Scream and Shout
How could she be so blind?
He had been in front of her the whole time... The hair, the eyes, the weird obsession with puns, the way he says her name... Adrien is Chat Noir. It's all fitting into place now: Adrien not being around when there were Akuma attacks, Chat being so comfortable with her as Marinette when they first "met", the way he kissed her during all three of their evening trysts... It was the same lips she kissed. The same hair she touched, the same dick she...
Oh my gosh, Adrien was the one who was with me on my balcony...
Marinette's cheeks flushed and she went to sit down, only to get too antsy and stand up again. Tikki was watching her pace, smiling broadly as Marinette muttered to herself about how ironic and stupid this all had been.
"Oh, my God if I wasn't so intent on keeping my identity from him, I wouldn't have been feeling so guilty about going to Adrien's the other night!"
"Can you imagine how he's feeling?" Tikki asked, causing Marinette to turn around. "He probably feels guilty about doing all of that with you last time, knowing that you didn't know he was Chat. You kinda did the same thing he did and hooked up with his civilian personality, so he might be torn up about kissing yours. Unless he knows you're Ladybug."
Marinette's eyes bulged out of their sockets. What if he did know? Would he be disappointed? Frustrated? Angry? She slumped down against the wall and buried her head in her hands. "Oh no... What do I do?"
"Well, if he doesn't know, just tell him. That'll ease his guilt," Tikki suggested, flying over to pat Marinette on the head. "If he does, then laugh it off and give him kisses. He might be a little miffed that you didn't tell him, and you let him remain upset about thinking he went behind your back."
"But he did the same thing when I went to Adrien," Marinette countered weakly without moving her face away from her palms. "We're square with the lying-to-keep-our-identities-safe business."
"Then just be honest," Tikki replied. "Start fresh and see where this all goes. You love each other, in basically all forms. You're meant to work this out and be together."
Marinette sat up and pulled her hands away from her face. Tikki was right. She did love that goof, and he seemed to love her in return. Hopefully this hiccup will be a funny story they tell years down the road. She smiled crookedly and pecked Tikki on the top of her head. "You're right. I'm going to shower, then we can go."
Adrien didn't take his eyes off the wall when he sat down on his bed. His towel was draped over his head and his clothes were sticking to his damp skin. He didn't notice though. He was still trying to process his new revelation. "Marinette..."
"... is Ladybug."
"Took you long enough to figure it out."
He would have glared at Plagg, if he knew where that little cretin was hiding. "I... I've been... the whole time?"
Plagg snickered and rushed in front of Adrien's face, cheshire grin spread across his small face. "And I thought this couldn't get any more funny!"
"Fuck off, Plagg," Adrien groaned as he rubbed his hands over his face. "What do I do?"
"What more can you do?" Plagg replied, floating to his shoulder. "You hooked up with the same girl three times, all under the guise of being someone else each time, basically. You lied to each other."
Adrien laid down and covered his face with his towel. "We did, didn't we?"
"But you should feel relieved," Plagg supplied. "You didn't betray her, at least in the way you thought you did. And you're going to see her tonight, so maybe you can just sort this all out."
"I'm going to see her tonight..."
"Will you please stop repeating what I'm saying? It's annoying."
Adrien sat up quickly, knocking heads with Plagg and sending him flying across the room in the process, and blinked wildly. "I'm going to be seeing Marinette tonight! When she's Ladybug! We're going to be seeing each other and I know that Marinette is Ladybug and I don't know if she knows I'm Chat Noir and- Oh my God, what if she does know?"
Plagg sat up and rubbed his forehead. "I don't know, Adrien. Maybe you can ask her when you see her. If she doesn't, just be honest with her and tell her who you are, and then she can feel better, too."
"Should I do that before or after I tell her that I figured out her identity?"
Plagg slowly blinked a few times and began floating towards him. "Figure it out on your own, loverboy. Just don't make me be in the middle of it again."
Adrien groaned and rolled his eyes before standing up. "Fine, I'll think of something before I get there. Claws out!"
She jumped across the rooftops, heart pounding in her ears. How can she face him? She honestly couldn't stand herself at the moment, to be frank. Her inhibitions had been M.I.A.- as were his, but she's not responsible for his behavior- and she felt some shame for not being upfront with him. If she hadn't been so keen on keeping her identity safe, then she wouldn't have gone through the heartache of yearning over Chat Noir and Adrien, who were in fact the same stupid person.
