Screams of Time Althea Mai Kiriyama: She has always been an odd ball. Mostly due to her appearance, her blonde hair that faded to red made her look like a constant candle flame and no matter what she tried, dying, cutting, shaving- in the end her hair always remained the same length and color. Althea had always been an outcast. Discontent with her life she begins to see things a little differently when she runs into a certain dark MacKeltar. Created by Tenipuriluv18. Original Characters for STAR WARS (ordered by species) [slow development- more of a note thing for me] Across Space: Knight of the Old Republic Era 1- Arkanian: Sulan Merspah is male with looks like any other Arkanian;an average human male height and build, tan skin, and white shoulder length hair and white eyes that have no pupils. However unlike his people he has five fingers that are without claws, due to experimentation. Sulan is very confident in his ability as a scout but has a great deal of arrogance, due to certain beliefs about his species that have been ingrained into him since childhood. 2- Cathar: a type of feline humanoid, Jhuahadi has a brilliant white mane and bright blue cat eyes. Physically he is tall and broad, possessing a strong will and tempered mind. He has very high morals and often struggles to understand humans and other creatures that to not attempt to achieve or retain morals. Though passionate in all emotions he is very level headed, some of that coming from his duty as a Jedi. He currently teaches Taul Shiel, a task that he finds difficult, but takes much pleasure from. 3- Chiss: A cautious woman reaching her late middle years, Dzardan is well educated and had once been a carver before the Sith entered her home world and destroyed many of her fellows, forcing the young woman to face the universe as a soldier. Just like her people, Dzardan has deep blue skin and bright orange eyes, which is accented by her black hair that she keeps shaved at the front and braided in a single braid that reaches mid back. Streaks of grey begin to show at her temples, one of the few factors that help other species determine her age. 4- Human: Lightly tanned, and far from her home world of Naboo, Shaila is very different from what most people expect when they see a noble, a secret which she tries to keep close to her heart. Outwardly she is calm, and sharp minded, knowing how the world works and how to get what she wants without using titles. Within her is a passionate woman who desires to fight against the Sith using weapons and not words, though she has yet to try it. She is not easily intimidated, and is the pilot and owner of the ship Star Wing. 5- Kaminoan: A rare representative of his people, Taul Shiel, is very distinctive amidst his Jedi Enclave. His height is average for a grown man of his people, though by human standards he is very tall at seven foot eleven. His skin is porcelain-white, his body frighteningly thin, with hands that are three fingered, with a gaunt face that is dominated by large purple-black eyes. Though Taul Shiel is a padawan he is very adept with the force and seeks to perfect everything he learns. He is very much a perfectionist, which is both his greatest strength and greatest weakness. His master is Jhuahadi. 6- Miraluka: Damaya is a lithe young man, who mastered utilizing the Force at eight years of age, due to his force sight, a gift common among his people. Though not a Jedi, the young man traverses the universe in the robes of a Jedi due to easier movement and because the robes allow him to cover the fact that he has no eyes, which are often covered by a white strip of cloth around his eyes. He is quiet and would think through all actions before determining a course of action, if time permitted. He has little interest in personal gain or glory; rather he seeks to achieve a state of awareness that would surpass even his Force Sight. 7- Nagai: T’shkalie is a thief with little more than self preservation on her mind. Though deeply loyal to family, she will betray those closest to her in order to survive, something that “come with the job” Her species have been considered honorable and disciplined, something that T’shkalie does not display. She has her own sense of honor and a wide skill set with small blades. Her black hair she keeps in an unkempt bob that partially conceals her dark brown eyes. Though slender and often dirty, her skin sticks out due to its paleness. 8- Taung: Kot is a pragmatic warrior who harbors a deadly grudge against the Sith, who murdered his Clan twenty years ago. He trained himself in the art of killing, and has thereby become an assassin who has never killed for money. He is tall and lean, his humanoid form filled with tempered strength. Except for his visage he is human in appearance, excepting the grey brown skin. His head resembles a Maldorian helmet- triangular with sharp ridges above the eyes, which are orange in color, and a chin that ends in a sharp point. His nose is almost flat against his face. He wears his straight and thick black hair in a high ponytail, where the hair emerges from a small area on the upper back of his head. 9- Zeltron: Dani, in a word, is a prostitute. Her exotic beauty and happy mannerisms often attract very wealthy men who buy drinks and are willing to spend quite a lot to meet her desires for entertainment and pleasure, in all their forms. Under the happy exterior is a girl who was enslaved for most of her young life before running away. Dani had never visited her home world, having been born on Tatooine, but she carries the same looks as all her people, overwhelming beauty with long crimson locks and pale pink skin. At the nape of her neck she has a black tattoo. 10- Zygerrian: Ikaiis comes from a world where weakness is a sign of death and enslavement. He was trained to be violent and strong willed, never pleading for death. When he left his home world Ikaiis immediately became a mercenary, and quickly became well known and feared, just like his people. He had a shallow complexion with wavy red hair that he keeps in a half up half down style. Parts of the loose hair he wraps or braids while the rest is left on its own. Two bony spurs jut out from his chin and three such spurs replace the lines of his brows. |