This is it! The last chapter everyone! I hope you enjoy it. I cannot say I'm unhappy that it's ending but it is kind of sad to think of it :( I'm rather proud with how this story turned out, I can tell you that and I'm so pleased so many of you have stuck with this story for so long. For all of you my friends, this final chapter is dedicated to you and I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks again for your loyalty with this story…and without further ado…


THERE comes a time in a marriage when things just don't seem right and everything appears unclear and alarmingly slow. This, people believe can mean two things and can take two separate courses. The first course is the most comfortable course to travel, it is when the relationship that has been made between husband and wife becomes all the more relaxed and at ease. This is when a husband and wife become closer than ever and as their relationship prolongs so does their love blossom longer and quicker. The second course is complicated and confusing. A couple reach a point in their relationship where they can no longer find solace in one another or one of them will not face commitment. This is the hardest of the paths!

Now Troy Bolton was worried, no he was more than worried; he was in a frantic panic. He like most husbands knew of the changes in relationships and was ever so fearful that he and his wife of four years, Gabriella were experiencing the change. It wouldn't have been so bad if the change they seemed to be experiencing wasn't leading them down the second path to confusion and complication. He was terrified!

Gabriella was distant of late with both him and their four year old son, Tyler. Troy had noticed her sudden change in personality. Her joy and happiness had been exchanged with coldness and sorrow. She was very emotional and would get angry quickly. She didn't like Troy touching her either. Normally Gabriella loved affection and was eager to receive and give love in any way possible but now she seemed fazed by Troy's attempts to swoon her and she was not as keen to be close to him.

Little Tyler seemed to sense a change in his Mother too. Usually every morning Gabriella would walk Tyler down to the store to get some shopping before popping in to visit Taylor and Chad and their two year old son, Chad Junior. However this hadn't been so for the past week. Gabriella preferred to lock herself in the bathroom for at least an hour before returning to bed for an extra two hours of sleep. Tyler wasn't impressed with this and for the first three days of Gabriella not performing this traditional event of the day, he had cried.

Troy was very worried, he felt as if he was losing his wife and he didn't know how to stop it from happening…

BREAKFAST was ready and Tyler sat eating eggs and soldiers. He was munching quietly to himself, happy to sit in silence and stare out of the window thoughtfully. Troy watched him, fascinated, for what could possibly be going through that little head of his.

Tyler hadn't changed much since he'd been a baby. He was bigger yes, and he had a lovely little personality. He was rather shy, something he had developed from Gabriella and he and an ambition for reading had grown in him too. This also came from Gabriella it seemed. Gabriella often sat upstairs with him reading him 'The Wind In The Willows' and books by Dick King Smith such as 'The Hodgeheg' and 'Clever Duck.' Tyler had inherited both Gabriella and Troy's traits and features. He had Gabriella dark brown hair though he had not inherited her curls; his hair was flat and messy. His eyes were bright blue, bold and beautiful, they were inquisitive and sharp and he was interested in anything and everything. He had the habit and looking at his hands when he was confused and hurt, something Troy had done when he was younger and when he was happy his bright vibrant eyes would dance with delight and joy. He was such a contented child.

Gabriella stumbled into the kitchen rubbing her eyes and looking pale. Troy stood and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her tenderly on the cheek.

"Good morning beautiful." He greeted her.

"Morning." Gabriella answered bluntly wiggling her way out of Troy's strong, loving hold and moving to kiss Tyler's forehead softly.

"Morning Mummy." Tyler said in a hushed voice, smiling up at his Mother, pleased to see her.

"Hello sweetheart, 'Gabriella smoothed Tyler's messy hair and sat down beside him, "did you have a good sleep?"

Tyler nodded and returned back to his soldiers. Troy set a plate in front of Gabriella but she turned her nose up at the sizzling bacon and stuck her tongue out with disgust. Troy looked at her imploringly.

"But you love bacon for breakfast." He said in confusion, oh yes, this new change seemed to be heading for path two.

"I'm not so hungry." Gabriella replied shaking her head and eyeing the plate carefully as if it had grown feet and was tap dancing in front of her.

"Please try and eat something." Troy asked but Gabriella seemed to have made up her mind, she pushed the plate away from her and folded her arms over her chest, watching Tyler closely, a maternal glint in her pupils.

"Are you 'kay Mummy?" Tyler queried apprehensively.