Ladybug felt the worse need to scream out into the night.
When she landed at their normal spot, she felt... itchy. She itched for a fight so she wouldn't have to face Chat and she itched for Chat's hands and lips on her again. Her body was buzzing, wanting something to happen. What is she going to say? How will she confront him? How can she after lying to him, herself? They both had a lot to apologize for and she really had no clue on where she would start.
Frankly, she just wanted to forget this whole confusing week and start all over with the fresh knowledge of Chat's identity.
There was the distinct thud of someone else landing on the roof and Ladybug's heart stopped. She wouldn't dare turn around, shame flooding her to the top. She couldn't face him, despite knowing what she knew and knowing what he knew in return. It was so unnecessary for her to feel this way, but she did and she couldn't help it. It flustered her like no other.
Her heart jumped up into her throat and her stomach twisted in anticipation. His wasn't pleading, and he didn't sound sad. Which was a good sign- and a bad, she reluctantly realized. Slowly, she turned from her perch and squared her shoulders towards him. He was right on the opposite edge of the roof, but she could still see the warm smile on his face as he looked at her. There was something twinkling in his eyes and the way his mouth was pulled into a wistful and happy grin, it told her everything.
He knows.
Suddenly, it was like everything she had been worrying about for the past week disappeared. One look in his eyes reassured her, erased her doubts, and warmed her heart so much that she could feel the heat thrumming through her veins. Why did she ever worry? Without another word, she ran across the rooftop and leapt into Chat's arms, wrapping hers around his shoulders as she buried her face into the crook of his neck.
"Hello, Princess."
"You stupid cat."
He hummed as he nuzzled her jaw, sending chills down her spine. "Do you realize how much trouble we could have saved if you had just told me in the first place?"
Ladybug groaned and shook her head. "You have no idea how much I've been beating myself up about that."
They stayed silent for a while, holding each other close as the warm summer breeze blew past them. Patrol could be ignored tonight. There wasn't ever trouble for them to take care of when it was nighttime, and Akumas were a daytime occurrence. Right now, they could stay here as long as they wanted and Paris wouldn't suffer because of it.
"So..." Chat drawled, his lips tickling the small section of bare skin on her neck, "we have a lot to talk about."
Ladybug shook her head again and held Chat closer. "No talking right now. I don't think I can handle it."
"Okay... when did you figure me out?"
"I said no talking."
"Answer the question, Marinette."
When he said her name, it jolted her to the core. He wasn't demanding, which was reassuring. But there was a hint of urgency in his voice, and she wondered if it was because he was worried that she had known when she came to his house on Thursday.
"This evening."
She could feel Chat stiffen a little bit before he melted into their embrace and kissed her neck. "Me too, funnily enough."
She tightened her hold on him and let out a heavy breath. This whole time, Chat had been Adrien, the one she loved. She had no idea how he was handling the news- it couldn't be bad, based on how his hands roamed her back and cupped her head endearingly. She agreed with him, they did need to talk, but not right now. Right now, all she wanted to do was hold him and be held, because for some reason, loving his boy had never felt so perfect than under the moonlit night on a rooftop.
Unfortunately, her body begged for something else.
Chat's roaming hands didn't do much for her self-control, and soon she was shivering and pressing herself into him at the touch. He must have caught on, because he pulled his face away from her neck to look into her eyes. They were glinting with mischief, and the way his eyebrows shot up into his hairline when she stared back gave her all the cue she needed to get up on her toes and kiss him.
His eyes immediately fluttered closed when their lips touched, and his arms pulled her flush against his body. One hand threaded into her hair, while the other held her firmly in place at the small of her back. She was cupping his jaw, then slowly let her hands weave into his hair and behind his neck. Pretty soon, a distinct little rumble was coming out of Chat's chest and Ladybug had to break the kiss to stifle a giggle.
She covered her mouth with her finger tips and whispered, "Are you... purring?"
His cheeks turned bright pink and he coughed before looking away. "And what if I was?"
He sounded a little offended, but Ladybug found it all the more endearing. She placed her hand on his cheek and turned his face so he was looking straight at her. When his eyes met hers, she grinned and murmured, "I like it."
A feral wave passed over him, causing his gaze to darken and his mouth to pull into a smug line. Without saying anything, he captured her lips with his and ravished her. He didn't wait to plunge his tongue into her mouth, angling her head back all the while so he could taste every inch of her.
