Being Assertive by WeasleyForMe

Could Hermione be the demanding, bossy, assertive woman of George's dreams?

Thanks to Grande.Vanilla.Skim.Latte for beta reading for me!

George grinned as he liberally applied tartar sauce to his fish and chips. As he ate, he told slightly embarrassing stories about Hermione and intermittently got kicked by her under the table. They were eating lunch with Fred and Luna who had been dating exclusively for a few months. It turned out that Luna would have been fine with Fred dating a few girls before he settled down, but that seemed only to prove to Fred that she was the girl for him.

In fact, it would have made George slightly sick to see the way that Luna doted on Fred, but he had grown to realize that he and Hermione probably made Fred feel the same way.

Luna gazed at Hermione and George as she played with one radish shaped earring. "So, I never heard your story," she said rather vaguely.

Hermione and George shared a look before Hermione turned back to Luna. "I'm not sure we know what you mean."

Luna smiled as Fred wrapped an arm lovingly around her. "How did you end up together?"

Hermione smiled at the memory as she answered. "Well, George and Fred were making a ton of noise in Diagon Alley, and I-"

Effectively cutting her off, George leaned across the table and whispered loudly, "She wanted me." Fred snickered, Luna smiled, and Hermione rolled her eyes. He leaned back with a self-satisfied look as Hermione gently placed her hand on his thigh, his fish and chips suddenly forgotten.

She bent her head and whispered in his ear. "Want to get out of here?" Within seconds, George was waving goodbye to his twin and Luna and pulling Hermione toward the door of the restaurant. They passed a happy looking Alicia with Dean at a table on their way to the door and managed a quick greeting. Once they were outside, they raced back to the twins' flat, eager to show each other just how assertive they could be persuaded to be.

That's the end! Just a short epilogue, but I hope you liked this story. I had so much fun writing it. Thanks for the reviews! One more would be awfully sweet of you!