A/N: This was kind of a random thing at first and we were kind of just goofing off but then we really got into it. This is written by three people, Dork 1, Dork 2, and Dork 3.
Disclaimer: We (unfortunately) do NOT own Star Wars or anything associated with Star Wars. Star Wars belongs to George Lucas the amazing dude who created the phenomenon.
~*~On Kamino~*~
"So…are we going to 'monitor the clones' tonight?" Siri asked with a mischievous grin.
Obi-Wan chuckled. "Maybe, but we do have a mission, Siri."
"Aww… but it's so boring…" She stared out the window of the food court and watched the clone cadets as they walked around to and from training.
"Yes, I know."
"What are we exactly supposed to do anyways?"
He sighed. "We are to monitor the clone training, make sure everything is going smoothly."
"This is a padawans mission…"
"Mmm…I agree.."
"So…Is everything running smoothly?"
"Is the training of the clones going as planned?"
"Then what's the problem?"
"Nothing, I guess." Obi-Wan shrugged.
"So let's go back to your room…and make something interesting happen." Siri poked his chest and walked her fingers up.
"Siri, as boring as this mission may be we do still have to concentrate on the mission at hand. "
She sighed, "You…take the fun out of everything!"
Obi-Wan grinned. "That may be true but I also like to make my own."
Later that night Obi-Wan lay in bed with Siri. She was asleep using his bare chest as a pillow and Obi-Wan stared at the ceiling. He would admit that he did enjoy what he and Siri had just shared. He liked it a lot, but it didn't feel right. He felt he had wronged someone but who was the question.
~*~At the temple: Shaak Ti's P.O.V.~*~
Shaak woke up to the smell of bacon wafting through the quarters. She got up and found Codi Ty in the kitchen cooking. The togruta rubbed her eyes and frowned.
He looked up and smiled. "Morning."
"What are you doing here?"
"Making bacon."
He shrugged "Just felt like being nice." He smiled again.
Shaak filed through her brain trying to remember if their was some sort of special event for the day like a birthday or a holiday of some sort.
"Hey what are your plans for the day?" Codi asked
"Um…nothing really…why?"
"Well, I was wondering if you would like to go see a movie with me."
The female togruta blushed "Y-yea I guess.." She smiled.
"Awesome!" Codi grinned.
Shaak watched him cook. He was still in his pajamas, which consisted of just his pants. The male togruta had a nice, built-up body. Shaak had to force herself to look away to avoid staring and drooling.
Nakomi, Shaak's Padawan, came out of her room, hair a mess and in her pjs as well.
"Foooooooooooooooodddddddddd…" She groaned and slumped down at the table and laid her head down. Codi laughed and set some bacon in front of her. She looked up, pulled the plate to her and began to eat. After a few moments the Padawan looked up and looked from one master to the other.
"Two master Ti's…mmmm…to tired to care…ooh food!" And she started eating again.
Shaak shook her head and chuckled.
"Well at least we know her observation skills are improving."
Codi laughed "Yeah"
"So what time is the movie?"
"Well I was hoping we could catch the 2 o' clock show."
Shaak nodded "Sounds good. What movie we going to see?"
"The A-Team sound good? Its an action flick."
"I heard that was a good movie Luminara and Obi-Wan…" Shaak trailed off.
She then realized something. Luminara and Obi-Wan were together but no one had heard from him in a little over three weeks. She growled.
"Something wrong Shaak?"
"Codi have you heard from Obi-wan since he left for his mission?"
"Yea he contacted me when he and Knight Tachi landed."
"Oh really now…?"
Shaak got up and left the quarters and headed straight for Luminara's. When she arrived she found Luminara in the kitchen making coffee. She seemed okay for the most part, definitely better than yesterday.
"Luminara I know where Obi-Wan is.."
"He is on Kamino…" The tattooed woman replied
"Yea…How did you find out?"
"Anakin told me yesterday…"
Shaak noticed how she wasn't looking at her when she talked like normal and turned her around. "Your upset."
"No I'm not."
"Then why are you holding the coffee pot so tightly that your knuckles are white THROUGH the tattoos."
Luminara blinked and set the coffee pot down. "Shaak quit worrying about me…"
"Have you heard from Obi-Wan at all?"
"He would have called you would he have not?"
Luminara stared at the coffee pot without answering.
"Have you ever thought that maybe he wont call?"
The miralan looked up. "What do you mean?"
"Maybe…Maybe he was just after you for…you know…"
Luminara's eye's narrowed. "No! He wasn't! Shaak how could you say something like that?" She snapped.
"Well think about the situation Luminara…"
"Obi-Wan wouldn't do that! He is on a mission and he can't contact me because it might compromise the mission." She left out the part about him being gone for about two weeks. She didn't want to admit that he would do that kind of thing. He wouldn't have taken advantage of her, which was impossible. She would have seen it coming.
A/N: So what do you think so far? If you have any ideas feel free to suggest we are open to any ideas!