Author has written 90 stories for Mighty Ducks, Power Rangers, Thunderbirds, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Super Sentai, Voltron, SilverHawks, Captain Scarlet, Destiny, and Voltron: Legendary Defender. Hi I'm Angel Mouse, formally known as just plain Mouse. Anyway I'm a writer - well obviously since I'm here - and below you'll find all my work. Well, the majority of it anyways. I write mostly Thunderbirds with a some of my older work being mainly Power Rangers and a couple of other fandoms thrown in. Age: over 21, let's leave it at that Location: Hobart, Tasmania Please, Please, Please note that I use AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH so all my work is spell checked and everything. I am heartily sick of people saying my English isn't right... it is okay? Good, glad we cleared that up. Current Projects: A Huge collaboration Thunderbirds fic is underway with Zeilfanat that we hope to publish under zelimouse soon... stay tuned! |
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