Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, and Leverage. Well, I'm an avid Harry/Hermione fan, I think it just makes sense, but I'm not opposed to a Hermione/Weasley pairing as long as it's not Ron. I mean honestly...Ron? I don't know what Rowling was thinking but whatever, that's why I'm just a fanfiction writer. I generally don't like Dumbledore, for such a "great wizard" he certainly made some stupid mistakes. As a result I love manipulative Dumbledore stories, but a good Dumbledore that features a Harry with a backbone works as well. Ron is a prat, Ginny is a schemer, but she's such a flat character in the books that I can read and write her as a good person. For Veronica Mars there's the classic Veronica/Logan paring, because well what's better than two snarky people being together in love? Lately though, I've been liking the Veronica/Lamb stories, so I'm open to both. I love Weevil, but I see him as taking more of a brother role like Wallace. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Duncan, sorry that's just the way it is. STORIES Harry Potter and the Abraxan Flight I am still working on this, I'm just trying to decide on how to incorporate some points into the story. Also I need to decide which Weasleys to bash. Right now Ginny, Molly, and Percy are winning, though I'm feeling pretty interchangable between Ron and Ginny. It will eventually be a Harry/Hermione story, but it will build up. They're 16 in this story, they aren't going to be soul mates right away. They both need to date other people and mature before things can get really serious between them. Apartment pictures The Manhattan Apartment: http:///property/listing.aspx?Region=NYC&ListingID=1212213&ohDat= Alliances This is a Veronica Mars story that I'm semi-working on at the moment, but it won't be posted for a while as I'm focusing on my HP story. |