Hey Guys! This is my new version of The Royal Game. It's the same plan and the same characters, but I actually planned everything out chapter by chapter. Also I over-prepared my character from her quirks to her technique. Unfortunately, I will have no use for OC's. I am so sorry my contest winners! BUT! I do have a compensation gift for you! Just PM for the details!
Anyways, here I go!
Disclaimer: TeniPuri does not belong to anyone but Konomi Takeshi. I wish I had a piece of that though then I would put Sakuno with boys other than Ryoma and make it a HAREM! Lol xD jk jk
Chapter 1: Enter the Girl with the Feline Eyes
The blaring sunshine of yet another ungodly summer invaded the space of one sleeping monster. That monster groaned in annoyance as it knew that another day had come and with it errands to fulfill. The monster, a female, snuggled further in her comforter hoping to ignore all the signs of the day and bask in the comfort of the perfect temperature between her and the sheets. It was unfortunate, however, that luck did not side with her that day. After all it was Tuesday; the day that seemed as if the entire world's malcontent and bad luck fell on her shoulders. The bomb of bad luck that started that day was her little brother.
She should have known that today was that peculiar day. The evidence of which was the unusual circumstance of her little brother gracing her with his surly presence so early on in the morning. Not that she minded at all, heavens no. It gave an excuse to tease and present which one of them was older, faster, stronger, wiser, and more mature. Jokingly, she gave him the latter during these teasing sessions as she realized early on that it really was not mature to do these things. Fortunately, they both knew that she was more mature than he during the times spent outside of their family walls. He, along with their eldest brother, basked in the fact that they were able to taunt her in turn – from her girly tendencies to her more butch ones. The one rib that they relished the most was that out of all the three of them, she was the one that took to their father the most. It was always said that her little brother was the mini clone of their father, but, on the contrary, it was her. They were both extremely advanced in tennis, but chose to lounge around lazily instead. They both agreed to place the household legacy to her little brother and train him to surpass both of them. They were both motivated when needed to be, but rather not expel such energy on anything else. They refused any sort of prying from paparazzi unless a betting game of playing tennis was issued, and were both snarky and evasive to the boot when actually forced into one or any situation with inquisitions. Finally, both were secretly a bit perverted – one more so than the other. Not that she would admit anything. It was not as if she were exactly like her father in that area of 'expertise.' She was more into the slightly smutty romance novels being a hopeless romantic that she is, but nonetheless, her brothers took it to an advantage. It was on this day that he chose to make such a comment.
The little brother ominously leaned in close to her exposed ear, smirking while he did so. In his hand was a conspicuous bottle with a trumpet like horn sticking on its bright red nozzle. The monster had just fallen back to a light sleep when she heard the telltale sign of light footfalls on her slightly mute floorboards. In her mind, she knew of what was to come. Her mind had not wandered off from its musing at the curiosity it shown when her brother had snuck in a bullhorn in the cart of groceries the other day. With feline flexibility, she kicked the offending bottle out of her brother's clutches and wrestled him to the ground.
"Nice try, outoto1," she mocked him whilst trapping him on her fuzzy carpet, "You'll have to be more discreet than that."
She giggled at his predicament and released him. He growled in annoyance as he exited the room, grumbling obscenities under his breath that she would rather not hear. Ever since his move back to New York and their current place of residence, he seemed agitated more so than ever. She figured it was because of her disapproval of him participating at the US Open, and the fact that he had arrived entirely too late for the registration. She guessed it was more of the former for the reason he had wanted to rudely wake her up.
"Still bitter, Ryoma?" she inquired loudly, "You know that it wasn't my fault!"
All she received was a grumble in response. She rolled her eyes at his obvious mannerism and proceeded to do her morning preparations. After a little mishap in bathroom (curse those damn wet tiles!), she sauntered to the kitchen intending on pampering herself on the doomed day with pancakes and a more-than-healthy dose of maple syrup. As per usual habits, she checked the mail from the day before and found after a few more bills that needed to be paid by the end of the month, there was a peculiar international envelope addressed to her. The only person that would send her a slug mail nowadays was her computer-inept father. She ripped the envelope and shook the letter out, not caring that the envelope was now pieces of scraps on the kitchen floor. His handwriting was absolute chicken scratch and she could only legibly read a few words here and there.
