![]() Author has written 13 stories for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Trek: 2009, Supernatural, and Hawaii Five-0. I am willing to write requested fics in my fandom, I've done it before and it is quite fun. Just PM me an idea and I'll see where it goes. I've had readers from almost every country on Earth, so thank you fanfiction, for making this possible. I am female. You can call me nat13cat, nat, or cat. Or I guess 13 if you really wanted. My favorite movie is Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek 2009. JJ Abrams all the way baby :) I am partial to the original slash pairing, Kirk/Spock, which I refer to as Spirk, and if I'm writing smut, Kock. My most popular story on this site is Unsaid, a Spirk fic, though it's on hiatus because it drains me, and I've had a busy year this year. I watch too much TV for my own good, I am indeed a Superwholockian, though I'm far from hard core. I'll never write fic for Sherlock, because the show itself is written too well, and I'll probably never write for Doctor Who, mostly because I'm giving up the show. I watched all of Firefly and all of Dollhouse. Joss Wheedon and JJ Abrams need to work together because it would most definitely kill me. TV Shows: Almost Human Marvel's Agent's of S.H.E.I.L.D. Supernatural Merlin Legend of Korra Avatar the Last Air Bender Star Wars: The Clone Wars Downtown Abbey BBC Sherlock Elementary Da Vinci's Demons White Queen Hawaii Five-0 Best Quote: "This first movie is just a love story between Spock and Kirk. It has all the beats of a romantic comedy where they meet, they don't get along, they totally hate each other, and then they get into a situation where they kind of need each other, and by the end Spock walks onto the bridge and he's like, 'Let's fuck!'" "That was the original line you guys wrote!" "Yeah, but we wouldn't have gotten our precious PG-13 if we'd said it." - The Writers of Star Trek 2009 The parings I prefer: Spirk Destiel McDanno Merthur Makorra Anakin x Padme Obi-wan x Satine Rex x Ahsoka |