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Author has written 12 stories for Power Rangers, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Smallville, High School Musical, Screenplays, Kyle XY, General Hospital, and Gilmore Girls. my name is peter Favorite shows: OC, One Tree Hill, Power rangers, Smallville, 7th Heaven. Favorite Movies: Hight School Musical, Walk The Line, Termanator series, Friday The Thirteenth, Nightmare On Elmstreet. I hope to go to college and try to become a writer. Favorite Power ranger Couples: Tommy / Kat/ Kim Billy/ Trinni Jason Emily Adam Tanya Andros Ashley Zhane Karone Leo Kendrix Carter Dana Wes Jen Taylor Eric Cole Alyssa Dustin Mara Blake Tori Trent Kira Sky/ Syd/ Z/Bridge Vida Xander Nick Madison Favorite High School Musical Parings: Jelsi, Troyella, Chaylor Zekpay and Ryan OC. Parings I Can't Stand: Slashes and Troypay Of Course. Favorite Music: Lynard Skynard, Tupac, Guns and Roses, Led Zepplin, Aerosmith, Van Hallen, Johnny Cash, Metallica, AC-DC, Emimem and EyeShine. Hey everyybody this a banner for my story everday done for me by Lunar Esclipse 360 http:///albums/o307/broken-hearted16/Banners/Everyday-Jelsi4life.jpg check it out and tell me what you think - 12-7-2007: Man what a brutal day of practice im so tired i lost a wrestle off yesterday but i get another one next week i must have been stupid when i choose to wrestle. Sorry for not updating as much i have been really busy with wrestling and school. Im writing 4 stories at a time so give me me some time to work things out. My trailer is up for my everyday story and my story called jelsi remix by angelic ami. Also if you guys could please review my friend mystic gohan 88's dinotopia story that would be great have fun and dont stop breaking free. Everyday- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTdJB41H--E Jelsi Remix- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmM-BhkMdsE Welcome to the home of the first annual General Hospital Fan Fiction Awards here you will be able to find the categories to place your fics or a fic you like under. You may not choose more than two a category also you may not pick one of your stories to nominate. I know that most sites wont allow people to nominate there own fics. But come on whos thinks there fics deserve to be noticed than the people who wrote them. The contest will be over once i recieve everyones who is in the contest pics. There will be banners made for the winners and at the end of the contest we will hold a award show on a chat room on aol instant messenger. If you win then you will be required to download aim for that night atleast to accept your award. I hope everyone takes part in it. ALso i will not accept any bad comments from people bad mouthing a couple. Every writer is a equal in this contest if i find out you have done otherwise you will be booted from the competition. I will be emailing every writer who has ever written a gh story i know but i want everyone involved if u have not recieved a email from me then email me and i will add you to it. I will be a judge among with anyone else who wants the job have fun and start voting folks. if you want to nominate a story send it to me also you can only nominate own of your own and one or two of each cateogory Most Romantic Story– This is a good old fashion love story. One filled with romance and has to have a happy ending. best original idea- most creative idea don by a writer Best Twist in a Story/One Shot – This is a story that complete blows your mind. The author does stuff that you would have never imagined. Best Sequel – This story was a continuation of a story that was previously written by the author, it maybe even better than the first story. Storythat Deserves a sequel – This story was so good that you want the author to continue! Best Story – The best story that you have read on fanfction Best Incomplete Story that Should Be Completed - This is a story that hasn't been completed and needs to be completed because its that damn good Best Original Character – Someone that the author created that’s from the darkest corners of his/her’s imagination. Best Character Resurrection – This is a character that the author has brought back from GH’s graveyard. Best Writer – This is a person who writes the best stories on fanfictio. A person who is nominated for this category must be writing or have written more than one story. Best Collaboration – This is the best co-written story on fanfcition. Best alternative couple- a story that introduces a couple that has grace and beauty in way we would have never thought of like johnny nadine patrick carly or logan and georgie. Best Liason story- a story that shows the true test of there friendship. Best Jasam Story- a story which the shows the love and jason and sams willingness Best Quartermaine story- story which shows just how stro g and protective the q's are |