The young parents

Summary - Gabriella thought from a very young age she would be a good mom. She just hadn't planned on being a parent so young - neither did Troy, but whats done is done. Sophmore yearis going to be pretty big for the couple. T rated - swearing and pregnancy.

Ok, this has a bit of swearing in, so be perpared - hopefully wont turn M


Also don't be afriad to write improvements

TeamEfron! - Dedicated to my fellow TeamEfron Member (Georgia - iheartyoo-x) who encouraged me to post this story.


You know the stereo-typical teenage pregnancy story -

1) Girl falls in love with a boy

2) sleeps with him

3) Finds out she's pregnant

4) Tells him

5) Keeps/Aborts it

6) Either way lives happily ever after

Well trust me, I'm no different. I wish to hell i was. My life plan wasn't to get pregnant at 16, that was for sure. But they say these things happen for a reason - so what did i do to deserve it??

This was all i could think as i stared down at the 5th pregnancy test i had tried that morning all stating with either a clear word or line/s that i was pregnant.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled as the results showed that was indeed pregnant. I threw the test at the bathroom wall.

"Gabriella!!" I heard my mother bang on the bathroom door. Crap! I forgot she was just downstairs, she probably heard me yelling and ran upstairs to find out what the matter was.

"Yes mom?" I asked normally.

"Why did you yell? are you ok? Can i come in?" She questioned quickly.

"Stubbed my toe, i'm fine and no" I replied

"Gabriella are you sure?" My mom asked again

"Yes! Mom i'm fine go back to watchin' Oprah!" I said

"Ok" I heard her mumble through the door then her feet walking back down the stairs.

I sighed and let my self fall down to the floor leaning against the side of the bath. I pulled out my cell phone and dialled a familiar number.

"Hey Slag" Taylor said with her normal, fun loving greeting.

"Hey Whore" I replied, playing with Troy's varsity ring he gave me. It was gold with a red ruby in it.

"What's up?" Taylor asked

"You busy?" I wondered

"Nope, well not if you don't count Chad who is kissing my neck" Taylor giggled

"Eww you are a slag!!" I laughed "But, do you mind pulling yourself away from your boyfriend, i kind of have a crisis" I heard Taylor giggle and Chad say something.

"What was that?"

I sighed, "You know what Tay, don't worry" I said "Have fun - Remember, use protection" I said. "Wish i had" I mumbled the last part.

"Ok hun, will do see you at school tomorrow, Ah Chad stop it!" She giggled then hung up.

I close my cell, Who should i call now? Troy? No!! He was the one that got me in this mess, besides i'm not ready to tell him.

Suddenly, a person came to mind.

"Hey!" Sharpay's voice came through the phone

"Oh hey" I said but was cut off

"Phsyic! You reached my sexy answer phone! Aren't you lucky to have gotten this far" Sharpay's voice said.

I smiled at her message. "I'm probably busy, or your just not important enough, whatever, leave a message after the beep and i may get back to you Tay and Gabs!" And with that the beep sounded. Might aswell leave a message.

"Hey Shar, love the Voice mail message, love you too, Don't know where you are but i'm kinda in a chrisis and i need my girls, Tay is too busy sucking face so when you get this call me back, Love ya!" I hung up and sighed loudly.

Ergh!! When i need them they aren't here!. I shrugged it off and stood up, getting rid of the remains of the 6 pregnancy tests, then making my way downstairs. I entered the living room to see my mom sat on the sofa watching of course Oprah! Shocking. I sat beside her, picking up my drink from earlier.

"What's the drama today mom?" I wondered bring the drink to my lips and taking a swig.

"Teenage pregnancies" She said.

I started choaking "Oh" I said once i had calmed down "And?"

"And...well some of these kids Gabriella, they are only your age!!" She said "It's crazy!"

"Yeah, Yeah Sure is" I said as my phone began to ring.

I answered it.

"Hey" I said

"Hey, ok what chrisis??" Sharpay's worried voice came down the phone

"Um" I said standing up and walking up to my room "Not going to say over the phone, but i'm in deep shit! Deep Deep Shit!" I said the worry beginning to get to me.