You need to return to Japan. I entered you and your two brothers in a tennis camp. Make sure the older seishounen knows and take him with you. I'll send Ryoma a separate letter later. I want you to go there first and scout the area for. Don't tell Ryoma at all. Nanako reserved your tickets on your account. Just print it she says.
It was informal, commanding, and blunt. Just the way Echizen Nanjiro would talk to his only daughter. She knew she could not go against his wishes. It was lucky or unlucky that she, along with Ryoma, was not allowed to participate in the Open this year. She had hoped to spend time lounging at their summer beach house in the Hamptons instead of playing keeper to her two brothers in camp. She knew with great knowledge that this camp she was being forced into would probably house only boys.
'How unlucky,' she thought, 'I don't want to deal with hormonal boys right now.'
With a long sigh, Ryoka turned back to her cooking. Ryoma chose to enter the room this time after smelling the tempting aroma of food. He spied the crumpled letter in her fingers and the scraps on the floor, and knew immediately that it was their father that sent the letter.
"What did he say?" Ryoma inquired.
Ryoka flinched in surprise. She knew that little habit of hers with mail opening would get to her one day. She flinched inwardly, hoping that the emotion had not been outwardly shown.
"Nothing much," she shrugged nonchalantly, "Are you meeting up with your little friends today at the public court?"
Ryoma noted her aversion to the topic; his curiosity now reaching several heights not yet unrecognized by him. He acted as if he was seven again after seeing a move that Ryoka created. His childhood innocence and curiosity perked beneath his normal stoicism. He leaned on the side of counter next to her and pointedly looked down at the letter. Ryoka looked at him suspiciously then looked down at the letter with him. Both then looked up and gave each other identical questioning looks. The siblings need not to ask each other questions out loud; looks and minutiae gestures were adequate for their conversations. Ryoma's look was still the same child-like curiosity while Ryoka's was interrogative-why-should-I-tell-you one. After a few moments of silence other than the sound of the pancake sizzling, Ryoma opted for a less complicated morning. He looked away and surrendered that little bout, not before commenting teasingly.
"I should have known. You're probably talking about some of those hentai things you read to him."
Ryoka reddened in anger and embarrassment, "No, baka-outoto!"
Ryoma slumped onto his seat in the kitchen island and shrugged, "Whatever you say, nee-chan. Whatever you say."
The older girl chose to ignore the last comment and stew in rage silently over the stove. She smacked the ladle filled with new pancake batter hard enough on the pan to splatter herself with the gunky mess. She cursed in Chinese knowing her brother did not know and could not learn the meaning at all. At least living near Chinatown had its uses besides a quick getaway for dinner. She stomped to her room angrily to take her second shower of the day. Unfortunately, knowing her bad luck on these days, this was only one of the many showers she takes on Tuesday.
Ryoka and Ryoma went on with their day happily ignoring each other as per usual; although, there was a bit of tension between them when they accidentally crossed paths. It was not until evening that they had actually conversed yet again. They were both sitting down in the living room and silently (not) watching a television show. Of course they were ignoring each other's presence. It was not until the end of a particularly bad show that Ryoka chose to speak up.
"Dad called me back to Japan," she said.
Her eyes quickly scanned her brother's reaction. She noted that just before his face hid his real reactions in that mask of stoicism, he flashed through surprise, confusion, suspicion, and – most surprisingly – envy.
"What does he want you for there?" he asked, a bit of a pout sneaking into his seemingly blank inquisition.
Ryoka hid a small smile while turning away from his stare, "I don't know. All he said was to come back."
"Oh," he spat.
Ryoka looked at him quizzically, "'Oh?' Is that all you're going to say?"
Ryoma stared at her blankly, "When are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow," she said, rolling her eyes, "Are you sure you're okay, Ryoma?"
"I'm fine. It's not like he's not going to call me soon with the same information," he answered cheekily.