The sensation left Ladybug breathless, and her excited moan vibrated between them. This spurred Chat on, and he wasted no time in breaking their kiss to run his tongue along the line of her jaw. She gasped when he reached her ear and suckled on the lobe, before he grazed his teeth along the tender skin and brought his lips to her neck again.
The heat between them was stifling, to the point where Ladybug felt like she couldn't breathe. Her body was on fire, begging to be touched under the fabric of her suit and begging for more friction, more of Chat.
So much for keeping my head straight.
Chat stopped playing with her neck and brought his face back to hers, kissing her urgently once more before he pressed his forehead to hers and just sighed. He had a dopey smile on his face, perfectly paired with his wild eyes and pink cheeks, and his kiss-bruised lips just begged her for more.
They were both breathing heavily, which caused their chests to brush together and that alone was sparking Ladybug's skin all the way down to the apex of her thighs. She needed him so badly. She knows that her hormones will be the end of her, sooner or later. And with the way Chat is looking at her now, she knows it will be sooner.
Her eyes were bleary, her lips parted, cheeks tinted red... She was just so alluring.
He had to touch her again, feel every part of her again. This time without any suit in between them. He had to feel her skin, let her touch his, revel in the smoothness of her taut and beautiful body.
Chat couldn't take it anymore.
Quickly, he swept Ladybug's feet out from under her and cradled her in his arms bridal style. Her house was closer, that he knew, so he bounded in the direction of the bakery.
"What are you doing, Chat?"
He smirked as he leapt over another alleyway. "Something I should have done a long time ago, my Lady."
She paused as he ran even faster over another rooftop. "Chat, are we going to my house?"
Chat nodded and shot her a devious wink. "I think these things work better in a bedroom, don't you?"
He could only imagine Ladybug's cheeks flaring red, like Marinette's did in class, and he snickered to himself as he cleared the last building and landed on her balcony. When he lowered her down, she gave him an earnest smile and cupped her hand on his cheek.
"You know... I always told myself I'd give you a chance if Adrien wasn't in the way," she mused softly, eyes darting back and forth between his. "And now that I know you're him... I don't feel like I need to hold back anymore."
He swallowed thickly and placed his hand over hers. "What made you give me a chance the first time?"
Ladybug shrugged and reached for his hand with her other. "I guess... Part of me wanted to know what it was like, since I was starting to feel things for you. I really don't know why I kissed you that night but I don't regret it. I don't regret anything about the past week."
"Even me coming here?" Chat asked with a wink.
Ladybug blushed again and took a step forward, pressing their hips together. "I don't think I could. Though, if I wasn't me that you came to, I would question your morals for even pulling a stunt like that. And also for not telling me who you were when I came to your room. But I have no room to talk, so I figure we're even."
Chat grinned even more and his hands went to her hips. "I think... we can say that the score is tied?"
Ladybug shook her head. "There is no score. Just you and me, figuring out the best parts of each other."
He silently leaned down and kissed her softly, reveling in the slowness of this kiss. It wasn't urgent anymore, nor was it back-breakingly passionate. It was loving and simmering and Chat was starting to drown in the emotions he was feeling with just a simple kiss.
He loved this girl so much.
Ladybug began pulling him towards the door and only broke the kiss to bend down and open the hatch. She slipped down the ladder and stared up at him with glowing eyes, an invitation for him to join her.
Without waiting, he jumped in and landed right in front of her in a crouch. She stared down at him with a blown out gaze, and he could have sworn he heard her breath hitch. Slowly and steadily, he traced the sides of her legs as he rose. Never taking his eyes off of her, he watched as she pulled her lower lip in between her teeth. Her chest was rising and falling with every small pant she made, and by the time he reached her hips she had let out an irritated moan.
He could barely blink before she pulled him down in a fierce kiss, crashing their lips together as she pushed them down onto her bed.
Oh, her bed.
This girl would be the end of him, for sure.
Ladybug really didn't know what came over her. She seemed almost desperate as she kissed Chat Noir senseless, to the point that she was mewling into their kisses. His hands were cupping her butt as she pressed one leg in between his, the other hitching up over his hip bone. Chat growled into her mouth and wrapped his arms around her before he flipped her onto her back.
The sudden movement shocked her, but she quickly shook it off and sat up to kiss Chat again. But he was already crawling away, smirking in that stupid smug way that he usually did.
