Chapter 34

The next day, they took Brynn to the beach. She was very excited to say the least. The black haired toddler sped off right as they parked into the beach parking lot.

"Don't go too far, Brynn!" Annabeth called as she got out of the car.

"Alright!" she yelled back as she got to the sand and started making sand angels right away.

"I wish I had that much energy." Percy said as he locked the car.

Annabeth laughed at him as they both went off towards the sand, where Brynn was.

Percy watched, lounging in the sand as Annabeth started making something with Brynn with the sand. Annabeth was wearing a white tank top that showed through to the navy blue bikini top she was wearing along with some jean shorts that nicely hugged her legs.

She was a beauty to anyone's eyes and she was all his. The thought made his face grow hot.

Annabeth turned to him and raised a brow, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just really hot out here."

She smiled and pointed at what Brynn and she made, "Look, it's you."

Brynn laughed at his shocked expression. He eventually started laughing too, "Wow, you made me very dashing. Is that seaweed hair?"

"Yeah, just like your seaweed brain."

He gave her an exaggerated frown, making her laugh.

Brynn started to play in the shallow waves as Annabeth went over to Percy and sat next to him. There weren't much people there at the beach with them, so it was quite nice. Though, Percy did have his eye on some surfing guys who kept looking over in Annabeth's direction.

"Woah, Brynn. Don't touch that." Annabeth said, getting up to go over to the little toddler who was picking up a hermit crab.

Percy sat there in the sand, chuckling to himself as he watched the blonde take the crab away from the toddler and set it down on the other side of the sand. He was enjoying simply having the ocean breeze blow through his hair, when he was soon approached by a small group of girls.

"Um, excuse me?" One asian girl said to the green eyed hottie who looked like a model with his godly physique and looks.

He slid down his ray bans to look up at them, "Yes?"

"We were wondering if you would like to play volleyball with us and the guys over there."

He looked over and saw it was the same surfer bastards that he had been eyeing.

Annabeth came over to them with Brynn in her arms and looked at the girls with curious, narrowed eyes.

The girl who was brave enough to speak to the green eyed beach hottie, looked over to the blonde who easily matched the guy in incredible beauty.

"Oh hi. You must be his…"

"Girlfriend." Annabeth finished for her.

"Right. I was just asking you guys if you would like to play volleyball with us?"

Annabeth's grey eyes looked at the pretty asian girl, "Sure. Why not?"

"Cool! My name's Drew. Hi."

"Annabeth." she answered.

Drew turned to Percy, "And you are?"

"Percy. Nice to meet you." He said, though he didn't look it.

-line break-

Annabeth used Percy's knee to jump up and spike the ball down to the other team's side. She landed on the sand perfectly as she bumped the incoming ball perfectly for Percy to spike it with lightning speed onto the other team's court.

All the guys cheered as the girls looked jealously at the blonde who exceeded them with her beauty and smoking hot, athletic bod.

Annabeth had stripped to her bikini, since it was lighter for her to move around in. And boy did she know how to move around the sand. The guys on the sideline were ogling her throughout the whole thing, but no one would ever dared to approach her since she was so out of their league, it was intimidating— the black ancient letters that tattooed the inside of her forearm didn't help. Neither did the death glare the handsome raven haired boyfriend of hers gave them every so often.

The guy on the other team was so distracted, he couldn't get to the ball quickly enough. Annabeth was able to get spikes in easy.

Percy was even more talented at volleyball, so together-

they creamed all the others.

"That was- wow. You two make a great couple along with your daughter." Drew told Annabeth.

"Oh, Brynn isn't my daughter."

"Really? Oh, well, you would make a great family anyways."

Annabeth laughed at her, "Thanks, Drew."

They thanked the rest of them before leaving the volley court with Percy holding Brynn.

As the sun started setting, they let Brynn play a little longer on the beach before they packed it up and went back home.

-line break-

For the rest of the week, they took care of Brynn- taking her to the market, the movies, and work until finally...

Thalia and Nico came back from their honeymoon.

-line break-

Annabeth sat in the kitchen, drawing some blueprints out with her glasses on and her hair pulled up in a messy bun.

She felt warm, soft lips touch the back of her neck and run lightly down her shoulder.

She turned her head to see two beautiful sea green eyes, "Hey." she said with a smile.

"Hi." he said, kissing her on the cheek, "What are you doing?"

