Hermione once again lay in Viktor's arms, exhausted from a night of lovemaking. As she reveled in the newfound warmth and safety of his embrace, she thought about the events that had led her to be here in his comfortable home, safely secured in his bed. Viktor had been coming to see both her and Rose whenever Quidditch training and games allowed and they spent every second of their time together, talking, laughing and making love. Neither had felt overly at ease making love with Ginny and Harry in the next room, so more often than not these days they could be found in his home instead of Harry and Ginny's. He had set up a second nursery for Rose just down the hall, which had made it easy to bring Rose along with them. This arrangement provided them with the time alone they craved without having to worry about disturbing any house mates. Without ever realizing when exactly it happened, they had become a threesome, a family. Everything was perfect as far as Hermione was concerned and at that moment she was blissfully happy. Her euphoria ended abruptly in response to the three simple words from the man who was holding her protectively against his chest.

"Stay vith me."


"Stay vith me, here. You and Rose. I do not vant you to leave."

"Viktor. I..I don't think that would be a very good idea."

"Vhy not? I luff you Hermione. I haff all vays luffed you. Do you not believe this?"

"I do believe you Viktor, but..."

"But vhat? You do not vant to stay?"

"No, I want to stay Viktor, but people will talk more than they are already. Did you see the latest paper?"

"I no care vhat people think, only vhat you think. Do vhat vill make you happy Hermione, not them. Please stay vith me. Marry me."

"Viktor, you may not care what those people think, but what about your family? Your mother, she.."

At the mention of his mother, anger flashed in his normally gentle eyes, as he remembered the awful things she had said about Hermione.

"I no care vhat she thinks! I am sorry for vhat she said to you. She had no right."

Hermione's stomach clenched at the memory of the angry altercation she had witnessed between mother and son, knowing she had been the cause of the rift that had formed between them. His mother's venomous words upon finding her in Viktor's house a month ago were still etched in her memory. Hermione cringed remembering how she had argued with him in English to ensure Hermione heard every hateful word.

"You vill stay avay from my son! Get out of here!"

Hermione flinched slightly at the pure hatred in her eyes.


They both turned at Viktor's sudden appearance.

"Mama, do not speak to her like that!"

"Vhy not? Vhat kind of spell has she cast on you to make you turn from your family?"

"Enough Mama."

"No! No son of mine vill keep a mudblood whore in his house!"

Fury swept across Viktor's face.

"Get out!"

"Get rid of her Viktor. If you stay here vith this...voman, you vill never be our son again!"

"I said get out!"

"Fine, if that is your decision. Just remember vhat I said. Vhen you come to your senses and throw her avay, do not come crawling back to us!"

Viktor watched the hurt fill her eyes and knew she was thinking about his mother's crushing insults and her threats to disown him.

"Hermione, I luff you. I no care vhat she thinks. Please don't let her cruelty decide for you. Marry me, stay vith me."

Hermione looked up into his eyes and saw only sincerity and love. No uncertainty or doubt clouded his eyes, causing her own doubts to quickly evaporate.

"Yes, Viktor. I'll marry you, if you're sure that's what you really want."

"Is vhat I haff vanted for very long time. I promise you, you vill never be sorry."

He pulled her back into his arms and any lingering reservations she had melted away beneath his gentle caress.

Several weeks later Hermione found herself looking at wedding gowns with Ginny. She ran her hand, now adorned with shimmering stones, down the silky satin gown that her eyes had wandered to repeatedly since their arrival at the rather high-end shop. Ginny had noticed her longing gaze and somehow convinced her to try the exquisite gown on. She knew she shouldn't have done so, as now she wanted the dress more than ever and it was far too expensive. She began to quickly unbutton the bodice, before she became even more attached to it, when Ginny came back in carrying a matching veil.

"Why are you taking it off so soon? It looks beautiful Hermione. Don't you like it?"

"Ginny, I can't afford a dress like this. Even if I could, it would be ridiculous to spend so much money on something so frivolous."

