Chapter 11-
She sipped her berry smoothie slowly. The cold felt amazing on her throat. He was smiling at her, and to be honest, she was enjoying this moment. Yet she couldn't stop glancing every ten seconds at her now silent cell phone.
"Hey are you okay?" Andrew said, breaking their silence.
"What?" Gabriella said, taking her eyes of her blank phone.
"Well, you seem kinda distant." He said, taking a sip of his own smoothie.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I'm just tired, I was up all night talking with my old friend, and let's just say I didn't fall asleep in the most comfortable place." Gabriella answered a little awkwardly.
"It's cool, I completely understand. I'm just glad that you agreed to come today."
"Yeah. Me too. It's weird; we never really see each other." She said smiling brightly at him.
"And it's a shame we don't. You know Gabs, you are one in a million, billion in fact. You know, you are the only girl that I can talk to about medical stuff, Greek stuff, and you know, personal stuff. And the strange thing is that we've only know each other for like, what, 2 weeks?" he said with a chuckle.
"Actual, 2 weeks and 2 days." She returned his smile. "I feel the same way, actually."
Gabriella could believe what she did next. She slid her small hand across the smooth, glossy polished table and grabbed Andrews much larger stronger hand. He looked a little shocked at her boldness, but he recovered quickly and took her hand.
The two just sat there for a while, enjoying the calm they had created, even though the blenders going off in the small smoothie shop. The two didn't mind.
While Gabriella knew that Andrew would never be Troy to her, she was actually enjoying the drama-freeness of the "mini" date, and the lack of past-relationship baggage. Andrew was fresh, clean, and new. Something that Gabriella was desperately in need of. After the whole, Troy thing this morning she felt a wave of relaxing, and refreshing, feelings wash over her when Andrew hold her hand.
Their long, peaceful moment was interrupted by her phone. In that second she had forgot about her phone troubles. She regretfully slid her hand out of Andrew's and touched the screen of her phone.
'One New Message: From Chad"
"One New Message: From Katie"
"One New Message: From Ash"
"One New Message: From Emma"
"One New Message: From Unknown"
Gabriella looked at the clock on her phone. With a shock she realized that it was almost one.
"Andrew, it's almost one, I'm so sorry but I need to be getting home." She said a little frazzled.
"What? Holy Crap! I guess we lost track of time." He said taking her empty cup and putting in the bin. "I guess we were having too much fun." He said taking her hand.
Gabriella's insides did a little lurch. She wasn't sure if it was good or bad. The hand holding defiantly felt better when they were in the smoothie place. But, never the less, Gabriella held on.
A few minutes later Gabriella was sitting in the front seat of Andrews black Audi debating whether or not to check her messages. With a sigh she touched her screen and began reading Chad's text message.
*Back at Troy's and Chad's place just after Gabriella Left*
The front door had just snapped shut. Troy watched sadly as the girl of his dreams walked out of his life, yet again. Without thinking he bolted to the front window. He saw her climb into a beautiful 2008 Audi. To make things worse Troy could she that it was a man who was driving it. His insides squirmed with loathing for D-Bag X.
Troy dejectedly walked back to his now, cold breakfast.
The minutes ticked on, and the only thing that Troy could think of as he played with his uneaten breakfast was, why did she leave in such a hurry?
Was it something he did?
Was it something he said?
Was she out with "Andrew"? Even the name sounded like a D-bag name.
Troy knew he couldn't sit there all day feeling sorry for himself. He need to get cleaned up, wash the dishes, and wake up Chad. He walked into his room, and the smell hit him like a bolt of lighting. Vanilla.
He walked to his bed and lay on top of the blue comforter and just let the lovely smell that was Gabriella completely over come him.
Why did she have to go? Last night was so amazing. What happened? Did she really just forget a date? No, Gabriella NEVER forgot a date; it was always him who forgot the little things.
Well then, the question was still unanswered, why did she leave?
Troy sat up and looked around his bedroom. Something was out of place. He scanned the room twice, when a glint of silver caught his eye. He slowly moved off his bed and walked to once use to be her vanity. Her necklace, her T necklace had been moved.
Troy began to lose feeling in his legs. He fell on the bed with a thump, the necklace clutched tightly in his hand. 'Did she leave because she realized that I still love her?' 'Wait… Did she leave in such a rush because she realized that she still loved him?'
