Reviews for Open Your Eyes
edc0der chapter 16 . 7/13
I liked your story, but everything did seem a bit rushed. If further developed, it would be a really great story. Keep on writing.
EmperorGhoul chapter 16 . 5/18
Epilogue not prologue
Guest chapter 7 . 5/8
Binx ? Did you really forgot Crouch's elf name ?
Corneliusduke chapter 16 . 11/29/2019
Corneliusduke chapter 6 . 11/29/2019
Interesting, although I kind of despise the triwizard bs. It does seem that all Fleur/Harry center around it (99%) :(
Rodrick chapter 16 . 9/27/2019
It was amazing it was the best fanfiction I ever read.
Fudgeless chapter 4 . 3/24/2019
The writing is incredibly juvenile. It feels like I'm reading from the mind of a pre-teen who has watched too many cheap romance movies. Love at first sight? Really? I can't go any further.
Tenjo chapter 12 . 2/18/2019
Ugh yeah that was one straw too far. Draco and Hermione? Of all the pairings fanfiction writers could make, that is one of, if not, the worst. I’m not a fan of slash stories (to each their own) but I’d still be able to bare a slash story over a DraMione story (unless it was ridiculously AU in which their characters were different from the start ie a Draco who has vehemently refused to adhere to his father’s beliefs since he was a child.)
Tenjo chapter 11 . 2/18/2019
Then you, again for an unknown reason, alter a minor detail like the total amount of points that can be given. I’m not really enjoying this story with all of the pointless and the sometimes detrimental liberties you decide to take. Even the actual score was stupid (though I guess the same could be said there with canon).. in both your story and canon, Fleur should have gotten the most points, followed by either Cedric or Krum, since Krum showed much greater skill but also got his eggs destroyed, and lastly Harry who had a horrendously thought out plan that only used one fourth year spell, in other words it didn’t show his knowledge of magic, his resourcefulness or his rationality, it only showed off his flying skill.

Just because his plan worked doesn’t mean it was well thought out. Cedrics plan was better thought out but didn’t work well, it all came down to luck really. Or lack of luck. Whatever.
Tenjo chapter 11 . 2/18/2019
This story is playing to the same problem canon had.. none of the champions knew the task was to get past or distract the dragon, the more logical assumption would be trying to battle the dragon, yet every single one of them showed up with plans to distract or get past it. Harry’s plan had no offensive aspect and would actually put him at an extreme disadvantage had the task not miraculously been what they all prepared for, as he spent his entire time learning the summoning charm for a plan that anyone with half a brain would realise was utterly moronic against a dragon which he possibly had to battle.
Tenjo chapter 9 . 2/18/2019
You’re buggering the timeline for no apparent reason.. the story, is at best, skimming over the events. So there’s no reason to be changing the dates (for instance the delegates arrived roughly two months after the entrance feast, not two weeks, and the twins used the potion after the delegates arrived since the goblet was only open to entry after they arrived). Rather, that right there is a very good reason you SHOULDN’T have messed with the timeline because now you have an inconsistency. You also changed some irrelevant things which I honestly don’t understand why you felt the need to change as it had no causation or impact (such as making Bulgaria win).
WhiteElfElder chapter 16 . 1/25/2019
Story felt like it was on FFx1, but I enjoyed the concept.
TheFloristFriar chapter 1 . 10/22/2018
This seems like a great story so far, love the writing, but did you really do the whole "*record scratch* I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation. Well, it all started during the previous summer..."
MSU19 chapter 11 . 9/23/2018
The points would have been much higher. Each judge, in the book awarded the competitors on a scale of 0 to 10. So, unless they all failed, your scoring makes no sense.
Sam Hinkie chapter 16 . 5/8/2018
A meh story. Kinda cute but needs to be proofread. Pace is extraordinarily rushed.
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