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![]() Author has written 8 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Game of Thrones, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Incredibles, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Frozen. Hello, My name is Triston X. Walls. The stories that I will be writing are not exactly for the audience. It's more for me per say. I remember the first book I ever read that I really loved was "I am number Four." And the first two books were mind-blowing, the story in general was dope. Any one who has read all the books, knows how it ends. I had an IMMENSE problem with the pairings. I hated it. Absolutely could not stand it. So I went on google and just typed in "John and Six Love." I remember seeing this fanfiction site thing, but I didn't click on it at first because I don't know. I just didn't. I finished all the books, and you better believe I will be rewriting each and every single one of them. Anyway, so a few years went by, and My English Teacher in my Sophomore year, told us we had to read a book and take a test online about it. I still wasn't crazy about reading at the time (I was one of those Anti reading books kids. Till I read I am Number four, then I was crazy about it,) but I decided to read the first Harry Potter Book. Loved it, and read the rest. By the end of the 7th book, I thought to myself "Well that's not fair. Harry and Cho never got a fair chance/start." So I searched google, and a story popped up where the writer did an amazing job of Blending in Cho Chang and Harry's moments together. It was called "Harry Potter and the Autumn Swan." And that's when I really discovered this incredible site. I could look up Favorites of mine that people wrote about, and with the pairings I was looking for. Although all the John and Six ones were about Sex or were just too short for comfort. But that's basically how I got into fanfiction. My main goal, or at least the way I am going to write stories where I follow the story line, is to stick as close to the story as possible, with my additions and little touches merged in there. And to keep the characters as true to their identity as possible. Not make Harry Potter a cocky douche. Or make books that I normally love into sex crazed stuff. Things to know about what will be in my stories: 1. Never anything Percabeth. I hate that pairing and will never read a story that is Percabeth, lest it is a multi pairing. 2. I will stay true to the character and their development. I don't want to start someone off being completely op and what not. 3. I will read, listen, and note all feedback, so long as it is towards making the next chapter, and all chapters that follow suit better. Like I said, my stories are for me to. 4. I will not rush a pairing. I prefer things to just happen naturally. Not Percy Jackson to just walk up to Artemis and confess his feelings towards her, and her instantly fall for the dude. 5. Not saying that there will be, but if the original story has cussing or whatever, I will dumb it down by a lot. I'm not a goodie goodie, but I want my works to be appropriate for most ages. That's pretty much it for how I write. Favorite Books: Percy Jackson, The Inheritance Cycle, I am number four, The Paladin Prophecy, Harry Potter, Attack on Titan Manga, Divergent Trilogy, Hunger Games, and others that I cant remember. Favorite Games: Mass Effect Trilogy (But 2 is my all time favorite, Andromeda was good, but it was also meh.) Destiny, All the Dragon Ages (Excited for 4 coming out) All the Assassin's Creed games except for Syndicate. The story was god awful. Halo, Skyrim Favorite Pairings: Perseus (Born a god)/Artemis and or Calypso. Perseus the son of Poseidon and Hera, or Poseidon and Hestia. Eragon is fine with Arya. John aka Four and Six. Mr. Frost got his pairings right in the Paladin Prophecy with Will and Elise. Harry Potter and Fleur Delacor. Eren and Krista/Historia. Hawke and Aveline. Commander Shepard and Miranda Lawson. Noble Six and Carolina. Anyway yeah, that's pretty much everything with me. |