Disclaimer: Not mine, still. If wishes were horses huh? Anyway, I was re-writing and re-formatted Shattered Mind and then inspiration struck again for a second time, so here's a second epilogue set just after Missing. AM June 2009.

Shattered Mind – Epilogue II

By Angel Mouse


I almost lost my little brother today.

And that scared me something fierce.

I mean, Bridge is my brother in all aspects bar one, and that one doesn't matter. He's the other half of me sometimes that I need to have in my life, to make me relax and have fun, to realise my feelings every so often.

Today was so close. Oh so close to loosing one of us. Of loosing him to what feels like a never ending battle sometimes.

So I'm sitting here, on my bed, watching him sleep knowing that I may not have been able to do this ever again. God, we almost lost him today. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. He means so much to me, more than he realises I think. But back when we had that fight with Screamer, when I was inside his mind, I told him I thought of him as my little brother. He said he thought of me as his big brother.

Oh man, what would I do if I didn't have Bridge in my life to keep me sane like he does right now. I mean, this morning when we were searching for Bjork and he was being all Bridge like, I couldn't help but shake my head in exasperation, but I was smiling beneath my helmet. It was so like him to do something like that to lighten the tension of the moment.

After we got back, and Crugar dismissed us, I pulled Jack aside and asked him exactly what condition he found Bridge in. He had been reluctant to explain the situation he had found Bridge in, but he knew how close those two were now and he went into further detail than he had with the Commander.

After he finished telling Sky what had happened Sky had to take a few minutes to just come to terms with exactly what had almost happened to his dearest friend. So, that is why he found himself watching Bridge sleep for hours late into the night.

Suddenly I sit upright as Bridge begins to moan, groan and roll around on his bed. Obviously he's having another nightmare, but not as bad as the ones he had with Screamer. I had to do something, he's my little brother.

Bridge POV

I could tell Sky was relieved to have me back safe and sound. They all were. That was too close a call to have, one I don't plan to have ever again. I hope.

The commander seemed pleased with us but you never can tell with him. Oh, I can but I would never do that, that's unethical. But one can always hope you know.

So, we settled in for the night and I fall asleep practically straight away, but deep down I know in my mind Sky is watching me sleep, he always does when I'm hurt or injured or having problems resting. He always watches over me in such a way that I feel ten times safer than I normally do.

But then the dreams start. They come from that bad place in my mind. The place where I push all the bad feelings, the bad memories, the bad experiences to. They come out at night sometimes when I'm extra tired or feeling upset by something. Or I've had a really, really bad day.

All I am seeing in my mind is walls pushing in on me. Pressing themselves against me, pushing me backwards against another wall. They seem to be squeezing the life out of me and nothing I'm doing is stopping them. Jack's not going to make it! They aren't going to find me!

Suddenly, a presence is beside me, pushing back the wall with me. It's Sky! I knew it; I knew he'd find me! I just knew it! Between the two of us we stop the wall and push it back. Suddenly, it was gone and we were back in my mind, in my quiet place I retreat to, the one Sky has seen before.

We were standing together in the green grass, the bright blue sky shinning down on us. I turned to Sky and smiled at him.

"You always seem to know what I need, don't you Sky?" Sky laughed softly and ran a hand over his hair, giving him a sheepish grin.

"Got to look after my little brother now don't I, because if I don't, who will?" I couldn't help but laugh at his words. He always knew what to say to make me feel better.

"Thank you Sky." Sky just held out his hand and I took it, knowing he was doing the same in the real world.

"Any time Bridge, you know that." And I do. Sky thinks that I don't realise how much I mean to him, but I do. He means the same and more to me. If it wasn't for his presence in my life I would have been lost a long time ago. Laughing at him, I pull him into an embrace to show my appreciation of his presence in my life.

When the two men opened there eyes, they found they were sitting on Bridge's bed, hugging each other. Sky looked at Bridge, slowly, carefully removing his hand from Bridge's and handing him back his glove.

"Better now?" Bridge smiled as he slipped his glove back on.

"Much. Thank you. Seems all I'm doing lately is saying that you to you." Sky shrugged and grinned at him.

"Just like I say it to you all the time when I need help. Let's just call it even, again." Bridge laughed and grinned back at him.

"Go to sleep Sky. We'll sort out who owes who in the morning." Laughing, Sky got off Bridge's bed and went back to his own. He got under the sheets and Bridge looked at him. "And Sky, sleep this time okay please. I can sense when you're watching me." Sky blushed but nodded.

"Okay. Good night Bridge."

"Night Sky." With that, the lights went out and the two friends who were like brothers went to sleep after a long and trying day.

The End