Chapter One
Okay, due to the fact that I cannot continue with the old story, due to canon contradictions, lack of detail, and unrealistic characterizations, I am redoing this entire story, same basic plot, but with more detail and better grammar. Bear with me and make sure you read it because it does add important details.
It was a clear and beautiful day in Surrey, and just about everyone was outside enjoying the weather. However, one scrawny teenage boy on Privet Drive was not. Instead he was in the back yard hunched over a small patch of weeds and was completely absorbed in pulling them out of the earth. Despite the day's heat he was dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt, and he would shiver every couple of minutes as though there was a perpetual cold inside him. This teen was Harry James Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, The Chosen One, Dumbledore's Golden Boy, and thoroughly miserable teen. He had only returned from school a week ago, but was ready to be anywhere but at Number Four. He was given the chore of weeding and replanting the garden, and used it as an attempt to escape his thoughts. Instead all he could do was think about his life, or lack thereof. The events at the end of his school year had him depressed and he was struggling to put things in perspective.
"Why me," Harry asked himself, "How could I possibly be the only one with the power to defeat Voldemort, even if I am, WHY did it have to be me? Haven't I done enough over the years? I've lost my parents, friends, godfather, and my childhood. I've been alternately praised and ridiculed on the whims of the public. I've fought Voldemort four times in my life, not including when I was a baby. That's more that what others can claim. Hell two of them were one-on-one duels. And Sirius…Sirius is dead because of me. I'll never get away from here now. I'll never know how it feels to have a family who loves me, to be normal, to have control of my life. Why me?"
Later that night Harry was lying in his bed practicing Occlumency. After the fiasco at the Department of Mysteries he had thrown himself into studying the art. It helped that Hermione had ordered him several books on Occlumency and meditation so he was making great progress. Yeah it's amazing how much easier it is to learn when I have instructions other than "Clear your mind" yelled at me before I'm mind-raped. Harry thought sarcastically. Obviously he wasn't completely sure on how strong his walls were since he didn't have anyone to test them, but he was fairly confident in them. As he lay there he began to drift off to sleep, and right as he was about to pass out he was woken by a burst of flames. With wand in hand, and a spell on his lips, he realized, with relief, that it was Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes. "Merlin, Fawkes," he gasped, "Don't do that!" Fawkes trilled with what sounded like laughter as he flew to Harry and perched on his bed. "What are you doing here," Harry asked, as he set his wand back on his bedside table. He then noticed the letter Fawkes was carrying; he quickly removed it and read through it.
I trust things are going well for you. I know you don't wish to be at the Dursley's, but it is for your own protection. I must remind you not to wander far from the house, you must stay close at all times. Also, NO MAGIC! I cannot help you if the Minister were to catch you doing magic again. Do NOT react to any news that might find you. In an effort to protect you, I've stopped your subscription to the Daily Prophet. The owls can be easily tracked. As such I have also brought Hedwig back to Hogwarts where she will stay until your return. You need to deal with the passing of Sirius, take this time to grieve and pull yourself together.
Also, I have spoken to Professor Snape and he well be continuing your instruction in Occlumency. I am a bit disappointed in your progress. You will do as he says and not provoke him. Professor Snape will arrive at the Dursley's in one week. You will have lessons twice a week until the school year begins. Unfortunately this does mean you won't be leaving your relative's home until you leave for Hogwarts. However, I trust you will use the lack of distractions to work hard and master Occlumency. If you work hard and progress well, I may let you visit Diagon Alley to pick up your school supplies.
Remember to use this time well,
Albus Dumbledore
Well wasn't that just bloody wonderful? He was once again cut off from the wizarding world, and now he had to deal with Snape of all people? Merlin, if he didn't know any better he would think the headmaster didn't care about him at all, but Harry knew that was ridiculous. The headmaster was just too busy to worry about petty squabbles between the potions master and him. He just wasn't aware that this was more than a petty squabble, all Harry needed to do was inform the Headmaster of the truth and Dumbledore would apologize and rescind his order. "Fawkes can you take a letter back to Professor Dumbledore for me," he asked. Fawkes trilled the affirmative and flew over to sit on Harry's shoulder. Harry would occasionally reach up and pet the phoenix as he penned his letter to Dumbledore:
Dear Professor,
I understand you're worried about me, and I appreciate it, but I am doing better honestly. I have been practicing Occlumency and am progressing well. I think that sending Snape here would be unnecessary and potentially dangerous. While I respect the man's abilities as a potion maker and a spy, it does not overcome the personal feelings of loathing that are more than mutual. Not only will our feelings get In the way of him teaching me, and me learning from him, the Dursley's would not appreciate the fact that there would be a wizard coming to the house twice a week for the rest of the summer. I will write if I have any more visions, but since I started studying Occlumency on my own, I haven't had a single one. I take it as proof that I am going in the right direction.
Thank you,
There, that should do it. With that done, he attached the letter to Fawkes and ran his hand down the bird's feathery back. "Please take that to him, Fawkes," he whispered, and in a burst of flame Fawkes was gone, leaving Harry to his thoughts once more. He lay on his bed and drifted off. An hour later as he was sleeping, a bright golden light engulfed his body and levitated a foot off the bed. The light pulsed a few times and hew was gently lowered to the bed. The light slowly dimmed until it was dark once more.
Back at Hogwarts Fawkes was sitting on his perch as Dumbledore read Harry's letter, stroking his beard. With a snort he threw it into the fireplace. Stupid brat he thought as he began working on the budget for the next school term. There are more important things in this world than his feelings towards Snape. Yes, it was true that there was no love, or even light liking between the two, but Snape had to open the boy's mind. Damn, I can't believe he started studying Occlumency on his own; it'll take weeks to undo his shields to the point where I can manipulate his thoughts again. And if he isn't getting his visions from Voldemort how will I be able to know all of Voldemort's plans so I can eventually destroy them both? It must be done, for Annabelle.
Dumbledore sat back, unable to concentrate on his work while worrying about how to undo the mess the Potter boy had gotten himself into again.