"You know what? You are a little prat," she declared with finality, "But you're my brother and I have to put up with you."
Ryoka woke up earlier than usual and headed to Ryoma's room with her suitcases in hand. She watched him sleep soundly. He was absolutely adorable snuggled into his sheets with a stuffed cat hugging the side of his head. She bought it years ago when Ryoma's Himalayan cat, Karupin, wandered away. Ryoka actually was the one that let him off to their backyard; a secret she kept all these years. He had cried so much, and had not played tennis for days. She was filled with so much guilt that she bought the stuffed toy with the allowance that she had wanted to spend on a new tennis outfit. All was fine and more after Karupin came back home. Ryoma now only used the stuffed toy when he had to part with the cat for weeks or months. Its soft fur allowed him to calm down or to lessen the homesickness. It was especially useful now that he had left Karupin back in Japan.
She patted "Karupin Junior" on the head, "Take care of him."
Ryoka leaned over him and kissed his forehead. With a final look at her brother's figure, she bid goodbye with a smirk.
"I'll see you later outoto."
Ryoka arrived at JFK Airport an hour later; the red eye flights just starting to check in passengers. A figure in a grey and black hoodie walked over to her and picked up her suitcases. He was identical to her features only with the fact that he was a male. If Ryoma was here at the moment, a passerby would comment that the stranger was the older version. Surprisingly, the stranger was not holding an orange this time, his usual habit forgotten at the spur of the moment meeting. The simple yet obviously worn necklace's only charm glinted in area's fluorescent lights. He regarded her with a simple nod with his head.
"What class we in?" he asked.
"Good morning to you to, Ryoga," she said drily, "First class."
He yawned a bit and returned her greeting with an equally dry stare, "Good. It's been a while since I've been in one."
Ryoka raised an eyebrow in question, "Even that time when you got forced to play tennis by that fake billionaire? What was his name Sakuba? Sakuro?"
"Sakurafubuki," he corrected, "Hey, at least, I got to play against Chibisuke."
"Yes, but at the cost of almost dying!" Ryoka's voice started to rise in level.
Ryoga sighed in defeat and proceeded to calm her down, "Geez, we came out alive right? I'm still a solid human being!"
Ryoka slapped his ticket on his chest, "I'm still mad at you."
"Why aren't you mad at chibisuke? Why just me?" he scoffed in surprise.
"Unlike you, he was actually there to make it up to me!" She accentuated her words with jabs to his chest.
"What did he do? Be a slave?"
Ryoka sniffed, wiped her nose, and in a quiet voice said, "Yes, yes he was."
Ryoga laughed heartily, "HAHA! God help me. I have a tennis nut for a brother and a sadistic hentai little sister."
"Shut up, you're part of this weird family too!" Ryoka angrily stomped away.
16 gruesome hours later, the twosome arrived sleepily in Incheon National Airport in Seoul, South Korea. It took longer than necessary because they had a stopover in Hawaii where they then switched into a Japan Airlines airplane. Both were absolutely cranky and found knots in their muscles they had no idea they could. All they wanted was a bed to knockout to.
A large yawn escaped from Ryoga's mouth before he asked his sister a question, "What are we doing here?"
"We need to have a qualification round with the players," she answered with an equally gigantic yawn, "And then, we could go to the camp."
"Huh? Why couldn't we do it at the camp like normal entrants?" he asked drowsily.
"Because I don't know if you've noticed, but we aren't normal applicants. We're the offspring of one Samurai Nanjiroh, one of which already achieved a Grand Slam at the youngest possible age. The other an unknown prodigy with a knack of disappearing. Guess who's who."
"Fine, fine. Wake me up when we get there."
"Baka, we are here."
Ryoga was too sleepy to notice that they had already arrived at their destination. It was a gym specifically for tennis players. His sleepiness was momentarily stopped as he marveled at its greatness. Ryoka dragged him along, wanting to finish and hopefully arrive at Tokyo by midnight. They zoomed past the front desk and went straight for the person waving at them. He was shabby and old-looking, and seemed to be in a happy-go-lucky mood. The siblings both reached a conclusion that this must be the supervisor of the team.
