Eighteen: Freedom
"Ahsoka, if we're no different from one another, then why have our sides fight?" Lux questioned, though rather more or less it was a quiz. Both through his curiousity as to what her own answer would be, in comparison as to his opinion he had come to figure as a possible answer- or at least one of the most likely reason.
Ahsoka looked up, having been briefly focused on the HoloNet news reports about the war losses from a recent battle as she relaxened herself within the small complex that for safety's sake Ahsoka had helped Lux reach to within Coruscant a few months back, as she then stared.
"Well...I...I don't want to start a riot or anything but- for what I've always been told it was for freedom. For the safety of those in danger of the wrath of the Sep-" Ahsoka hesitantly decided not to finish that sentence.
"Because of the Sepratist. Right. I know. To your side, we're the bad guys. To my side, it's vice versa. But we all share the same common purpose, just with different opinions. And the same monsters..." Lux growled low under his breath, having the conversation turned suddenly dark at the very mentioning thought of Count Dooku- the man that by common sense Lux knew was the reason of his mother's unexpected death, more or less to his terms 'murder'.
"Do you think...that perhaps..there's a whole other side in between?" Ahsoka suggested, curious on the rather touchy subject as the Sepratist son stared, rather mortified as to how such a thought never entered his mind.
"It sounds...brilliant. To pull everyone's strings like some kind of a..."
"Puppet Master." both then finished the sentence, flushing a bit at that.
"Someone who'd have to go through a lot of schemes. Pffuit. I doubt it though- I mean, what would their point even be?" Lux then said, rolling his eyes and laughing.
"Yeah, the Jedi would've sensed that anyways." Ahsoka added in, giggling a bit as well.
"And with that warrior sabre of yours you'd jump in and kick some karking-"
Ahsoka pressed her lips to his.
"Watch your mouth. This might be the free side in the war, but a Jedi gal has got to do some discpline around here." she grinned.
"And I say your a dictator taking away my freedom rights." Lux pouted jokingly.
"A dictator hm? Isn't that what all women are?" Ahsoka teased, sitting next to him.
Lux paused, thinking of that for a moment before responding:
"No. Only you."
Grinning cheekily, it then faded as Ahsoka playfully smacked him.
Ha ha! I love the rare cute chemistry of them joking around. XD
Oh Lux and Ahsoka...if only you knew how spot on you both were about the 'Puppet Master'- Palpatine..