Disclaimer: As with most Fanfictions, I have no rights to any of the characters from Pierce's writings. Like most they are my written hero's and I hope to do my best to honor them as I see fit in the following work.
Also, do to odd formatting as Fanfiction translates my documents I will be breaking sections apart with lines instead of traditional paragraphs and spaces. Sorry, but I have to work with what it gives me.
Keladry of Mindelan took one slow, deep breath as she looked down at her slippers. Things had changed so much since she'd last seen Corus; people had changed much since then as well. Roule and Buri had wed, along with Neal and Yuki, who even a child on the way. It was painful to think the past three years she was dead to them.
The past three years she had missed out on so much that made her heart wrench to even think of what they went through. Letting her breath out, she finally willed herself to turn around and look up into the mirror before her. It was time to confront who she was, and what was to come.
Three Years Prior
The war had almost come to a halt, an end at last to all the loss and bloodshed. Kel just kept telling herself that as she worked on helping her men rethatch a roof in New Hope. Even after killing the mage Blayce the waves and raids had continued. They were smaller and more manageable, but it was as if all that changed overnight. It had been three months since the last true attack, and now only small break off raiding bands dared get close, and none ever managed to get far into the archers range. To most, these warriors thatching a roof in light clothing -most without shirts- actually would seem a strange sight. But New Hope was blossoming into more of a village then a well guarded refugee camp. Graciously she took the water skein that was lying near the supplies, and wiped the sweat from her brow onto her sleeve as she looked over her men.
It was not that they had won the war only that tides had shifted. Her self proposed mission played the turning point for Scanra. She had thought it all a joke set in motion by Roule or Dom until she received the proclamation herself. A royal decree had halted the war. The northern people were outraged at their warlord after finding what he had done to their children, that his one and only son took the seat for himself by force. With his father and his horrid acts dead and done, he spoke of setting and restoring peace to the land. As well as repaying Tortall for its losses, something that even the king could not turn down. If all went well, the new warlord of Scandra would be visiting Corus with the intent on wedding King Johnathan's oldest daughter. Escorted by who else, the King's Own which included herself. Unlike some, she did not share such faith in the man.
"Oy, Kel!" a man yelled from the ground as she tossed the empty skein down to him. Catching it she saluted before heading back to her task. Perhaps she would get to visit home soon, perhaps this war was nearly over. The only thing she looked forward to now was the visit from Roule, Dom, and Neal in a couple weeks time. If only time could pass faster.
Sitting down to dinner she nearly winced as her arms rested against the back of the chair.
"Why me, why is it only I get sunburns while you all bath in the sun like cats!" She grumbled at the men at her table as they all snickered and passed her a bread basket.
"We were made to work in the sun. You were made to be a lady." Merric piped in as he slid into a chair.
"I can still beat you in a fight."
"This is why I jest and tease you!" He gasped before snatching a roll for himself. She just smirked and proceeded to listen to the camp's gossip as dinner passed. As the night passed many children bid her goodnight and elderly clasped her shoulder as they passed, these were her people, her odd mismatched family. Children she watched learn to walk, who's curiosity in weapons woke them to join in practice each morning, something she was all to proud of.
Though, that was when things changed. She could feel it, the midwinter chill that seemed to creep into the mess hall and climb up her spine. The fire pit seemed to put out little heat as even Merric was looking about to see where the sudden draft had come from. The door opened as one of the guards popped his head in.
"Lady Kel, there are men here to see you." He called as she simply rose. "They left all weapons at the gate as a sign of good peace if that helps." He said gently. Looking to Merric he just sighed shoving the last bit of supper in his mouth before following.
"White banner?"
"They… they aren't from Scanra if that's what you mean." He said before slipping out.
"Shall we?" Merric smiled as he followed her out and to the command building.
"Should tides change, you know the orders." She notified the guards before slipping around the corner.
The men outside were nothing like she expected. Huge figures that made her old knight master, Roule, look normal. They towered over most of the men around her; even she barely reached their chests. They were clad in thick leather, chain and plate. Huge fur cloaks and jackets were strapped to the packs of war steeds that seemed as large and nasty as Peachblossom, though the spiked armor made them far more intimidating. Taking a deep breath she strode toward them head held high as a few took in deep breaths as if they had seen a ghost. After a moment it was one who strode forward and offered a hand. She went to take it before he passed her hand to grab her forearm. Doing the same out of instinct she was ready to side step whatever the free hand may bring forward. He just smiled and offered her a firm shake before releasing.
In the firelight she could make out thick golden hair that fell down his back in a wave, his beard was braided and held bits of colored stones or golden beads. He finally opened his mouth to speak; it was thick and choppy but comfortable as if he hid nothing behind his words.
"You are protector of small?" His voice boomed and echoed through the area as he followed it with a smile.
"I am lady Keladry of Mindelan, knight of…" she began before the men chuckled.
"We know then." He cut her off before nodding almost sagely. "We like to hear that we are not the only people with strong women!"
"Can I ask.." She tried to start again.
"Why? Keladry of Mindelan, our wise man had a vision of you. Come, we must talk." He motioned toward the house. Nodding they entered followed closely by the guards and knights of Tortall.