"A wedding dress is NOT frivolous Hermione. Besides that wasn't the question. The question was 'do you like it'?"

Hermione refused to look at her reflection as she made a failed attempt to casually dismiss it.

"It's all right I guess."

"Come on Hermione, you haven't been able to take your eyes off it since we came in here."

"Fine, I love it. But I still can't afford it."

"Look, I'm under strict instructions to get you whatever you want regardless of expense. So, take it off and lets have it wrapped up. Do you want the veil as well?"

"What are you talking about Ginny? Instructions from who?"

"The only thing your fiancé made me promise was that I make sure you get whatever you want and that you not pay for one thing. He's paying for everything, so lets go."

"He's what?"

"Viktor insisted that everything we get be charged to him. He made us promise. And I don't break my promises Hermione Granger."

Hermione looked at her friend, momentarily stricken.

"He shouldn't be doing that. It's not...how things are done."

"Big deal. He loves you Hermione. He wants you to be happy. He wants to do this for you. Let him do this one thing for you. Let someone take care of you for a change."

Hermione gently clutched at the coveted satin gown in her hands, touched by this new information about her fiancé. Quickly brushing a tear away she let Ginny lead her to the attendant to wrap up the gown.

Just two short months later, Hermione was preparing in the back room of the Bulgarian wedding hall with Ginny, wondering how her wedding day had arrived so quickly. Two months had seemed like such a long time, but now that she was just minutes away from her vows, it suddenly seemed like nothing. She slipped her wedding gown on and smoothed the soft flowing satin down as Ginny carefully buttoned the dress down her back. Her curls cascaded unchecked down her bodice. She smiled remembering how this was Viktor's one request. He hated it when she tried to control those unruly curls and had asked that she leave them be, just this once.

Ginny fastened the last button and looked at her appraisingly.

"There. You look beautiful Hermione. Where are your flowers then?"

"I think I left them in the other room."

"No worries, I'll get them for you. By the way mum and dad are here."

"They are?"

"Yeah. George is too. I told you they understood about you and Ron. You should see the way they've been looking at Rose all morning though. Mum loves kids, you know that. I think they kinda knew all along it wasn't going to work out with Ron. But they still love you Hermione, we all do."

Hermione's eyes filled with tears.

"Thank you Ginny."

"Now don't cry. I spent an hour on that make-up!"

They laughed together and Ginny went to fetch her bouquet.

A soft knock on the door made her jump. She stood stock still as a large, hulking man with Slavic features came through the door. Hermione had seen pictures of Viktor's father, but had never met him until now. Remembering the ugly scene with Viktor's mother, she began to tremble slightly at the thought of yet another scene with this imposing, scowling man on her wedding day. She braced herself for the onslaught, but when he spoke his voice was far more gentle than she had expected.

"I am Petyr, Viktor's Papa."

"Yes, I've seen a picture of you and Mrs. Krum at Viktor's. I'm so glad you could be here. I didn't expect...I mean I didn't know if you could be here today."

Her voice quivered slightly and she struggled to steady her nerves. Mr. Krum looked down at the floor as though carefully contemplating his answer.

"I am glad to be here. I am sorry my vife could not be here also. She is...not vell today."

Hermione felt her face flush at his blatant lie.

"It's all right. You don't have to lie. She made it very clear what she thinks of me."

"Da. I am sorry for this. She vas raised...differently. She alvays expected Viktor to marry a..."

"A pureblood?"

"Da. Vhen Viktor first told us about you she was very angry. She forbid him to see you. After she find out you marry another, she vas sure it vas just a passing infatuation, a...a how you say...fling. Vhen she find out he marrying same British Muggle-born instead of one of the pureblood Bulgarian vomen she select for him, she vas... disappointed."

Hermione was touched at how he was struggling to explain things with such carefully phrased words.

"I never wanted to break up your family. I told Viktor maybe we should wait, but..."

"No child. Vaiting vill not change anything. Vill only make more people unhappy. My son loves you very much. Is true, he and his mother had bad fight, but he no back down this time. My son needs you, child. His Mama vill get over this in time and if not, Viktor has made his choice. He is a man now. For vhat it is vorth, I think he make good choice."