"Ok, well then i'm coming round, we are going to sit down and you are going to tell me and as for Taylor sucking face, i will sort that out" She said sternly "You need your girls"

"I really do" I admitted.

"Ok gimme 15 minutes" And with that she hung up.

-10 minutes Later-

I suddenly heard the doorbell ring and ran downstairs, flinging open the door. "A new record" I said to Sharpay and Taylor who were standing in front of me.

"Ok, why on the phone didn't you tell me you had a chrisis?" Taylor asked entering my house.

"I did but you were to busy with Chad" I said as we all walked upstairs.

"Ok, Gabster, spill" Sharpay said sitting on my bed.

"I'm pregnant" I said simply.

"Oh" Taylor said

"My" Sharpay said

"GOD!!" They both yelled

"How do you know?" Taylor wondered

"Sickness, headaches, the 6 pregnancy tests i tried..." I reeled them off

"Fuck!" Taylor said

"Shit!" Sharpay said

"Bollocks!" They both said

"Ok, that is getting a little freaky!" I said.

"Sorry, just woah!" Taylor said

"Yeah that's what i was thinking" I said.

"Troy's the father?" Taylor wondered

"No Chad is" I joked.

Everyone was silent

"I'm kidding!! of course Troy is!" I said laughing

"Don't do that!" Taylor exclaimed

"So, you don't seem too bothered about it?" Sharpay said

"Oh trust me i'm bothered on the inside" I said getting my laptop out and sitting down with it on my bed.

"What you doing?" Sharpay wondered

"Looking up abortions" I said

"Why?" Shar and Taylor both asked alarmed

"Just checking my options girlies" I shrugged

"Your not really considering it though?" Taylor questioned

"Maybe, depends" I said typing in a few things. "Oh look here we are, Unplanned pregnancy and abortion care - Information about unplanned pregnancy, the choices you have, and information on abortion" I clicked it as the girls scooted around me to have a look.

"Ok so options" I said

"Emergency contraception" Sharpay read "Emergency pills can be taken up to three days after un-protected many days has it been Gabriella?"

"Since when? Since Troy and I had sex or.." Gabriella trailed off

"Since you last had unprotected sex." Sharpay said

"Um..Ok definetly not the best option" I said "What other ones are there?"

"Have the baby" Taylor said

"Or Abortion" Sharpay finished

"Risks?" i said

"Umm, scroll down" Shar said. I did. "There look! Risks of abortion"

"It depends on how many weeks pregnant the woman is, her age, the type of operation, whether, and how often, she has been pregnant before and her general health. Another important factor is the skill of the doctor performing the operation. If abortions are performed by experienced staff committed to providing a comprehensive abortion service, the likelihood of complications is much reduced." Taylor read. "It sounds kind of complicated"

"Hmm" I said nodding. "But look 1-50 chance of minor infection and 1 in 200 chance of major infection! Thats good"

"You could be that 1" Sharpay mumbled. I hit her. "Look on the bright side please?"i said sarcastically.

"What about legal complications...age and stuff?" Taylor asked

"Um, it says women in New Mexico under the age of 18 don't need parental permission" Gabriella said (A/N: Boff right? I looked this all up)

"Are you seriously thinking about an Abortion babe?" Taylor asked

"Yes, No...Ergh i don't know, it would be simpliar even if i didn't agree with it completely" i said.

"Hun, you need to speak to Troy and your mom" Sharpay said

"Yeah, not going to happen" I said as i got an IM from MSN.

>Troy - Hey Babe

>Gabi - Hey

>Troy - U ok?

>Gabi - Yh just in a chrisis

"Sharpay!!" I screamed "Why did you write that?!"

"Because...I'm doing whats best for you!" Sharpay defended herself.

"Wait, he is writing back" Taylor said

>Troy - is writing a message

"Come on" I mumbled

>Troy - Whats up baby?

"All that time for just that!" Sharpay scoffed "Tell him Gabi"

"She can't over MSN!! Tell him to come round!" Taylor said

I nodded.

>Gabi - Can u come rnd V.Important

>Troy - Yh rnd in 5 mins

>Troy - Signed off

"Ok girlies, i love you both but you have to go" I said

"Ok, but don't do anything without telling us" Sharpay said.

"Deal" I said as they left.

Ok what ya think?