She must have been pouting, because Chat hushed her and stood up straight at the foot of the bed. "I just think things would be easier this way, yeah?"
A sudden fear gripped at her heart, thinking Chat was already leaving, but it was quickly quashed when a bright green light flashed. For a moment, Ladybug had to blink away the spots in her sight, but she soon was greeted with the sight of Adrien Agreste standing by her bed, smiling wickedly at her. He was wearing just sweats and a t-shirt, which was a new look on him to her, and the sweats did nothing to hide his growing erection straining against the loose fabric.
She gulped.
Chat- no, Adrien- must have seen her hesitance, because he slowly approached her and took her hand in his own. She looked down to see where they were joined, her much smaller hands practically swallowed within his larger, and she took a deep breath.
When Ladybug lifted her eyes to his again, Adrien sighed and gave her a small shrug. "Well... this is me. I... I would like to see you, too."
She nodded and stood in front of him, taking another deep breath before releasing her transformation. She barely registered Tikki flying away and some quiet chatter she was making with what Marinette assumed was Adrien's kwami. Instead, she was focused on Adrien. He was staring at her with admiration and awe, a small smile gracing his beautiful face.
She opened her mouth to speak, but Adrien cut her off by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close for a kiss. She gasped against his mouth, but quickly molded herself to him. Her arms draped around his shoulders and her fingers played with the tips of his hair.
Adrien pulled away from her, once again pressing his forehead to hers, and he sighed, "I can't believe it's you..."
"Me too," she replied softly.
Adrien rubbed his nose against hers and his sweet breath fanned her face. "I'm sorry. This week has been a whirlwind for me... I..."
When he trailed off, Marinette gave him a soft kiss. He opened his eyes and stared at her as she murmured, "I know. And, if you'd have me, I'd like to make up for all of this... confusion."
His grin returned and he purred, "If my Lady would have me, then I would find no better satisfaction than her desire to let me have her."
Marinette blinked. "That was kind of confusing."
"Wouldn't be the first time I did that, huh?" he chuckled. He sobered quickly and used one hand to cup her cheek and rub his thumb over her skin. "What I mean to say is, if you tell me you want this, then I won't want to stop. You saying 'yes' is more important than anything else... But we can stop whenever you want."
Marinette felt her heart pitter patter in her chest as she breathed, "I don't think I'll want to stop, either."
Adrien groaned a little in the back of his throat and quickly he leaned down and kissed her again. It left her breathless, stealing her air and sending her on a whirlwind of sensation that Marinette forgot what is was like to not have her lips on his. Her mind was whirling, dizzy, when he lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He gently lowered her to the mattress, never breaking their kiss.
She expected to be swallowed by her fluffy pillow, but it took her a moment to realize Adrien's hand had been guiding her down the whole way, never letting her hit the bed. She smiled into his lips and ran her fingers through his hair again, scraping his scalp with her fingernails. He deepened their kiss in response, grazing his teeth on her lower lip before sliding his tongue into her mouth. Marinette returned the affection with just as much excitement, swirling her tongue around his before sucking on the tip lightly. There was a rumbling in his throat, causing Marinette to smile again.
Before she could comment on the sound, Adrien settled himself between her legs and tentatively pressed himself against her clothed crotch. Though they had done this before, for some reason it seemed more intimate. Possibly because they were laying in her bed, or that there wasn't superhero suits in between them.
Or maybe it was because it was Adrien pressing himself against Marinette, something she had bashfully dreamed about for a long time.
Him being Chat Noir as well was certainly a plus, but this was everything she wanted.
Adrien pulled away from her mouth to lavish her neck with more hungry kisses. Her body was acting on it's own accord; back arching, hips thrusting, soft moans growing louder and louder. She couldn't control herself and it was so amazing.
"What's with you and my neck?" she gasped as she tugged lightly on his hair.
"Hmmm..." He hummed against her skin and began moving closer to her collarbone. He punctuated every sentence with a languid kiss. "It's a very beautiful neck. Beautiful skin. Beautiful body. Beautiful girl."
With the last sentence, he rose his head and looked her in the eyes. That feral glint was there again and it stole Marinette's breath. He flashed her a silent plea with his grin, and her answer was a little squirm. His smile grew and he slowly descended down her chest. He kissed her over her shirt, but his hands- ones she just now noticed- were starting to pull it up towards her ribcage.
