Author has written 14 stories for Vampire Academy, Bleach, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Merlin. Honestly we keep this old profile up for nostalgic reasons. We are still active! Keep on reading for memories of 2009 Whats's up people of! We're Vampireacademygirls here to rock your world! Yes we're from VA. sadly :( But we are big fans of the series and Twilight, and Avatar (no thats Cassandra Dragomir). You're wondering who's saying this all. It's Trinity Hathaway. (With some Cassandra in here!)I admire Rose Hathaway as the best guardian in the world and Cassandra is my best friend, sadly not from the royal Dragomir line but she is related. Cassandra Dragomir admires anime and manga and cute guys.( I do love cute guys) I however, love to be flirtatious with my guy friends. Cassandra says there are boundaries between friends.I can hurt a person pretty bad, more like they'd be rendered unconscious in a minute. I like fighting and learning new moves. And, introducing our new friend Rosalie Sage, an alchemist. Better not mess with her...she'll go err...all alchemist on you(; Mainly we'll be writing about Twilight,Vampire Academy, and some of our personal lives stuff. Mainly I, Trinity Hathaway, like to write the most. I'm actually the better writer between me and Cassandra. She admires my work and I love her style and calmness. Even though she takes my breath away.(literally!) Good bye for now! Check for updates! Hey its Cassandra, more often then not I will write more poems then stories. My tumblr is waiting-for-nobody. We are both on Deviantart. Trinity's user name is vampyrewolfgirl925 and mine is maybabiforever. (2016- neither of us use it anymore) Hey guys, it's Trinity. Since my friends decided not to put my tumblr up (-_-), here it is. forgivenandforgottenmistakes Finally Rosalie's tumblr is darlinghauntmydreams We all have great ideas and look forward to putting them in stories. Love VampireAcademyGirls, Cassandra Dragomir, Trinity Hathaway, and Rosalie Sage If I could be anything in the world, I'd be a teardrop because I'd be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips-unknown. |
aNdreaa (0) DobbyElfLord (10) | Ogro (2) Shamelessly Radiant (46) | steffy2106 (36) |