Disclaimer: Same as usual, I own none of the characters, they belong to Gerry Anderson and Carlton Television
AN: Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year. Hopefully the next chapter will be posted quickly, as I have very definite plans about where it has to go and how it will end! Although by tempting fate there, its practically guaranteed that everything and anything will attempt to prevent me writing!! Thanks again to all reviewers, enjoy chapter 14!
Chapter 14
Gordon quickly smacked the emergency call button situated close to the bed. Almost immediately medical personnel began running into the room.
"What's the problem?" asked Dr Stokes urgently.
"Umm we were talking, and then he started coughing and couldn't stop, he said he couldn't breathe!" Gordon's voice had been rising in pitch throughout his answer, and he hurriedly clamped down on his emotions.
Dr. Stokes quickly assessed the situation. John was alternately coughing and trying to suck in much needed oxygen, his lips now starting to go blue.
"Right, we're gonna have to intubate." he decided.
Gordon was horrified at his words, knowing only too well what intubation involved.
"John? Ok, we're going to have to put a tube down your throat to help you breathe, but to do this we need to sedate you ok?" Dr Stokes talked calmly and quickly to John, whilst indicating to the nurses what he needed. "Gordon, do you want to come over here where John can see you, it might make it easier for him."
Gordon nodded woodenly at Dr Stokes request as he moved to stand next to John, who was now lying flat on his back. One of the nurses handed a syringe to Dr Stokes who was preparing the intubation kit. He quickly swabbed John's arm before piercing his skin. John winced almost imperceptibly, but Gordon caught it and gave his brothers hand a reassuring squeeze.
Gordon could see the sedative take immediate effect, all John's muscles relaxed and he stopped trying to suck in air. Looking down at his brother, Gordon could see complete and utter terror in John's eyes. John had no control over his body, and no oxygen, he was basically a prisoner of his body. Clutching John's hand, Gordon watched as Dr Stokes acted swiftly, and within seconds had managed to force a tube into John's lungs.
The colour started to return to John's lips and Gordon heaved a shaky sigh of relief, another crisis narrowly averted. Looking at the clock, he was surprised to find that less than two minutes had passed since he had smacked the emergency call button. He turned his gaze back to John, and read the panic in his brother's eyes. Gordon remembered only too vividly what being sedated and intubated felt like, courtesy of his hydrofoil accident.
"It's ok John" reassured Gordon "I know you feel like a prisoner but try not to panic"
Some of the terror left Johns eyes, but he was still clearly not comfortable with the situation.
"What happened?" demanded Gordon of Dr Stokes.
Dr Stokes shrugged "It could be any number of things, but Gordon, he really needs this op, has he made a final decision yet?"
Gordon nodded as he replied "He said he wanted it, didn't you John?" this last comment directed at his brother. He immediately realised that there was no way he could get an answer. "Ah...umm…" suddenly he had a brainwave "Ok John, blink once for no and twice for yes, ok?"
John blinked twice in response. Gordon could just imagine him sitting there, an eyebrow raised, smirk playing about his lips, waiting for the next question. He felt a pang as he realised he may never see that again. He would have given anything and everything he had to see it at that precise moment. He mentally shook himself out of his thoughts to find Dr Stokes and John both watching him expectantly.
"Uhh yeah, so John, do you want the operation?" he asked.
Two pairs of eyes turned to John who blinked once, twice, in response.
"Right," nodded Dr Stokes, "I'll get everything organised then. See you soon." And with that, he rushed out the room.
Gordon pulled up a chair and sat down by John's head. He was exhausted, both emotionally and physically, but would stay awake as long as his brother needed him. He gave a sad smile, remembering the many times himself and John had stayed up all night, talking about everything under the sun. They had talked about their dreams, most of which got scuppered when International Rescue became a reality. Neither Gordon nor John had got to do half of the things they had planned to.
"Oh John" Gordon sighed. "How did it come to this? What happened to our dreams? Our plans? Our promises."
Even as he spoke, he knew that he didn't mean it. None of the Tracy boys really begrudged their life plans changing. It was for a more than worthwhile cause, as they were reminded everytime they complete a successful rescue. Gordon was perfectly happy being a part of International Rescue, he was proud to be part of an organisation that was dedicated to saving lives.
"Sorry John, I didn't mean it. I just wonder sometimes…" Gordon sighed. He jumped as the rest of the family burst through the door, all of them looking worried and tired. He was greeted with a barrage of questions, all of them being asked at the same time. Gordon held up his hands and waited for his family to quiet. While they were getting over their initial shock, he had time to see where they were standing.
It was interesting, Grandma was sitting stroking John's hand, Jeff standing behind her. Close to Jeff and ready to provide support, were it needed, was Scott, and next to him was Virgil, undoubtedly there for Scott to lean on. Brains was standing awkwardly in a corner of the room while Alan and Tin-Tin stood near the bed in each others arms.
Jeff spoke up from his position behind his mother.
"What happened Gordon?"
"We were talking, then he started coughing and he couldn't breathe so they had to intubate him…but he wants the operation, Dr Stokes is off sorting stuff at the moment, he should be back soon" Gordon quickly related the events.
As the words "he wants the operation" came out of Gordon's mouth, a collective sigh of relief could be heard. For the first time since John had collapsed, the future was looking a little less bleak. Hope had been rekindled in the hearts of the Tracy family.