A/N: This is the final chapter of Stop Running. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Journeyman07 for the Beta of this story, you were awesome and patient.
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Stargate Atlantis or it's wonderful characters.
Spoilers: Through Season 5 up to Brainstorm.
15 – Fierce, Force of Nature
The teams left Kiryk and Caleth behind as they stepped through the Gate and into Atlantis. Woolsey was already coming down the stairs to greet them.
"How did your mission go? Anything I need to know?" Woolsey asked Sheppard
John looked out at the group behind him before looking back at Woolsey, "Nothing out of the ordinary, sir."
"Well then, I'm sure you're all tired and hungry. Let's have our briefing in seven hours followed by post mission physicals," Woolsey declared.
"Thank you, sir," Sheppard accepted.
"You heard the man, get rid of your gear, grab something to eat and get some sleep," Sheppard instructed. "We'll meet up for the briefing in 7 hours."
Jennifer felt Ronon take her hand as they left the armory heading for the mess hall. She got a bit of ribbing from the teams when she turned in her gun, but she knew they were also thankful she had the gun with her today and knew how to use it.
As they neared the mess hall Jennifer gave Ronon's hand a squeeze and nodded her head toward a nearby balcony. They slipped through the door and found themselves looking out over the water surrounding Atlantis. Jennifer would never get over how beautiful it was to see the spires of Atlantis buffeted by the sparkling blue ocean. It instilled a sense of hope for the future in her each time she saw it. Not as much her future, but that of the galaxy.
She turned and looked at Ronon who was appreciating the view as well. She couldn't get over the fact that this man wanted her. She felt their entwined fingers and a jolt of happiness surged through her.
"There is something I need to tell you," Jennifer suddenly said as she turned and looked into Ronon's eyes. She saw the question in his eyes although he said nothing, but waited for her to continue.
"While I was with Caleth today I realized I was wrong," she let go of his hand and stepped away. "He was so unequipped to be a runner. He had none of your sense of survival, your will to live and beat the Wraith."
Ronon watched Jennifer begin to pace knowing she'd get to her point, but hoping she wasn't letting him go. He'd take things as slow as she wanted, he was enjoying that, but he had no intention of letting her go… ever.
"I told you I was afraid of being loved by you because of your take-action, fierce, force of nature way of doing things. I felt ill-equipped and too inexperienced to have that kind of energy flung in my direction. But after spending time with Caleth I remembered that those very traits are what attract me to you," Jennifer peeked a look at Ronon.
"I can't imagine you being anything else… I wouldn't want you to be anything other than you," Jennifer reached for his hand. "I'm trying to tell you that you can't scare me off. You're truly stuck with me now," she teased poking him in the chest with her free hand.
"So you're saying," Ronon began, "that if I told you right now I want to fling you over my shoulder and retreat to my room…" Ronon paused just long enough for his statement to hang in the air, "Or if I told you I wanted to be bound by some type of ceremony, whether it be Earth or Pegasus, that you would be ok with that knowledge?"
Her eyes flew to his and at the startled look on her face he laughed lightly. "What if I told you," he began again leaning down towards her face and dropping his voice, "at this moment I want nothing more then to take your hand and walk with you to the mess hall and eat with our friends?"
Jennifer grinned sheepishly back, "I'd be fine with that."
Ronon held out his hand, "Shall we?" Ronon's heart held such joy it was hard to contain, he was sure it showed on his face.
"We shall," she giggled back.
After a few steps towards the mess hall Ronon heard Jennifer clear her throat. "So those other things you were thinking…"
"We'll get to those too, right?"
Ronon could hear the nervousness in her voice, but he also heard the hope there. He stopped walking and pulled slightly on her hand to turn her towards him. He looked down at her with a very playful grin, "Without a doubt…in fact…"
Jennifer was a little worried by the smirk on his face, but she wasn't expecting what happened next. Before another thought could enter her mind she found herself flung over Ronon's shoulder.
"What are you doing?" she laughed while trying to sound stern. "Ronon… Ronon…"
He continued to walk toward the mess hall, not pausing at her persistent imploring. He may have thought she was upset, but her laughing between her orders to put her down gave her away
"Ronon, put me down, right this instant. I'm the CMO of Atlantis; I can't be seen like this…" Jennifer tried kicking and wiggling out of Ronon's grasp, but it was no use.
"We need to work on your reflexes a little, Doc," he laughed.
"Ronon…I'm serious..." she growled while trying to arch her back and come back over his shoulder, but her abs were not strong enough, and her laughing made it hard to maintain the arched back.
"And obviously we need to work on strengthening your muscles," he laughed again.
"I'm warning you," she laughed, "I'll…"
"And what will you do, little girl?" he teased while tickling the back of her knees while walking into the mess hall.
"I'll think of some…" Jennifer stopped mid-sentence as she found herself righted with her feet back on the ground at the beginning of the food line.
She looked up to find Ronon grinning like a fool down at her. She loved seeing him so uninhibited and free with his happiness. She reached up and pulled his head down to hers and gave him a quick kiss, before winking at him, "I'll get you back, don't you worry."
Across the mess hall Ronon's team were sitting together eating with Lorne and Cadman. All of them were staring with mouths agape at the scene they just witnessed when Jennifer had entered the mess hall slung over Ronon's shoulder and the two laughing like children.
"What the hell was that?" Sheppard asked stunned.
"I believe that Ronon and Jennifer have found a new level to their friendship," replied Teyla with a twinkle in her eye.
"I see they don't subscribe to the 'no PDA' rule that most of courteous society adheres to," whined Rodney while shifting uncomfortably in his seat. When he looked up from his tray and found Teyla looking puzzled at his comment he elaborated, "Public displays of affection."
"Are you not happy for them, Rodney?" Teyla asked.
"Why yes…, yes I am," Rodney quickly replied, not wanting Teyla to misunderstand. "Its not that, I just don't…, what I mean is, I doubt that everyone needs to… um… see…that," he said while pointing in the couples general direction with his fork. He didn't want to chance his own look. He was extremely happy for Jenn… and the big guy, he just didn't feel the need to watch them kiss.
"I think it's kind of cute," Lorne said grinning and looking around the mess to see how many of the Marines were present and watching the happy couple's antics while in line getting their food. "Plus, sparring sessions should be a little easier for the immediate future. If not, we can all have a great time teasing the Doc while we're in the infirmary getting stitched up."
"I find it kind of unnerving to see the big guy laughing and smiling like that," Sheppard ventured not able to take his eyes the Satedan, "can't say that I have ever witnessed a happy Ronon… amused maybe, tickled even, but never…cheerful."
"It is a little spooky, sir," Cadman acknowledged, smirking at the Colonel's discomfort. "I'm not sure if she stopped running, or if big and burly there," she pointed towards Ronon, "finally caught her, but either way, I'm glad to see them both happy."
A/N: Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this story. Seeing my email inbox with so many reviews really brightened my day!