She had no reason to be bashful. Adrien had seen her in her naked glory, as Chat, and she had seen him when she was Ladybug. So why was she getting so nervous?
Adrien picked up on her sudden anxiety and let go of her shirt, just to take her hands in his and kiss her knuckles. "You don't need to be scared."
Marinette sat up and said softly, "But... this is you. And me."
His smile only reassured her as he leaned in and put his forehead on hers. His voice carried that same husky tone it had on her balcony earlier that week. "And we're partners. Through thick and thin. You and me. There's no one else I'd rather share this with right now than you, Marinette."
Simultaneously, the blood in her body rushed to her face and between her legs. She gulped and gave him a single nod before he started pushing her back down onto the pillow. His crotch was pressed against hers again and the sensation caused her stomach to flutter in anticipation.
Adrien went right back to peeling her shirt off, leaving her in her thin little bralette and shorts. His breathing picked up and Marinette took that as her cue to help him out. She sat up, and slowly she reached for the hem of his shirt and started pulling it up.
He didn't stop looking at her as she pulled it over his head, and he didn't when she began taking off her bra and shorts. She could hear his breathing stop for a second when she was completely naked, but she barely noticed because she was too focused on how he was steadily pulling his pants and boxers off at the same time.
Here they were: butt naked, kneeling on her bed, staring at each other with hunger and lust in their eyes, and Marinette just wished she could stay here forever.
Adrien moved first, raising his hand so the backs of his fingers grazed against her flushed cheeks.
"I wasn't lying when I said we can stop at anytime," he whispered, eyes focused on the trail his fingers practically burned into her skin.
Her breathing was labored, but she had enough focus to shake her head and reply quietly, "I don't want this to ever stop."
He was always quick, Marinette thought in the back of her mind as he closed the distance between them and kissed her roughly. One of his hands reached up and cupped her breast, while the other trailed hot circles into her hipbones. Her hands moved on their own, fanning out on his lower abdomen and drifting down through his happy trail.
His growl was muffled by their lips, but it spurred Marinette on all the same. It was enough to get her to grasp his erection firmly in one hand, while the other mimicked his on her hips. Every little pass of his fingers on her nipple sent jolts down her body, tremoring her all the way to her core and causing her to tremble to his touch.
Adrien took her shaking as pleas for his touch, and luckily he relented. His finger slid along her slit, stopping right at her clit and rubbing it a little clumsily before he moved back down. Marinette was almost too focused on the way his hand made her shudder and keen that she almost forgot to stroke him. When she did, he broke their kiss and rest his head on her shoulder, letting his hot breath hit her bare chest. He took no time to recover, because he immediately leaned down and captured her nipple in his mouth and rolled it between his teeth.
It was mind-blowing, exceptional, amazing, out of this world... It was all Adrien.
His hands were becoming more confident now, as were hers, and Adrien took the chance to release her nipple with a light 'pop' and straighten up to rub his cheek against hers.
"Are you-?"
"Yes," she breathed. His reaction in her hand was exciting, and Marinette would have reveled in letting him writhe under her touch a little more, but Adrien had a different idea. He pushed her back down onto the bed and grabbed her ankles. With his eyes still on her, he kissed one at a time as he kneeled in between her legs. His cock was positioned right above her wet sex, and Marinette felt her heart race in anticipation. Her eyes sparkled as she stared at him, and he gave her a warm smile before dropping her ankles and letting her legs fall to his sides.
He leaned down, the head of his dick pressed against her opening, and he kissed her softly before he took his hand and ran it through her folds. She moaned into his mouth, once again shaking at his touch, and barely noticed that he had used her juice to coat himself. He returned his hand to her, and Marinette looked up to see him reaching down for his discarded pants. He rifled through one of the pockets and pulled out a foil packet- a condom.
She flushed as she watched him tear open the packet with his teeth and roll the rubber onto his length, but she was impressed that he even thought far enough ahead to bring one.
They locked eyes and silently, he grabbed himself and positioned his dick in the right spot before he slowly thrust into her. It wasn't necessarily painful- like she heard and read it would inevitably be like- but it was incredibly tight. He rippled through her, settling himself deep within her walls like he belonged there.
If their simultaneous moans had told her anything, it was that Adrien was thinking the same thing.
