Hey guys! This is my new story…I hope you like it…I worked really hard on this first chapter…but it is kind of slow…don't worry though it will get better!
Yes, I will still be doing the Trivia questions, maybe a few polls, maybe not. I'm still not completely sure yet. I will repost the rules at the bottom of the chapter if anyone new is new.
So here's the first chapter! ENJOY!
DISCLAIMER: a way to remind me that I don't own anything of great importance…except for the plot-that's pretty important.
No cuts in Line
Gabriella walked shakily to the doors of East High. It was her first day; her mom had just been transferred here by her company. She promised they wouldn't move again until she graduated, but by then Gabriella would be off to collage.
She went to her locker and placed her things in, organizing them to her liking. Gabriella grabbed her books and made her way to her first classroom for homeroom.
She took her seat in the back of the classroom, but she barely acknowledged a cute guy in the front row. He had girls hanging off of every inch of him; obviously a playboy.
He ball rang and Mrs. Darbus entered the room, "Good morning class…please welcome our new student Gabriella Montez."
Everyone turned to look at her, no one said anything; all they did was stare. Gabriella could tell that she already didn't like this teacher.
When everyone turned back around, Mrs. Darbus, being the Drama teacher, went on about a school play they were having. The boy Gabriella had noticed kept staring back at her. She didn't make eye contact with him, Gabriella was a good girl, she didn't get involved with boys like-
"Troy Bolton!" Mrs. Darbus yelled, causing him to turn around abruptly, "Pay attention!"
Everyone laughed, especially Gabriella; that's what he got for staring at her.
The bell rang and they all went to their next class, Troy was waiting out in the hall, "Montez, was it? Gabriella?"
"That's me…" Gabriella said shortly, not giving him the attention he wanted, or was used to.
"So what do you have next?" Troy asked.
"Why should I tell you?" There was no way Gabriella was letting this guy have his way.
He looked only slightly fazed, "Well I think you look like good company," eyeing her up and down.
"You pig," She scoffed, and walked to…Math: with Mr. Thomas.
She was almost there when she noticed that Troy was still behind her, "why are you following me?" Gabriella snapped, as she turned to face him.
"I have Math…" He said slowly, as if she was incompetent.
Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, "Oh…"
He took her schedule from her hands, which she failed to prevent.
"Troy give it back," Gabriella commanded, as she jumped a few times to try and grab it, but he held it above his head. After a minute, she realized that she was doing exactly what he wanted her to, so she stopped.
He looked disappointed, but read her schedule anyway, "Hmm…looks like you're in…" Troy looked the piece of paper over again carefully, "all of my classes." He chuckled a bit.
She rolled her eyes and grimaced, great…
Lunch had come quickly, which Gabriella was pleased about. She had met this great girl, Taylor; she seemed like a really nice person. She never usually met anyone worth while on the first day.
"I saw Troy Bolton looking at you…" Taylor said when they sat down at lunch.
"Great…" Gabriella responded nonchalantly.
"Don't you care…you are so lucky!"
"Hardly…he won't leave me alone."
"Gabi, you're a nerd," Taylor said bluntly.
"Gee, thanks."
Taylor didn't falter, "Troy Bolton does not go for nerdy chicks…only the ones who are easy sluts."
Gabriella was taken a back a little but responded, "Good for him because he's not getting me."
Just then, Troy came up behind her and asked, "…and why not?"
Gabriella was startled slightly, but she out in a tough face, "Because you only care about girls if their willing to have sex with you and I would never go out with the likes of you."
With that she got up and left the lunch table, and the bell rang. She inwardly sighed, another class will playboy Troy (AN: OMG that rhymes!--sorry back to the story).
Gabriella went through the rest of the day doing her best to avoid Troy, but failing miserably. He was in every one of her classes, and always volunteered to sit next to her or work with her. Annoying!
"Bye Gabi!" Troy called to her as she was leaving school.
She rolled her eyes and kept walking; there was no way she was going to turn around to look at Troy. Thank God he had basketball practice, or he might have tried to walk her home. Gabriella shuddered at the thought.
"Mom, I'm home!" Gabi shouted as she walked through the front door.
"Hi, how was you're first day?!" Her mom called back, in another room, out of Gabriella's sight.
Horrible! "Great!" Gabriella called feigning enthusiasm.
She went straight to her room, locked the door, and plopped down on her bed…This was going to be a long semester.
This idea was given to me by marebear11
Here are the rules: If you get it right, the chapter will be dedicated to you. I might not do it for every chapter. I will post the names of the ones that got it right. I will definitely post the answer in the next chapter. All of the questions have to do with the movie.
Ps-some of the questions are real easy, and others are harder.
#1. At lunch, right before the cafeteria starts to sing 'Stick to the Status Quo', we see Kelsi. What kind of fruit does she have?
Good Luck! If you have anything to ask me or tell me, tell me in a review or a Private message…I promise I will respond to you.