Gabriella smiled at him and nodded though Troy could see her body shuddering and her face glaze over with coldness. Troy didn't like that look, it was becoming a novelty with her.

"Well hurry up and eat Tyler, foods getting cold." Gabriella said and Tyler turned his attention back to his breakfast, oblivious to his Mother's new frigid personality and his Father's trepidation.

"I'M worried about her Mom, 'Troy said sitting opposite Sarah, he had gone to visit his parents later that day, Tyler was sitting on the floor, playing with a large yellow truck and making driving noises, he seemed consumed in what he was doing and paid no mind to the adults conversation, "Gabriella is so isolated from Tyler and I lately. It's frightening me."

Sarah looked thoughtful, "When did this all start happening?"

"About a week ago. At first I thought she was having one of those days but it's just progressed on." Troy replied, "all thoughts have been playing through my mind, is she having an affair? Is she ill? Is she having trouble at work?" Gabriella had gotten her teaching degree and was working in Albuquerque Middle School, teaching Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

"Yes I suppose they could all be possibilities. I think we can rule out her having an affair, 'Sarah said, "I don't believe Gabriella would do that to you. She loves you too much."

"Then why won't she let me love her?" Troy demanded irritably.

Tyler at the sound of the fury in his Father's voice looked up with bewilderment, Troy looked apologetic.

"Sorry Buddy, Daddy didn't mean to be angry." Troy whispered leaning forward and ruffling Tyler's hair. Tyler giggled a little.

"Can we go to the park later?" He asked Troy enthusiastically.

Troy smiled, "sure. After Daddy's talked with Grandma we'll go. Okay?"

"Yay!" Tyler said clapping his hands.

"Be a good boy and play with you're truck, 'Troy ordered softly and Tyler turned back to his truck. When Troy was sure he was engrossed in his game enough he continued, turning to Sarah, "what am I supposed to do Mom? How am I supposed to communicate with her if she's lost all interest in talking? I can't remember when I last had a proper conversation with her. I can't even remember last time we kissed properly."

Sarah sat back in her chair, her brow furrowed with thinking. Troy could tell she was nervous; she was playing with her wedding ring, something she often did when anxious.

"Have you spoken to Sojourner or William? I mean do you think here is any chance that you'll get a divorce?" She queried, she hoped not. She had arranged her Troy and Gabriella's marriage with Gabriella's parents and it seemed to have been going well. How could it have turned so drastically?

"I don't want a divorce Mom. I love Gabriella." Troy exclaimed seriously.

"Yes, 'Sarah said smiling sadly, "but would you deny her one if she was so miserable, 'Troy looked stunned for a moment, "if you loved her?"

Troy nodded his head after a few seconds of silence, all the colour had been drained from his face and his eyes were suddenly tinted with dejectedness.

"I don't want to worry you son, 'Sarah said, she came and sat beside Troy and touched his hand comfortingly, "but be prepared for anything. That's the only way to cope with something like this."

Troy bit back a tear because truthfully all he did want to do was cry. Tyler was suddenly tugging at his trouser leg and looking up at him, his big ultramarine eye's shining serenely, his truck clutched under his one tiny arm.

"Daddy, 'he said to him hopefully, "can we go to the park now?"

Troy smiled down on Tyler wondering what the future held for him and his family.

"Yes Buddy, we can go now." He replied desolately.

THE park was surprisingly lifeless that day. A soft breeze had passed over Albuquerque and the winter sun was trying futile to break through the group of clouds that cloaked the pale blue sky.

Troy and Tyler were by the swings, each on an individual swing, challenging each other, both laughing as the one tried to beat the other at how high they could get. Troy tried to allow Tyler to win every now and then, his petite body wasn't strong enough to sustain a good height.

When both of them were tired of swinging they simply sat and watched the passing of the clouds until Tyler broke the silence.

"Why is Mummy so unhappy?" He asked Troy.

Troy sighed, how could he explain something so serious to his four year old son who had a wonderful sense of interest in things and was always devoted to learning something new?

"I don't really know, 'he finally answered, "sometimes Mummy's just do that."

Tyler looked down at his hands and Troy knew immediately that he was nervous; the little one licked his lips and looked at Troy keenly, "I don't like Mummy being sad, it makes me sad too."

Troy nodded, "I know exactly how you feel Tyler."