"Hey, you guys made it!" he said with a bit of enthusiasm. He then went off into a long spiel complete with gestures and exaggerated facial motions. The two siblings looked at each other with an 'Oh God!' expression then both groaned in unison.
"If he doesn't shut up right now, I'm going to shut it for him," Ryoga said threateningly.
"Shut up. We'll only have to put up with this for only a bit more. Deal with it," she tried to pacify.
Ryoga's retort was cut short when a deeper voice sneered at them, "Who are these two?"
The supervisor's enthusiastic and cheery attitude faded away into a glowering façade. He answered with no emotion whatsoever, "New recruits."
Standing in front of the three was a boy that looked older than what his age told the public. He had raggedy long hair that stuck onto his scalp with nasty sweat, and was held down with an equally wet headband. He wore a black, white and red tennis uniform as the others identical behind him. He held a Prince racquet in hand with the other placed firmly on his hip.
"Oi, gaikokujin, do you understand what I saying? Why are you here?" he asked with a derogative tone of voice.
Ryoka stepped forward while keeping an arm to restrain a now quietly angry Ryoga. She looked at him like piece of dung and answered, "Asshole, we're here to get in the camp. Now do YOU understand ME?"
Her mocking answer angered the person behind him. That stranger was a monstrous being that surely towered over Ryoka two times. He had an ugly Mr. T imitation haircut and was surely half–Black. The first stranger just chuckled deeply, "Interesting."
He walked up to Ryoka and examined her at a close distance. She wrinkled her nose as the smell of sweat invaded her nostrils, but kept her stare locked with his.
"Now," he began, "What is a girl like you doing here?"
She moved forward as he moved back, "I'm here to play."
"Hn, a girl like you wants to play with the big boys?"
Ryoka hardened her glare. Her hazel eyes darkened in response and it seemed so animalistic at the moment. Her posture changed from enervation to one of defense, impassiveness, and knowing confidence. The sweaty stranger backed away in intimidation before heading towards the building's indoor courts.
"Follow me," was all he said. His players were all wearing perplexed looks at their leader's actions. Ryoka could tell that he had never surrendered to anyone else's stares before and laughed inside. She knew that he was going to be fun to break.
The two siblings followed obediently, willing the qualifications to be faster. They arrived at a deserted court. The stranger went to the other side of net and looked towards the siblings. He smirked widely with malice in his eyes.
"Who's first?" he challenged.
Ryoka felt Ryoga move forward. She stopped him short with her hand and gave him a look, 'You can't defeat him.'
'What? You can?' Ryoga cocked an eyebrow, 'Did you see his number? He's number one fer-God's-sake, Neko!'
'Exactly the reason why I should defeat him! He's too strong for you. Besides taking first place would allow me the exact freedom to scout for Oyaji!'
Ryoga sighed and backed out. He sat back down at the bench and leaned back, "Fine."
"Thanks, aniki," Ryoka sent an apologetic look her way then took her racquet from her tennis bag. She turned back to her opponent and let herself back into her box.
The stranger laughed meanly, "So the little girl is going to play with the big boy. Can you handle it?"
Ryoka smirked, "Can you handle me?"
Yes! I finished the first chapter! I hope you like it! that's 3K+ just for the first chapter. I think I outdid myself and I love it!
Anyone like Legend of Korra? MAKORRA ALL THE WAY~! lol xD
Now I'm just gonna ramble. You can read it if you want or not. Whatever.
I love love love love Yukimura Seiichi so much! Like no joke. My friend Emma and I speak so much to each other about PoT and Bleach so much. But we both agree that Tezuka is sooooo hot. No joke. We got something for Tsundere and Megane types. Not that i would say that I'm way totally into it. No never mind I really am into it. haha. Another character we both agree on is Fuji Syuusuke. That boy. Mmmm, that boy. haha.
Anyways... I have a question for you all!
If you were a character in the Prince of Tennis world, which school would you stay in and why? BUT YOU MUST BE A FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT.
See you later!
~Teni! 3