"Thank you, Mr. Krum."

"Please, call me Papa."

Tears came to her eyes as she looked into his gentle eyes that softened his harsh features and was reminded so much of Viktor.

"Thank you, Papa."

After Viktor's father left her, she stood looking nervously at her reflection when she suddenly saw someone else in the mirror she had been expecting even less than Viktor's father.

"Hello Mione."

She turned slowly to face him. She wasn't sure how she would feel upon seeing Ron again. Now he was standing just a few feet from her and she felt...nothing. Any love, infatuation, whatever it was she had felt was gone, but so was the anger that had consumed her after Rose's birth. At that moment she realized she was over Ron completely. She had moved on and he no longer held any power over her emotions.

"What..what are you doing here?"

"I..I just came to see you. I don't want to make any trouble. I just want to say I'm sorry, really sorry. I know you don't believe it, but I never meant to hurt you, I loved you. I really did."

"Ron please..."

"No, please hear me out. I ...I wasn't ready for marriage, even though I really did love you. I just didn't want to end up like my mum and dad."

"What's wrong with your parents? They're happy."

"And poor and completely tied down with kids. I always knew I didn't want that kind of life. I just wasn't brave enough to tell you. I didn't want to lose you, so I took the easy way out. Instead of facing the truth, I took it all out on you instead. I swear to God Hermione I never wanted to hurt you like that. I'm sorry. I'd like to make it up to you and to Rosie. if you'll let me. How..how is she?"

"She's fine. Just fine."

"Mum and dad would really like to get to know her. So would I, if you'll let me. If your fiancé doesn't try to kill me again."

"I don't want you in my life Ron, but you are Rosie's father, even though you accused her of being someone else's. If you want to see her we can arrange that. But if you treat her like you did me, if you belittle her or make her feel worthless, I will see to it you never see her again. You won't need to worry about Viktor, I'll hex you into oblivion myself. Agreed?"

"Agreed. Thank you Mione. And Mione..."


"I'm happy for you. I hope he treats you the way you deserve. I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to do that."

"Goodbye Ron."

"Bye Mione."

Hermione stepped back in front of the mirror looking nervously at the white gown that flowed around her trying to steady her nerves. Her hands were shaking slightly and she made a conscious effort to still them. Seeing Ron had added a bit more turmoil than she had expected, but she was gratified to hear him say it wasn't her fault, and that he had actually loved her once. Somehow, that small concession gave her the closure she needed. She was surprised when Harry rushed in holding a babbling Rose in his arms and scanned the room nervously.

"I heard Ron was here. Is everything OK?"

"Yeah, Harry. Everything is just fine. For the first time everything is definitely going to be OK."

"I'm glad Hermione."

She glanced nervously at her reflection and then back to Harry and Rose.

"Harry? Am I making a mistake? Maybe we should have waited. What if he realizes I'm not really what he wants? What if he realizes his mother was right?"

"Hermione, that's not going to happen."

"It happened with Ron. What makes you so sure this is different? You thought Ron and I should marry."

Harry looked sheepishly at the floor.

"What is it?"

"Well, actually I thought it might be a pretty big mistake at the time."


"I loved Ron like a brother, I still do in some ways, but...he was always pretty bloody selfish and he always wanted to be... well, more than he was, more than his parents were. I was worried he wouldn't be able to settle down so soon, not the way you wanted him to."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry Hermione. You were so happy and so in love, I told myself it wasn't my place to say something that may or may not have been true. I'm really sorry Hermione, I should have said something then."

Hermione smiled ruefully at his pained expression.

"No Harry. It was my fault, not yours. Ron may have been selfish, but I thought I could make it work, just because I wanted it to. I guess that was pretty selfish of me too. But Viktor...any qualms about Viktor you're not telling me about."

Harry laughed.