Oh God. He needed to know. Now! The new question was how? She would NEVER tell him… but she might tell Chad.
'All is fair in love and war.' Troy justified to himself. Besides, this would determine if there was still hope for them, and if not give Troy peace of mind and maybe, if the answer was no (which he really hoped it wasn't) it might give the star basket player a little closure.
Like a ninja, Troy sneakily pulled Chad's phone out of his pajama pocket.
A loud snore made Troy jump, but to his relief Chad just turned over on his other side of the large chair, and continued to snore.
Troy quickly walked back to his room and sat on his bed.
What to say? What would Chad say?
Well, here's to nothing.
(*Text Conversation* Troy is Bold Gabriella is underlined)
You left in kinda a hurry this morning. I was so disappointed when I woke up and didn't get a good morning hug. Not cool Ella. So, you owe me. Haha
I'm so sorry Big Brother. Andrew asked me on a morning mini date. I am so sorry I didn't get to watch you devour Troy's breakfast.
Oh, Ella had a date. Really? Ella, It's bros before hoes! Come on you don't have to lie to me. Troy said you left in panic and scrammed out. Is everything ok? You know you can tell me anything.
Yes, I had a smoothie date. Morning dates are real. (lol) Yeah, well, last night was interesting, for lack of a better word. I'm not sure I can explain it to you. But, thanks for asking big brother.
You can try. Please Gabriella, if something is going on, I would really like you to tell me. I might be able to help, I mean I am 'The Great, Wise, Beauty, and Awesome Chad'. Hahaha
And Cocky … I would, but it's kinda about Troy, and I don't want you to get mucked up in that business again.
Troy paused at this. Was he really ready to hear this? Not only was he messing with Chad and Gabriella's friendship… but what if she said took away all of Troy's hope.
Troy realized that he needed to know. And from the bottom of his heart he knew that no matter what she said, he would always love her, and always have hope for their future.
That doesn't matter. Please tell me. Common, I know that boy better than anyone. I might be able to clear something up. So… what did basketball boy do this time?
Well, have you been in his room lately? It hasn't changed since we were together. I mean, he even kept my dried lavender so the room would smell the same. It got me thinking. And I kinda freaked out, and I knew I needed to leave. It was lucky that Andrew happened to text me and ask me on a mini date.
What were you thinking about? How did he freak you out? I mean this is Troy; his bedroom back home hasn't changed since 5th grade. I mean he's had that basket ball head board since like 3rd grade. Room changes aren't common for him. Lol ;)
Chad, I think it's more than that…
I… I… think he might still love me.
And that's why you freaked?
Well… no… well, yes. Ugh! I don't know!
Or are you freaked because you realized that you still might still have some feelings for him, and being with him all yesterday made you see how much you really miss him and how you feel when you are around him.
Chad. Does Troy still love me?
What do you think? Come on Ella. Do you still love him?
Troy was such a huge figure in my life, he changed everything, in a good way, and I will always love him. I will always regret the life we didn't get to have. So, yes, I guess I still have feelings for him, but I'm not going to act on them. I know this is probably the wrong thing to say, but Andrew is a great guy, and while we are just friends, now, I feel like it's good for me to move on, grow up, and try new things, and Andrew is just what I need. Troy was the first boy I loved, the person I felt the most connected to, but that changed when he did. You can't have a relationship without trust, no matter how much you love the person. He broke my heart, and nothing is going to change that. I'm not in High School anymore Chad. It's time for me to go my own way and fully accept the Gabriella without Troy. As much as I wish Troy and I could be "just friends", the more time I spend with Troy, the more my feelings get blurred. I can't have that in my life. So I really don't know how I should feel or what I should do about it. But for right now, I need an answer. Please, I need to know, with out a doubt, does Troy still love me?
Yes. He will always love you. No matter what happens. No matter whom you date, or what you do. Troy loves you. And he is never going to stop loving you.
Well, there you go, another Chapter. I hope you liked it. Please, I know I don't deserve them, but only nice reviews please. My life turned upside down and I'm now just getting my life back in order. In these past months I've had to deal with deaths, Cancer, and my boyfriend of 3 years dumped me on my birthday and cheated on me with 3 different girls. So, let's just say I haven't had the heart to write. So, I hope this is ok and I would love feed back. Thank you!
Peace and Love,