Disclaimer: I shouldn't be allowed near DVD's; I'm bloody hooked on thunderbirds now. But I don't own, so don't get mad at me.
Anywho. Here's yet another John story-I love him, can't you tell? Right, this story will basically explain itself; you really don't need me to explain it. But I have a little question-from watching the DVD's I noticed that Gordon doesn't seen to show up very often, or go on many rescues, does anyone know why? Ah well.
Chapter 1
John Tracy sat in his room, on the window seat, glaring angrily at the wall opposite, inches above his model of the solar system. He had spent months getting everything perfect. He had known he was a shoe in for fist prize at the science fair. He had all but begged his father and brothers to come see him get his award, they had all promised.
Alan and Gordon had been the first to pull out. He had known they would so he didn't really mind. Then Virgil had come to tell him he had a late piano practice he couldn't afford to miss. John had told him it was ok, at least his father and Scott would be going. But his father had told him only that morning that he would be working late-he had completely forgotten, and John didn't remind him. At least, he thought, Scott would be going. Then, after school Scott had called to say his football coach was making them stay late for practice and he couldn't make it. He was really sorry, but at least everyone else was going.
John hadn't bothered to correct him. He had gone to the science fair alone, got his first place award and walked home at half nine at night, in the dark. However, what John hadn't expected was for his father to be home, and in a bad enough mood with Gordon and Alan that he had grounded him before John had the chance to show him the award.
John shifted his glare to the model. No one in the house cared about him and his achievements. They all went to Scott's football matches, Virgil's recitals, Gordon's swimming meets and Albans basketball games, but he was lucky if he got his father, Scott or Virgil to come to anything of his.
Maybe he should take up a sport.
Or maybe you shouldn't he thought to himself bitterly, after all, if they wanted to see my achievements they would come to all the science things I enter, just like they all go to everything else anybody else does. John reached over and grabbed a baseball from his shelves and aimed it at the model.
It's gotta be you they don't like, it's gotta be something about you. He threw the baseball at the model in frustration, it smashed through the model, shattering it and hit the wall with a resounding thud.
"Damnit John! I'm trying to study! Knock it off!" Scott yelled.
John winched. "Sorry." He called.
He looked out the window. He needed to get out of the house. Just for a little while. He glanced around the room before he eased his window up and slipped out it. He would head up towards the mountain, you could always see the stars better from up there. He just needed time to think, to puzzle through his family's refusal to acknowledge him. No one had even asked how it had gone.
It's because they don't like you, that little part of his brain told him, after all, you are different from them aren't you, always reading and studying the stars. Most brothers-your brothers, would prefer it if you were like them.
John sighed deeply as he landed, catlike on the lawn, a quick glance told him his father was still awake and watching TV. john walked down the street and towards the mountain, confident he would be back before anyone noticed him missing in the morning.
They'd probably wouldn't even notice then, just think you'd gone into school early again.
John quickened his pace, hoping to leave those thoughts behind. It was nearly midnight by the time he arrived at the viewpoint. It was cold, but he had forgotten to take a jacket. He climbed onto one of the picnic tables and lay down, staring at the stars.
Righto, if someone reviews I will post another chapter, if you want it. Hope you liked.