Dany Cmar
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Joined 09-20-05, id: 900525
Author has written 2 stories for Power Rangers.

This is the collaborative effort of MzDany (Dany) and Cmar (Camille) who wanted to see if they could pull off a half-decent Power Rangers Time Force/Ninja Storm crossover story.

And we think we have succeeded.

Please be advised that this is a slash story! The pairings are Cam/Hunter from Dany's C/H series and Wes/Eric from Camille's 'Red Fire' series.

If anyone is interested in checking out any of Dany's or Camille's other stories, they can be found on these ffnet pages: Dany and Cmar

Also check out an archive for some great PR fanfiction of almost all genres at Rangerfiction.

So, since lots of blood, sweat and tears (not to mention quite a few laughs) have gone into this story, we'd appreciate your reviews!

Here's a little background on the two series being crossed over for anyone not familiar with them:

Time Force: When the mutant criminal Ransik seriously injured the red Ranger of the year 3000 and escaped into the past in a prison ship full of frozen criminals, it fell to a squad of Time Force officers to pursue him through time. With the help of the morphers they had taken along and the addition of two more Rangers from Silver Hills, they fought to save the present and preserve the future. With Ransik defeated, they returned home, leaving two members of their team still active in 2001 as Rangers and co-leaders of the Silver Guardians.

Ninja Storm: After the evil villain Lothor attacked and kidnapped every teacher and student of the Wind and Thunder Ninja Academies, it was up to three Wind and two Thunder students to get them back. With the help of their elemental morphers and the addition of a Samurai Ranger, they fought Lothor for the fate of their schools as well as the whole Earth as the Ninja Storm Power Rangers. After defeating Lothor and losing the Ninja Storm powers, they continued their lives as teachers at their academies.

There will be a followup story after 'TimeStorm': 'Playing With Fire', by Cmar with input from MzDany, featuring Hunter and Eric.

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Playing with Fire reviews
PRTF PRNS: Hunter gives Eric a lesson in the power of fire, but who ends up being the teacher? Oneshot followup to 'TimeStorm'. Slash!
Power Rangers - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,283 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 6 - Published: 11/11/2005 - Hunter B., Eric M. - Complete
TimeStorm reviews
When long forgotten enemies join forces to seek revenge upon the former Ninja Storm Rangers, only Cam and Hunter escape their trap. To save their friends they set out to ask for help from the Time Force Rangers, Wes and Eric. Slash WE, CH. Complete!
Power Rangers - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 29,292 - Reviews: 94 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 11/5/2005 - Published: 9/23/2005 - Eric M., Hunter B.