Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, and Bones. Heeey :) I'm 'the punchline.' and I'm an aspiring writer from Australia. Aspiring, as in I aspire to be better and hope that maaaybe, some day something of my own might be published in the real world. But that's some day. As of this day, I take my writing seriously (especially fanfics published post 2009) and will graciously take on board any constructive criticism and comments. It is, after all, why I'm here. My previous pen-name was krazie-livin, which I must admit I resent. That spelling is atrocious. Not sure what I was thinking. I've just recently begun posting a Sirius/OC story, which will grow to be about 25 chapters of approximately 4000 words each. Exciting! :) It's my pride and joy on this site, with plenty of Marauder humour, friendship, romance and some adventure times as well :) I've been working on the story, The Willemina and all its Properties (, for well over a year now and I'm so thrilled to be finally uploading it. I've been receiving wonderful support and encouragement so far, for which I am beyond grateful :) Do check it out and tell me what you think! Also, a while ago I started editing/re-writing She'd Be Happy ( It was all going fine and dandy until I got stuck on Chapter 12. I uploaded what I'd rewritten up until that point, because every time another person favourited it a part of me died inside knowing they could have read the better version, but basically I haven't touched it since. So, anything past Chapter 12 is, I will openly admit, of a lesser quality. (Though it is only 14 chapters long, so you should be right!) Um, I enjoy reading - and consequently writing: - Humour, tasteful - Romance, nothing too fluffy. (Hypocritical, considering my own earlier fanfictions? Perhaps.) - Adventure, mostly only if it's woven into a good romance though :) - And basically any story that's well written. In saying that, I have a list of pet hates that I'm sorry to say will lower my tolerance of any fanfiction. It's mostly little things, like not putting commas or full stops at the end of dialogue, so "Hey there" as opposed to "Hey there." As I said, little things. - Oh, and if a story is realistic (in the sense of human characters, emotions, appearances etc) then it makes it all the better. I can very rarely stand it when characters, such as - sorry for being unable to resist - Edward Cullen, are described as looking, or being "perfect". No one is perfect. The best characters are flawed. Anyway, enough ranting, thanks for visiting my profile, feel free to message me because I am a friendly person! Byeee. Please apply to all chapters of all stories written by me, the punchline: Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or past plots present in the books/television shows I've written fanfictions based upon. No copyright infringement intended. |