He started slow, pulling out hesitantly- like he thought he was hurting her- and carefully plunged himself back in. With every movement inside of her, Marinette felt like she was going to explode. Every thrust wound her up, every grind sparked every nerve in her body. His strong body above hers was like a god, a sheen of sweat glistening on his skin and sparkling with every move. She could feel his corded muscles under her fingertips, bunching and stretching with every movement of his hips. He was lithe and strong; it was hard to imagine someone with so much strength had such an agile body like Adrien's. But then again, she was the same.
Adrien's hips bucked out of rhythm, still trying to sync up with Marinette's. She didn't mind, though. All she cared about how real this was, how perfect having Adrien, Chat, here with her, in this moment and sharing this with her. His strong hands were like vices, keeping her grounded as he buried himself deep within her. It was so much, the constant feel of him thrusting, over and over, bringing with it a tidal wave of over stimulation that curled her toes and made her core tighten and loosen over and over and over and this is too much, too much.
Too much-
"A-Adrien, I'm gonna-aah-aahhh-"
He clamped his mouth over hers and put his hand in between them, caressing her clit as she rode out her orgasm. It was like an explosion, something so different than the first two orgasms she shared with him and the ones she gave herself. It was white and hot and her whole body seemed to freeze and burn up at the same time, sending her over a mountain and tumbling down a never-ending slope. Her release was like a hot spring; hot a wet and so satisfying that it sank into her bones.
His breathing was labored and rough, coming out hot like steam from his nose. His eyes were screwed shut and he grunted as he came right behind her.
Adrien laid on top of her for a few moments, trying to catch his breath as he came down from his high.
That was inexplicably the most amazing and perfect thing that has ever happened in his entire life.
And he met the Prime Minister of England.
Marinette was nuzzling his neck and lightly scraping his scalp right at the back of his neck, which sent shivers all up and down his spine. He could still feel her fluttering around him, which sent little shocks through his groin to the point that it was almost painful. Whatever she was doing, he kind of needed it to stop.
With a flinch he pulled out of her, careful not to let his condom slip off and spill all over the bed. She watched him as he sat up and looked around, for a bathroom, a towel, a trashcan- something!
She tapped his shoulder and pointed at the side of her bed, where a little waste can half-full of tissues was partially hiding. He grinned bashfully and slowly pulled off the condom. Remembering what he learned from- a little regrettably- Nino, he tied off the opening and wrapped it in some of the used tissues before dropping it in the wastebasket.
He immediately pulled Marinette to his chest and laid down on the pillow, breathing in her invigorating scent. She snuggled close to him, arms folded in between them and lips pressed against his collarbone. She hummed and kept peppering kisses on his skin, sending tingles all the way to his fingertips and toes. He held her closer, letting his fingers get tangled in the tips of her hair and holding the small of her back.
"Hmmm," she murmured softly, lips brushing against his skin.
"I think," she started, nuzzling a little closer to him and pressing another kiss against his chest, "we were definitely stupid this week."
"And that we should probably keep doing this."
"I concur."
"And..." she trailed off and ducked her head so he couldn't see her face. "And I think... Shoot- I think that-"
Adrien chuckled and gently grabbed her chin, pulling her face upward so he could look into her blue eyes. "I think that you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, are wonderful, and beautiful, and smart, and more amazing than any person than I have ever met. You are kind, and thoughtful, and more insightful in both of your identities than I could ever dream to be."
Marinette turned bright red and tried to duck her head again. "I wasn't asking for poetry, Adrien."
"This isn't poetry," he deadpanned. "I'm telling you the truth. Marinette..." He trailed off as he looked into her eyes, then sighed wistfully. "I'm trying to tell you that I love you. In every shape and form, Marinette. My Lady... I love you."
She blinked at him a few times and he could see the cogs moving in her head before she finally manage to sputter out some kind of squeak. Her face couldn't possibly get any redder, yet it did, and her brain seemed to stop working. Something in the back of his mind ticked, and immediately he kissed her softly. Her eyes fluttered closed and she sighed as she finally relaxed into him.
When they broke the kiss, she gave him a loving smile and whispered back, "I love you, too, Adrien Agreste."
He felt his lips pull into a fierce grin and he hugged her tight once more. They laid in silence for a while, before Adrien felt Marinette had gone to sleep. He smiled into her hair, then kissed her scalp and nudged her awake. She shifted a little and mumbled, "How real is this, Adrien?"
Adrien's smile never fell as he lifted her chin and kissed her chastely again. "Too real, Princess. Too real."