"No, none, I swear it. He's the one Hermione. Now get out there before he thinks you've left him at the altar. He's asked me a hundred times already if you're all right in here. He's not too happy about not being with you before the wedding. Apparently in Bulgaria tradition the bride and groom get ready together."

"Yes, he mentioned that, several times, but my mum always told me it was bad luck, so I made him promise to stay out until I was ready."

"Are you ready now?"

Hermione beamed at him.

"Yeah, I'm ready now. Really ready."

One quiet, simple ceremony later Hermione found herself bonded once again. Only this time she knew the man whose hand now bore the mate to the gold band that was slipped on her finger, truly wanted her, wanted Rose, wanted a family, wanted to grow old with her. This wasn't some childish fantasy like before. She walked back down the aisle on his arm and out into a new life, content in the knowledge that this time she had gotten everything right.

Nine years later Hermione made her way through the crowds at the train station where she had just said her goodbyes to Rose, her small son clutching her hand tightly, practically bouncing with excitement. Ron had been so much more like the old Ron she remembered, joking and laughing with everyone, that it was difficult to believe how bad things had gotten between them all those years ago. The morning send-off had been cordial, but still a bit tense, the ghosts from their past still lingering between them.

As she watched him saying goodbye to Rose, she had to admit that he had turned out to be a fairly good father. Rose adored him almost as much as she did Viktor. Hermione had been amazed at how easily Rose had handled having two fathers in her life. It was Rose herself who came up with the solution of calling Ron dad and Viktor Papa after meeting her paternal grandfather, whom Viktor also called Papa. Viktor who was normally so reserved had choked back the emotion when she asked if she could call him Papa too.

After relinquishing Rose and watching the train whisk her away, Hermione turned and met Ron's eyes, which were shining with the same unshed tears at sending her away. For a moment the tension lifted and they shared a brief smile like the old days before they silently set off on different paths.

As she made her way to the exit she was pleasantly surprised to find Viktor waiting there for her and Hugo.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at practice."

He kissed her lips quickly and then her hand, which was adorned with a gold wedding ring with a flowery Cyrillic inscription.

"I vas vorried."

"About what?"



"Sending Rosie away was hurting you. Not good for you to be upset now."

His hand caressed her slightly protruding belly. She knew he was remembering what happened when Rose was born, he had fretted the same way with Hugo. Her heart melted at the way he worried about her. Nine years of marriage had not abated the affection he lavished on her nor dimmed the adoration in his eyes whenever he gazed upon her.

"I'm fine Viktor. I've never been better in my life. I love you."

"Obicham te, izgora."

Their soft kiss was interrupted by a tug on Viktor's sleeve.

"Papa, I'm hungry. C'mon, Mama let's go home."

Viktor smiled down at his impatient son, wondering how he had been this lucky. He had his beloved wife in his arms, and two children he adored. His hand gently caressed his wife's abdomen, a soft smile on his face.

'Make that three children'.

Hermione took his hand in hers, and raised herself up on tiptoes to place a kiss underneath his jaw.

"Let's go home, Viktor."

Viktor wrapped his arm around his wife's waist and lifted a laughing Hugo up with the other and walked his most precious possessions towards home.

Five months later, Hermione sat in front of the fireplace, holding her newborn daughter in her arms. Viktor slipped down beside her resting his chin on her shoulder. The small name band from the hospital lay discarded on the floor. The flickering flames softly illuminated the words Helena Svetlana Krum written upon the forgotten band.

"Where's Hugo?"

"Asleep. He is very excited. He thinks he's going to teach his little sestra how to fly next month."

Hermione smiled as Viktor lovingly took his daughters little hand.

"She is beautiful, no? Just like her Mama."

As his lips met hers, Hermione marveled once more at her good fortune. Everything that had happened before Viktor reentered her life seemed like nothing more than a fleeting nightmare now. Nothing more than a bad dream that Viktor had lovingly brushed away when he offered her a second chance at happiness. She had lost her way for a long while, but fate had led her back to the man she was destined to be with, back to the family she had always wanted, back to kindness and love, back to her Viktor.