"Leo needed some designs, so I'm whipping up some ideas." she said back.

"I see."

Annabeth was now working full time at O.M.L.A after she quit her old company a few days ago. Reyna had pleaded with her many times, but finally agreed to let her quit.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" he whispered in her ear.

"Yeah. What is it?"

"Do you want to go to…

... Safeway?"

Annabeth smiled, laughing slightly at him, "Go by yourself."

"I need you with me." he kissed down her neck, using his tongue in sinful ways, "all the time."

She let out a hot, short breathe, then bit her lip.


He chuckled under his breathe.

-line break-

"Ooooh, Milano cookies." Annabeth said, picking two packages and throwing them into the cart.

Percy pushed it as she flung more food into the cart. Annabeth went up to a watermelon and turned to Percy. "You know how to tell if it's ripe?"

He laughed amusedly at her and shook his head.

"You have to tap it. And when it sounds hollow then you know it's ready." she said, leaning her ear down to the watermelon, before tapping it.

Percy leaned down closer to her face and kissed her lips, "Is it a good melon?" he said laughing.

"Yeah, it is. Here" she said, handing the huge melon in Percy's hands, "Use your man strength and put it in the cart."

He chuckled as he hauled it into the shopping cart.

Annabeth soon went into the women's toiletries section. She looked over at Percy to see that he was red in the face.

Laughing, she threw some tampons into the cart.

They soon had a whole bunch of food to last them a lifetime.

Once they got home, they munched on the Milano cookies and beer they bought. Annabeth slumped on the couch as Percy turned on a movie. She put a cookie in her mouth and lay her head down onto Percy's lap, curling up on the couch.

His fingers ran through her hair as she put another cookie in between her teeth. He leaned down and ate the other part of the cookie, kissing her lips while doing so.

"Mmm. yummy." he said, sipping his beer again.

She smiled up at him, licking her lips. He continued to play with her curls as they watched the movie.

Towards the middle of the movie, Annabeth's thoughts went elsewhere- especially on the green eyed man next to her.

She thought about how Percy made her so content. How he was her happiness— her true happiness. And she knew she would always be thankful to him for never letting her go when reality caved in on them.

He was everything to her. He was her beloved brother, her friend, and now—

... the greatest love of her life.

And she knew for sure from the bottom of her heart

that she wasn't going to let him go.


She curled up closer to him as he leaned down to kiss her on the side of her head, before sipping his beer again. The movie went on until both of them were fast asleep, with Percy's arm wrapped protectively around her.

-line break-

Percy walked through the shops lining the streets of Manhattan. He had on his favorite light brown hoodless leather jacket with an olive green scarf wrapped snugly around his neck. His breathe touched the chilly December air in feathery puffs of clouds.

His green eyes that looked more ocean blue from the reflected snow caught something enchanting in the store glass showcase. He smiled and walked inside.

The warmth of the store thawed his nose as he pointed to the thing he saw in the window to the store clerk.

He admired the beautiful little thing and told the clerk that he would get it.

His credit card swiped down the cash register and the clerk handed him the little box-like case.

He slid his hands into his pockets to keep warm as he walked out again into the streets. Christmas carols could be heard from the ice rink in front of the big lit up christmas tree. He smiled, breathing in the air, then breathing out more clouds of smoke into the air.

Percy reached into his pocket and took the case out, wanting to see it again. Opening the lid with the flick of his thumb, happiness and excitement flashed through his eyes, because right there, embedded in the velvet padding was—

... A gorgeous, diamond ring.

He had done this before, but this time— it would be for real. And it made him want to smile like an idiot every time he thought about it.

Flipping close the small squarish box, he slipped it safely back into his pocket and made his way back down the streets of Manhattan with a warm, sweet and beautiful smile placed on his handsome face.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! Hopefully that was a satisfying ending for you. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing.

I am making another story. It's not a sequel to this one, sorry. But, it's called: "Innocent Revenge". I know, sounds dramatic, right? It's obviously about revenge- lovely, satisfying revenge. So, if you guys want to check that out, go ahead follow me! :D

But, before you do that- don't forget to favorite this story! I will be a very happy person if you do! And everybody knows making me happy is the most important thing right now.

Just kidding. :P

Anyways, I think that's all I have to say for now. See you in the next story, all you lovely peeps!