Thanks to Chushiki-Maho and thyrokio for reviewing the last chapter. :D
I was going to mark this as a parody at first, but then I decided against it since all of this could actually happen in the Ouran universe, because all of the hosts are pretty crazy, especially when they're all incredibly tired (including Tamaki, even if he doesn't show it).
With that being said, please enjoy the second half of Death Trap:

Haruhi felt something like a net covering her face, and when she eased her eyes open, the first thing that she saw was Tamaki coming at her with a pair of scissors and a determined look on his face.

She automatically screamed, ducking behind Kyoya and throwing Usa-chan up in front of her to act as a shield.

"Haruhi! Be quiet! We're trying to save you!" the twins yelled, both holding rolls of duct tape and trailing behind Tamaki.

It was too late, though. At hearing Haruhi's scream, both Mori and Honey had bolted upright, ready for action. Mori easily pulled the net off of himself and the others, allowing Honey to launch himself at Tamaki as Mori threw off his blanket and sleeping cap.

"Tono!" the twins cried as Honey tackled Tamaki and grabbed the scissors out of Tamaki's hand, tossing them away.

"No, Honey-senpai!" Tamaki breathlessly tried to explain to the boy kneeling on his chest so that he would not be killed. "I was trying to save Haruhi! I was going to cut the net to let her out, and then the twins were going to tape it shut-"

"Shut up, scumbag," Honey spat. "Usa-chan slap!" he yelled, slapping Tamaki hard across the face, causing Tamaki to lose consciousness.

Mori stepped in and dragged Tamaki to a corner so that he could sulk there when he woke up.

Honey shot the twins a dark look and said a single accusing word, "Accomplices."

In the meantime, Kyoya had awoken to find Haruhi cowering behind him and a stuffed bear in his lap.

Confused, he turned the bear around to see its face and said irritably, "What is that snide look, bear? I'll kill you."

Even more confused was Haruhi, who timidly came out from behind Kyoya as he punched Kuma-chan off of his lap, only to see Mori dragging a passed-out Tamaki across the floor and Honey slapping Hikaru and Kaoru and then wrapping them in a net.

"Kyoya-senpai, what's going on?" she asked, pulling Usa-chan close and then blinking when she realized that she didn't know how the bunny had gotten into her arms.

"Heck if I know," he muttered, straightening his glasses out, "but I don't appreciate you making advances on me while I'm asleep."

"What?" Haruhi shrieked, leaping to the other side of the couch.

He looked at her with drowsy eyes and sighed, "I mean, at least do it while I'm awake so I can respond..."

"Eh?" she yelped.

Haruhi jumped off of the couch to run away, but she was intercepted by a hard hug from Honey.

"Haru-chan!" Honey exclaimed. "Don't worry, you're safe now!"

Mori walked up to them, and Honey said, "Takashi, I'm still sleepy."

Mori's eyes widened, and, picking Honey up, he said, "Don't worry, little one. You did such a great job. You go right back to sleep now, okay?"

Haruhi, even more confused than before, watched silently as Mori put Honey down on the couch next to Kyoya, who had already fallen back asleep. He handed Usa-chan to Honey and then picked up the blanket, tucking both Honey and Kyoya in.

"Sleep tight, and have lovely dreams," Mori said fondly as Honey nodded off after nuzzling against Kyoya's arm.

Satisfied, Mori walked back to Haruhi, saying, "Aren't they just so cute?"

"Uh, sure," Haruhi said, mildly creeped out by Mori's words and his brilliant host smile.

"You know, Haruhi," he said, placing a finger under her chin, "you're really beautiful when you're terrified."

"NO!" Tamaki screamed from his corner, suddenly conscious and appalled at the fact that the worst had happened.

Honey woke up, and suddenly Tamaki was pinned to the wall by bunny-shaped shurikens.

Tamaki screamed like a girl and then fainted, and Honey contentedly fell back asleep.

"Er- thanks," Haruhi said uncertainly, taking a step back from Mori. "Are you still sleepy, Mori-senpai?"

"Now that you mention it, yes, I am still rather tired," he said, as charming as ever. "You look like you are also still tired too, Haruhi. Would you like to rest in the shelter of my arms?"

"Um, no?" she replied apathetically, about to fall over from a sudden new wave of exhaustion.

"Okay," he said with an understanding smile.

He then pulled her gently toward the couch, sat down in front of it, and pulled her down to him. Leaning back against the couch, he wrapped her affectionately in the shelter of his arms.

"Uh, Mori-senpai..."

"Hush, dear Haruhi. Some moments need no words."

Haruhi narrowed her eyes, but there was no escaping from his hold. He fell asleep quickly, and eventually overcome by his warmth, she also fell asleep.

And so, despite the fact that all seven hosts were present, the third music room was quiet.

A couple of hours later, Mori woke with a start, waking Haruhi in the process. He almost jumped out of his skin when he found that she was in his arms, but he tried to remain calm. He had no idea how she had gotten there.

She looked up at him with bleary eyes and a small smile.

All he could say was, "Haruhi... were you making advances on me while I was asleep?"


Fufufu. Mischief managed.
Thank for reading, and check out my other Ouran stories!
Please review! :D
