Author's Note:
These were originally posted on Tumblr. I tried to clean them up a bit, but didn't do a whole lot of extra work. So, they might not be as clean as my normal work here. That being said, I hope you enjoy! And if you're so inclined, you can find me on Tumblr and read whatever else my mind creates.
Summer Beach Read
Chapter One
Raven stared out at the waves crashing along the shoreline of the beach, staring at each of her friends playing in the surf as it rippled up along sand. Seagulls cried overhead, obviously perturbed that their normal living location was being overrun by five young adults, and at least four of them were quite raucous. Starfire and Beast Boy were currently engaged in a splash war, and Cyborg and Robin were just trying to stay out of the crossfire. Raven's lips quirked to the side and she rolled her eyes, returning to the books in front of her.
Books. Yes, plural, because her real reading material was nestled safely behind something benign and "her". She really couldn't remember what book she had chosen for her camouflage; Lost Spells of the Ninth Dimension or something similarly spooky. But really, she was far more interested in what the rogue thief was going to do with the evil lord's stolen virgin bride.
He stretched out next to her as they lay nestled in the hay from the barn they were residing in. Elizabeth glared at his devilishly handsome face from beneath thick, dark lashes. She struggled against his hold on her, determined to not let him try and conquer her.
"You would not be so cruel as to… take advantage of me." Elizabeth tried to put space between them, but he closed it immediately. "You would be unable to obtain full reward for broken… merchandise."
He captured her chin in his strong hands and tilted her face toward his. "I don't think you're merchandise at all." He leaned over her body, taking in her floral scent mixed with the earthy smell of hay. "And I don't mind my things a little bit broken. It adds character."
Raven jerked, her books falling from her hands as she stared up into the grinning, green face of her teammate. She glared and scrambled to pick up her reading material before he noticed the trashy paperback hidden in the old, magic tome.
"What do you want, Beast Boy?" She dusted her legs free of sand and adjusted herself on her towel. "I was reading."
"I see that." He snorted and bent down to pick up a book from the sand.
Oh no. He saw. Raven felt the color creep up her neck as Beast Boy turned the worn paperback over in his hands, reading the synopsis on the back before looking at the cover.
"Tainted by the Rogue?" He gave a low whistle and offered her his signature lopsided grin. "Aren't you glad you brought that other book to study new spells, Raven? Although I have to ask, is Elizabeth really going to 'succumb to the thief's carnal wishes'?"
"Don't tease me!" She snatched the book from his hands and tucked it back between the pages of Lost Spells from the Ninth Dimension. "What do you want anyway?"
"Come out and play with us." He jerked his thumb behind him, where Starfire was now engaged in trying to make a whirlpool around the rest of the boys. "You're stuck here all day just reading, and you look lonely."
"I'm not lonely, and I like reading."
"About stolen virgins?"
"Don't tease." She frowned. "And I do not want to play."
"Awe, come on!" He bent forward and grabbed her arm, trying to get her to her feet and drag her out to the water. Raven growled and jerked her arm back, trying to free herself from his annoying grasp, but ended up in a much more precarious position. His wet hands slipped on her recently-lotioned skin, and the movement pushed him off balance, sending him tipping forward over her body. Beast Boy managed to catch himself on his forearms, but was left staring into her eyes, face inches from her own as the rest of his form stretched over the length of her.
Raven swallowed hard, feeling his entire body through his wet swim trunks. She could feel her face darken to a shade she never thought possible, but surprisingly didn't try to move. She instead took this moment to allow herself the small, girlish pleasure of simply feeling his muscles pressed against her, and reveled in the surprisingly comfortable shape of his body.
"Sorry. I didn't mean…" He stumbled over his words as he tried to find support on the sand beneath them. He wasn't having much luck. he blushed and looked away from her face. "Can you… um… move your knee, Raven?"
A foreign, daring side of her pushed to the surface of her mind, and she felt a slow smirk peel across her lips.
"Like this?" She slid her foot down the inside of his leg, stretching out her left leg with deliberate slowness.
Beast Boy's body responded almost immediately, and he scrambled off of her, ignoring the way their legs were tangled. Raven suddenly felt herself being rolled over on top of him, and she stared down into his blushing face and wide eyes as something pressed firmly against her backside.
"Um. Your… your suit top is almost off." He averted his eyes and tried not to fidget.
"Oh." She reached behind her neck and undid the straps, letting the top droop just low enough to give a show, but not fully expose herself. She felt his restrained groan reverberate through his chest and into her thighs pressed against his rips. After readjusting the length of her top, she retied the suit and leaned back against his hips.
"What are you doing? Get off!" His words held very little weight as the rest of his body responded rather pleasantly to her proximity. "The others are going to see us!"
She looked over her shoulder at their team, who were far too interested in their ongoing splash fight to notice that Raven and Beast Boy were in a compromising position. She leaned over him and pressed her lips to his ear, biting just slightly on the tip of his pointed lobe. He whimpered in response, his hands tightening on her hips.
"Stop, Rae."
"I'll come play, but I need you to help me put my sunblock on." With those relatively innocuous words whispered into his ear, she crawled off his body and began hunting through her bag to find the tube of sunblock. Beast Boy just lay prone on the sand, as if someone had knocked the wind from his lungs and left him to die.
Raven stared at him, still smirking as she threw the bottle at his chest. He jerked upright and stared at her, face blank but still red. His eyes wandered over her form, as if trying to understand precisely what had gotten into her. Dumbly, he unscrewed the cap of the sunblock and approached her.
Raven turned around and presented her back to him. "Do you mind getting my back?"
She shivered slightly as the smooth lotion slid along the contours of her skin. A minute passed before she felt Beast Boy move even closer to her, leaning over her right shoulder to whisper in her ear.
"This means war."
Raven couldn't keep the surprise from showing on her face.