"You don't like her being sad do you Daddy? You always try and make Mummy happy don't you?" Tyler looked across at his Father earnestly and Troy's heart nearly crumbled there and then, he simply nodded.

"I saw Mommy sitting in the bedroom yesterday, 'Tyler exclaimed, "she was crying and looking down on this stick."

Troy didn't seem to be listening for a moment but then his mind kicked into place as he rethought the words that his son had just said.

"What?" He gasped in astonishment.

"Mommy was crying and looking down on this little white stick. She looked happy first, 'Tyler replied, "but…but then she began to cry. I don't like her crying."

"Me either." Troy's mind was working in overdrive. If he knew correctly the little white stick would only bring prosperity to their family, if Troy knew correctly, his wife Gabriella was possibly pregnant again!

NIGHT had finally arrived and Troy was anxious to talk to Gabriella alone. She'd just put Tyler to bed and would be coming downstairs to watch a movie with him before they both retired to bed. Troy had noticed that she looked peculiarly pale that day and her forehead was lined with worry. Troy didn't want her to be worried in case she was pregnant, in case she put strain on the baby.

He heard her footsteps coming down the stairs and hurried to sit down, trying to act natural. A moment later the door had creaked open and Gabriella peeked inside holding a plastic bag in her hands filled with small things that he could not make out.

She offered him a complacent sort of smile.

"Tyler went to sleep quickly, 'she whispered, "he's absolutely exhausted, bless him."

Gabriella came and sat beside Troy and turned to look at her pile of papers she had to mark by the next two days. Troy paid no mind to them; he was more interested in what the bag contained.

"Little tyke had a long day, 'Troy said, "so, what's in the bag?" He asked, his gaze fixed upon it.

Gabriella twisted the bag in her hands and closed her eyes tight.

"I've been wanting to show you this for a long time, but…but I've been worried about your reaction. I'm surprised at my own actually." She muttered.

"What is it?" Troy asked touching her hand.

"Well, 'Gabriella began opening her eye's and locking them with Troy's, "first I want to apologise for the way I've been treating you and Tyler lately. I haven't been the most loving wife or mother and for that I'm sorry."

Troy leaned across and kissed her chastely on the lips, "Don't be sorry, it's alright." He told her sincerely.

"But I haven't exactly been the sweetest to you lately." She continued.

"It doesn't matter." Troy whispered.

"Well, there is a reason why I've been so distant lately." Gabriella mumbled.

"Care to share with me?" Troy asked her.

Gabriella handed him the bag and Troy peered inside with anticipation. His eye's widened. The bag was filled with at least thirteen pregnancy tests and Troy could see from most of them that they were all positive. His suspicions had been correct. He looked up at Gabriella; his eye's beaming with tears and threw his arms around her, knocking her tiny form into the couch. He lay there with her, his lips finding her neck, his hands touching her everywhere. It finally all made sense, the reason why she had been distant, why she didn't want to eat, why she was so emotional and moody. Gabriella was pregnant with his child again and the best part was their relationship was only going to get better from there! Their families would be pleased for them and Tyler would be highly delighted for another brother and sister as well.

Gabriella's lips found his and she brought her hands to his face, pulling him harder against him. Troy's body was pulsating quickly, they hadn't kissed like this in a while that was for sure. She moaned into his mouth, eliciting new emotions in him, making him hungry for her.

"I love you." He managed to utter as they kissed.

Gabriella pulled away from him and smiled, "I love you too."

"And we're going to have a baby!" Troy said ecstatically.

"So you're not worried or angry or anything?" Gabriella asked him desperately.

Troy smiled shaking his head, "of course not. I'm thrilled, 'he said, "You're my everything."

Gabriella chuckled pulling Troy closer again. There they lay, kissing and holding one another like they should, like husband and wife!

I hope that was alright. That was all I could think of for an ending. I hope no ones unhappy with that ending. I thought it was okay in my opinion but then again that's just me. You're the judges!

Thank you guys, for all your help with this story and thank you for making it my second most popular story! You're all amazing reviewers and all wonderful friends and I hope you continue to read and review my other stories! Remember we still have 'Love Never Ends' and 'Humuhumunukunukupua'a' going and perhaps after one of them is finished I'll write another! Please review the final chapter and tell me what you think! THANKS AGAIN GUYS! YOU'VE BEEN GREAT! xoxMusicalxox/Si xxx