Need You Now

Need You Now

Hiya guys, well I finally got around to finishing one of my stories, and I have decided to start writing the sequel for Need You More Than Ever, so here it is. Please read and tell me what you thought of it!

Chapter 1

Rushing home from her last class of the day, junior at UCLA Gabriella Montez had to grin when from halfway down the corridor to her apartment, she could see the door wide open, as well as hear her two best friends Taylor and Sharpay bickering over what colour the main room was going to be painted, with her brother jumping in with suggestions every now and again, usually being yelled at to shut up.

"Are they fighting again?" A voice asked from beside her and Gabriella turned around with a grin to find her other best friend Kelsi standing next to her, her mouth open in shock, as she to held tightly onto the books that she had just been using to complete her research.

"What else?" Gabriella answered, with a roll of her eyes and the two friends burst into laughter, Gabriella squealing in surprise when she felt to strong arms suddenly wrap around her waist.

"Hey baby girl," a voice husked in her ear and she grinned once more, turning around to greet her fiancée Troy Bolton with a kiss.

"Hello to you too," She grinned before pulling away slightly and hitting him, "Don't scare me like that again, I didn't know who you were!" she scolded and he chuckled slightly, pulling her back in to kiss him again as beside them, Kelsi let out a groan, causing the couple to spring apart and look at her, laughter dancing in their eyes.

"What's up Kels?" Troy laughed as the small brunette looked up at him.

"I'm currently stuck between a rock and a hard place," she replied and the couple looked at each other, their brows furrowing in confusion. "You two being the rock, if I stay out here I'm going to have to watch you guys make out, again," she added and both Troy and Gabriella blushed, "and the hard place being in there, if I go in there, I'm either going to be killed, or I'm going to have to play mediator," Kelsi's point was suddenly reinforced when a bright pink vanity case suddenly went flying out of the front door, closely followed by a science book and screaming from both Sharpay and Taylor.

"If we promise not to make out, can we set up camp out here for the night?" Gabriella questioned, an innocent expression on her face making both Kelsi and Troy laugh, which only turned hysterical as Chad stalked out of the apartment, looking subtly dejected, with pink glitter spread from his hair down to his t-shirt.

"This right here," Chad started pointing to the glitter, "This isn't even remotely funny." When he added the last part, Troy, Kelsi and Gabriella couldn't help but crack up into hysterical laughter once more, especially at his straight face and tone of voice.

Gabriella was the first to recover and headed straight for Chad, wrapping him in a big hug, "Awww big brother did the mean girls get you?" She asked and Chad just nodded his head while Troy rolled on the floor, still unable to stop himself from laughing, and Kelsi was using the wall as her support. "What exactly happened?" She enquired, unable to keep the smile from her face as she gently reached up and wiped some of the glitter from his.

"Well they were fighting and everything, over what colour to paint the front room by the way," both Gabriella and Kelsi groaned, the same argument had been raging since they moved into the new apartment two weeks ago now, it was a step up from their old one, and meant that the girls could all have their own room. "Well they started to throw things and I know how much you guys hate it when you have a messy apartment, so I tried to intervene and stop them, so Sharpay dumped a jar of her pink glitter over my head and yelled at me to get out," Chad finished with another pout and sunk down the wall to sit next to his best friend, who was still trying to get his laughter under control.

The two girls looked at each other and shook their heads, before Gabriella sunk down in between Troy and Chad, and Kelsi took Chad's other side. "If there's one thing that we've learnt from living with those two Chad…" Kelsi trailed off and looked at Gabriella who grinned.

"Never get in the way of their domestics," Gabriella finished with a laugh, as the lift doors pinged open once again and Ryan, Jason and Zeke stepped out, looking confused as to why their friends were all sat outside the apartment, rather then inside, were there was actually chairs. Their confusion was short lived however, when another shriek from Sharpay was swiftly followed by a teddy bear being lobbed out of the front door.

Seeing which teddy bear it was, Troy gulped and looked towards Gabriella, who had started to grow red with rage. "THAT'S IT!" She suddenly yelled, picking up the teddy bear and stalking into the room, Kelsi hot on her heels, desperate to keep Gabriella calm.

The guys all stood a safe distance outside of the apartment, listening to their girlfriends yell at each other, until Gabriella's voice entered the mix.

"QUIET!" She roared and instantly the other three were shushed so much that the guys decided to peek around the side of the door, to make sure that no one was dead. "Now that I have your attention," Gabriella continued on sweetly, "we are painting the main room cream again, not pink and not purple, me and Kelsi have already decided that and when we moved in together in freshman year, we decided that majority rules. Just because we have moved apartments and grown two years older does not mean that we change those rules, are we clear?" Gabriella asked, sounding like a stern mother as Kelsi suppressed a grin and Taylor and Sharpay just nodded meekly, murmuring a "yes Gabby" each.

Gabriella then giggled and held her arms out, making sure that the four girls took equal part in the four-way hug, each laughing at how stupid they could get when they were stressed, due to moving and end of year exams.

"Is it safe to come in yet?" Ryan asked timidly from the doorway and the girls turned around, each bursting into more laughter as they saw their boyfriends/fiancée/best friends' heads hovering one on top of the other around the corner of the door.

"Yeah it's fine," Sharpay chuckled, wrapping one arm around Taylor's shoulders, "Come on in and get settled guys, Taylor and I will go and get the snacks and I do believe that it's Boo's week to choose the movie," Sharpay finished by grinning at Gabriella who nodded and motioned for everyone else to come in and get settled in the main room, while Taylor and Sharpay headed for the kitchen and Gabriella herself headed for their massive DVD collection.

Even though they had been out of high school for three years now, the gang still had their weekly movie night every Friday, like clockwork. Only now it would only differ between either the guys' or the girls' apartments, not all of their parents' homes.

The guys all groaned and the girls squealed when they saw Gabriella's choice of movie, Footloose.

"Ella not again please not again," Troy whined, wrapping his arms around her middle as she sat between his legs, fully stretched out on the sofa, a bowl of popcorn sat on her lap for the couple to share.

"Troy Bolton, if I remember correctly the last movie you picked was Die Hard, again," Kelsi said with attitude and all of the rest of the girls rolled their eyes in agreement, before telling the guys to shut up and watch the film.

"Kevin Bacon is so hot is this movie," Taylor mumbled and all of the girls nodded in agreement from where they were sat with their boyfriends.

Troy and Gabriella occupied one of the sofas, with Taylor and Chad on the other, both sat in the same positions, although Gabriella would usually end up wriggling herself so that she and Troy were lying down, her head rested on his chest.

Kelsi and Jason would take the floor at the foot of Troy and Gabriella's sofa and Kelsi would lie covered in a comforter, with her head rested in Jason's lap. Ryan would take the arm chair by himself, having decided that he would lay off dating for a while after finding his last girlfriend cheating on him, not that he ever brought her to one of the gangs movie nights anyway. Lastly, Sharpay and Zeke would lie full length in the middle of the room, using a barricade of pillows to keep their heads up, although Sharpay's head always ended up resting on Zeke's shoulder anyway.

A sudden knock on the door caused the whole gang to groan and Gabriella laughed telling them that she would get it, even though she had to fight off Troy's hands, just to stand up.

Gabriella's beaming smile quickly fell though, and confusion replaced it as she opened the front door to see who the mystery guest was. Drinking in the person's appearance, she finally managed to utter a single word, "Dad…"

Well guys, there was the first chapter, please tell me what you thought and if you think that I should continue with it!